1. QB says:

    Now that has got to be the coolest thing I’ve seen all week.

  2. BubbaRay says:

    That is amazing! I’ve seen a flock about 1/4 that size turn into a whirlpool and disappear down a neighbor’s chimney. I phoned and asked, “Is your flue closed?” He answered, “Sure.” “OK, don’t light a fire.”

    Where did a thousand starlings land inside a large brick chimney?

  3. hhopper says:

    It’s magic!

  4. iDN says:

    “This kind of perfection of movement in nature is irreducibly complex, therefore, God exists”.
    Oh, come on religious fanatics, say it out loud!

  5. admfubar says:

    ah synchronized bird pooping…… i woulda ‘ducked’ when the went overhead… i could only imagine them letting loose as they fly over…
    on a lighter note… i had a flock of simonized starlings many years ago… their flying what brilliant….


  6. FirstTimeCaller says:

    Ok. That’s pretty cool, but I’m not sure synchronized is the correct term. Birds move in relation to each other, so they appear to move as a unit. Calling it synchronized is like calling a waterfall a synchronized collection of water droplets.

  7. prophet says:

    Years ago, a guy using Visual Basic 6, of all things, proved it was just a function of math. The birds have three simple rules that they follow at all times:

    1. I must be at least x distance away from any other bird in the flock

    2. I must never be more than y distance away from any neighboring bird.

    3. When I move, it must be in the average directional heading of my local neighbors.

    The program was called vbBoid, but apparently the source code is no longer available.

    Here is a page that describes some research that was done in the late 80’s:

  8. BertDawg says:

    To a bird, that must be the equivalent to being on a Harley in the middle of 200+ Harleys, heading up the PCH mildly high on weed.

  9. Reminds me of the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie- “The Birds”
    How scary

  10. M0les says:

    Here in Australia, our most ancient immigrants developed the function of throwing a bent stick into such a flock to generate “dinner”. Although I think in this case it’s generate “all you can eat buffet”.


  11. Paddy-O says:

    Interesting. The movement characteristics are very similar to a large school of fish.

  12. deowll says:

    Ulra cool as long as that flock isn’t nesting anywhere near my house.


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