Click for video – WARNING: NSFW

A stripper who danced on the poles of Santiago subway trains to challenge the prudishness of Chilean society has been arrested during one of her lightning performances.

Monserrat Morilles, 26, surprised subway riders all week stripping to skimpy underwear, but she refused tips.

She said she was protesting a lack of tolerance in Chile, one of Latin America’s most conservative societies where the first generation since the Pinochet dictatorship is reaching adulthood.

“This is just a beginning. We are starting an idea here that will grow and be developed further,” she told Reuters as police and subway guards surrounded her.

I’d be happy just to have mass transit. I could commute without exciting entertainment.

  1. MotaMan says:

    Maybe that’s how we should get Americans on mass transit.

  2. The Don says:

    If that kind of content is considered to be ‘Not safe for work’, then we really are in trouble. I could understand it if someone swore, but that was shown on daytime television news.

  3. bobbo says:

    I’d be happy just to have this energetic free spirit at home. Then I wouldn’t want to commute.

  4. Daniel says:

    More amazing to me… Chile has a subway??!?

  5. deowll says:

    The secret for life in the city is going to be good cheap mass transite. Either that or the problems with electric cars is going to get sovled, cheap and effective batteries/capaciters will be for sale.

    At $8 or more a gallon I don’t think most people are going to be able to keep on doing things they way they have in the past.

    Sure there is plenty of oil still in the ground but getting it out isn’t going to be cheap and we and Europe aren’t the only ones that get to use it any more.

    Pole dancers are optional.

  6. god says:

    #2 – you obviously don’t work in a corporate environment. Dickens would be considered exotic reading matter.

  7. gerbosan says:

    May be if you stop living under a rock, you’ll notice more things.

    Wondering if Chile’s society will grow to be like Spanish one. Woooo!!

  8. Stephanie says:

    “Body is kinda average”?!?!?!

    Since when did this turn into a forum about what she looks like rather than what she did?

    Maybe in Chile the men are more for the ‘real’ look rather than some tanorexic fake boobed bimbos. She was stripping for political reasons rather than an 8 ball.

    You are a moron.

  9. QB says:

    #9 Oh come one, Stephanie! Pedro is a God. Here he is in 1987:

  10. Personality says:

    #10. Now that was uncalled for.
    #7. She is attractive.

  11. GregAllen says:

    >> Daniel said, on July 12th, 2008 at 1:54 am
    >> More amazing to me… Chile has a subway??!?

    When I travel, I’m often surprised how some developing countries have BETTER mass transit than most American cities.

    Damn the anti-tax conservatives who been blocking infrastructure development ever since Reagan.

  12. #9 – Stephanie

    Pedro is gay. Don’t pay any attention to him. He hates all women.

  13. QB says:


    “#10. Now that was uncalled for.”

    Yes, I am going to hell.

  14. GregAllen says:

    >> Mister Mustard said, on July 12th, 2008 at 8:10 am
    >> #9 – Stephanie
    >> Pedro is gay. Don’t pay any attention to him. He hates all women.

    I’m having that discussion in the other post about the Colombian women who posed naked.

    I honestly believe this: guys who are too picky about women are unwittingly outing themselves.

    Totally straight guys are not very picky.

    Of course we have our preferences but most women are interesting to us, except for some extreme exceptions.

    This is actually something I think some women don’t understand. They think a few extra pounds or some other flaw will make turn the guys off.

    Not the straight ones.

  15. James Hill says:

    #15 – Quite possibly the deepest thinking ever on this blog. Well done.

  16. GregAllen says:


    I thought about this a lot when I was in school.

    Some of my friends were such jerks about the girl’s looks.

    Later I figured out that those same guys had pretty serious sexual issues.

  17. QB says:

    pedro! Did you get your iPhone 3G activated yet? 😉

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–Greg==I think you have part of the curve figured out==the gay “end” of things, but the other end has eluded you.

    Every swinging dick is just not the same, and the polymorphous pansexuality of the male sex has many degrees of perversity.

    When in boot camp, the military would not march us when it was raining. Drill Sargent said they lost too many men to guys fucking mud puddles.

    So–I think normal,healthy straight men do have some beauty standards when it comes to the women, the mud puddles, and the goats they take to bed. Its why god created beer.

    I had a work mate once who was married to a real fat ugly woman making the one in this thread a beauty. He used to laugh saying she appreciated his attention like no one else he had ever been with. Everything was fine until she caught him screwing the family dog.

    I’d be careful what you call straight.

  19. Enrique says:

    Come on…. “A stripper who danced on the poles of Santiago subway trains to challenge the prudishness of Chilean society has been arrested during one of her lightning performances.”

    The only thing that she was doing was advertisement for her…

    I a man from Chile, living in Santiago, user of the subway and there is no way that she could be a GOOD stripper in Chile. Come we also got standards.

    I think that non public transportation in the world need strippers to “protest”.

    (to the moron that was surprise that we had a subway… you know where in the word is Chile?…without using internet to answer)

  20. Special Ed says:

    Pickiness is directly proportional to the number of beers you’ve had.

    1- 2 beers – picky
    2 – 4 beers – looking
    5 – 6 beers – ooh yeah
    12 beers – 18 to 80, blind, crippled or crazy. If I can fit her in the back of my truck, she’s going home with me. If she’s really a pig, flips through the folds until you find the one that smells and then go back one.

  21. Judge Jewdy says:

    I’m OCD. Think of all the filthy hands that have been on the pole.

  22. #15 – Mr Allen

    >>Totally straight guys are not very picky.

    Heh heh heh. If you’d ever ben a “totally straight guy” (or even known one), you would know different.

    You are so totally outing yourself. You are in such a deep hole, I’m not even sure that suggesting that you stop digging would be helpful.

    From your posts so far, the only thing we can ascertain is that you’re a hormonally-driven 12-year-old that would fuck a picnic table. Or else a gay guy who doesn’t really understand the heterosexual lifestyle.

    Woo hoo!~

  23. Who says:

    #25 – The only way he’ll know for sure is if he is gay is his buddies dick tastes like shit.

  24. #20 – Bobbo

    >>Greg==I think you have part of the curve
    >>figured out==the gay “end” of things

    Fuckin’ A right. For once, I agree with you, Bobbo. Mr. Allen has the gay “end” of things in a vice grip. Woo! Does he ever!

  25. Stephanie says:

    Did QB just Rickroll me? I am surprised that that word didn’t get in Miriam Websters like fanboy did!!!

    Oh Pedro, I just feel bad that looks are on the top of your importance list. Sure, I can’t totally disregard someone’s outward appearance myself but I could see hot guy with shit for brains and he suddenly becomes completely unattractive. The same flip happens when I see an “average” guy who is really smart and witty… I become more attracted.

    And what kind of curves can you tell that she has or doesn’t have given that short clip? I would love to see one of your “curvy” girls flip on that pole and slide down to break their neck because they have no skills. I don’t care who you are, that girl had some awesome skills on the pole. That makes her f’n rock!

    If you paid attention (which tells me my level of attractiveness to you), she was protesting the prudish government regime of Chile, it wasn’t only nudity.

    I hate your face. 😉


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