The Zombie of Montclaire Moors Sculpture found via BBSpot:

By artist Alan Dickinson.

If this doesn’t scare your neighbors, nothing will!
We challenged noted British artist Alan Dickinson to create his most haunting image exclusively for Toscano—and he certainly delivered! Not for the faint of heart, Dickinson’s life-sized, gray-toned zombie will claw his way out of your garden plot or family room corner, pleading for assistance with the most lifelike eyes you’ve ever seen. His macabre expression is captured in such great detail in quality designer resin and finished so realistically that you’ll swear you can hear him breathing! Arrives in 3 pcs.

  1. jlm says:

    needs a voicebox that says “BRRRAAAAAINS!?”

  2. Miss_X2b says:

    I want one!!

  3. QB says:

    Every Sunday I have a parade of church ladies going past the house. Hmmmm…….

  4. Mac Guy says:

    Should’ve followed Adam West’s advice and buried the dead in cement.

  5. James Hill says:

    Well, that’s one way McCain could get elected.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    That’s me in the morning…

  7. Ron Larson says:

    Well actually, for hard core Christians, they might mistake this for the Rapture, when the dead rise to go to heaven.

    When I was at the Vatican Museum they had some art depicting the Rapture. And I could not help but think they were really zombies crawling out of the earth to eat brains.

  8. heh says:

    I agree with James, for sure. Caption could be “McCain! I’ll eat their brains so they will be on your level! Yummmm….gorf….Better eat more womens’ brains because they are way smarter than you think!”

  9. Mister Ketchup says:

    It think a better one would be legs sticking out of the ground with parachute cords and canopy laying there.

  10. prophet says:

    Now see what you have done! My wife is going to be pissed at SN that you have shown me this wonderful lawn ornament.

    I am going to buy three or four and have my own little zombie infestation!

    Such a conversation ice breaker at the backyard BBQs!

  11. ChrisMac says:

    Until you meet someone who has one of these.. This smells like ass. imho

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Place an unsuspecting evil garden gnome just in front and you’ve got a winner!


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