1. Seth says:

    I wonder when people in the U.S. will stop being so damn sensitive and we can see commercials like those in the states.

  2. admfubar says:

    the day the phrase ‘in god we trust’ comes off our currency

  3. barovelli says:

    ha ha. I once saw a young lady at a stoplight (solo driver) fondling the gearshift on her car like she was practicing.

    Told my son later in life to get a girlfriend that can drive a clutch and she will make him happy . .

  4. IdanH14 says:

    Seth, it would be the day there’s no religion on Earth.

  5. peter_m says:

    Ok you cranky & horny geeks… this thing is old news! Get off the net and get a real sex life…

  6. @ #4

    Amen to that.

  7. Brian says:

    4-I have to disagree…obviously these places where commercials like this exist have religions.

    The ‘morality’ problems that exist in the US are perplexing…its ok to show people getting killed, but sex acts are looked down upon. It’s odd, and I don’t think religion is to blame (though it is to blame for a LOT of issues).

  8. MrRat says:

    I think I’m in love


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