Warning: NSFW

  1. monkeyboy says:

    Hilarious. That futuristic sandwich is fat-free, right? LOL 🙂

  2. chuck says:

    If you don’t like the food,
    quit eating at McDonald’s you fat f*cks!!

  3. The End Times are near…..

  4. QB says:

    I can’t wait till they do Walmart.

  5. doug says:

    the really sick thing is that the sandwich would probably be pretty good, if you got it someplace besides McDonalds …

  6. eyeofthetiger says:

    There is quite a couple few producers for such an improvised video. A futuristic sandwich from McDonald’s would need to have more fiber or at least come with mud flaps.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – QB – I can’t wait till they do Walmart.

    Those guys are definitely Walmart customers. Bitching about everything and want it cheap, cheap, cheap… and then bitching that there are no jobs that pay a decent salary anymore.

  8. clio says:

    Mockey D’s intends to roll out all day breakfast, perhaps this is initial marketing ploy.

  9. internets says:

    Wow wherever they are is futuristic… 11 a.m. breakfast end time? Swiss cheese? Here in Canada breakfast ends at 10:30 and it’s American cheese or nothing. Also, chicken selects?! Damn our inferior fast food selections.

  10. Grandpa says:

    That’s funny shit. Musta cum frum eatin too much MickeyD shit.

  11. deowll says:

    These walking tubs of lard need to miss more than a few meals before they drop dead and get their mouths washed out with soap and and water.

  12. Noel says:

    As bothered as they seem to be, they don’t look like the have had too much trouble forcing down the regular McDonalds menu all these years leading up to their recent revelation.

  13. Badcam says:

    As they said “Buy that Shit! Eat that Shit! Shit that Shit!”.

  14. slapped your mother says:

    honey mustard is super-awesome


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