Should we start calling him ‘MisStep McCain’? Perhaps we all are getting too accustomed to his fumbles. This article details 10 of them (with lots of links and videos) made just this week alone. Why have we barely heard of them if at all? Since detailing policy is too daunting for mainstream media sound bites, shouldn’t the press be at least focusing on if this guy is Presidential material?

The Week That Should Have Ended McCain’s Presidential Hopes

This is the week that should have effectively ended John McCain’s efforts to become the next president of the United States. But you wouldn’t know it if you watched any of the mainstream media outlets or followed political reporting in the major newspapers.

During this past week: McCain called the most important entitlement program in the U.S. a disgrace, his top economic adviser called the American people whiners, McCain released an economic plan that no one thought was serious, he flip flopped on Iraq, joked about the deaths of Iranian citizens, and denied making comments that he clearly made — TWICE. All this and it is not even Friday! Yet watching and reading the mainstream press you would think McCain was having a pretty decent political week, I mean at least Jesse Jackson didn’t say anything about him.

There was an article a while ago that seemed too loony at the time that the Repub leaders plan on not nominating McCain at the convention if it seemed that Obama was too far in front. Replace him with someone who could win. Could this plan be real and McCain is helping it?

As if American politics needs to get any weirder than usual.

  1. Personality says:

    Don’t worry. When Jon Stewart gets back next week, he will point them all out.

  2. Noam Sane says:

    When one black man says something about another black man, that’s news! When Saint McCain shits the bed, the lapdog media brings him a donut with sprinkles, and some coffee – cream and sugar.

  3. Dom says:

    Uh appearently someone’s been getting to much news from huffington lately, don’t worry this goes both ways they’ve ignored several of Obama slip ups not to mention some of his off the way views, which have conventiently changed. Don’t get me wrong McCain is scum too but atleast be honest enough to know that it goes both ways!!!! Also if you thought Bush couldn’t talk his way out of a paper bag look for Obama slip up’s on You Tube, on a plus side if he gets elected we’ll get to see how honest Jon Stewart and the like are. We’ll see if they can laugh at their own party.

  4. Get A. Clue says:

    So…the liberal press is taking it easy on the republican…uh huh….right.

    McCain will answer questions impromptu at any time. Oblaba only gives empty prepared speeches.

    We should elect our leaders on their principals, and as far as I can tell only one candidate has any.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    Umm, historically, Republicans have never been big supporters of New Deal programs. Why should a Liberal blogger on “The Huffington Post” be surprised by this?

  6. GregAllen says:

    I went to a Fourth of July parade up in Washington State and when the Obama people came by there was hooting, hollering, Samba dancing, etc.

    Then the McCain guy came by — an old geezer in a pick up truck.

    No kidding…. it was DEAD SILENCE. Not a peep. My kind liberal self couldn’t stand it — so I let out a “whoo hoo!” just out of pity for the guy.

    I was literally the only voice among hundreds of people. John McCain — one pity whoo hoo.

  7. Improbus says:

    The MSM is beyond redemption. If I want to know where our corporate masters want us to do now I just turn on CNN or pick up a USAToday. I yearn for a source of news that is not beholden to corporate interests. Are there any good “open source” news sites out there? By “open source” I mean a site that has news reported by independent amateur reporters from around the world. Anyone?

  8. GigG says:

    # 7 Untrained personally biased is not in any way better than what we have now. At least now you can consider the source.

  9. JimD says:

    Hey, the Media is just trying (desperately) to keep the pot boiling !!! Otherwise the election will just be a CORONATION OF OBAMA !!! McBush AIN’T GONNA BE PRES, NOT NO WAY, NOT NO HOW !!! But the Media will keep BEATING A DEAD HORSE, TRYING TO DRUM US SOME CONTROVERSY !!! It’s what they do !!!

  10. RTaylor says:

    McCain would be a too reactive President, and Obama would likely withdraw force projection too soon and make a bad situation worse. As usual American politics is an activity in deciphering the least of the two evils. The West can’t allow Islamic Fundamentalist superpowers. It would be suicide. And that choice will not come without pain.

  11. Improbus says:


    I disagree, the MSM tells you only what they want you to hear. Some news just doesn’t get reported in the United States. Is this how living in China feels?

  12. #4 – Mr. Clue

    >>We should elect our leaders on their principals, and
    >>as far as I can tell only one candidate has any.

    Exactly! Go Obama! ¡Si se puede!

    In spite of the soft-ball treatment that the MSM gives the right wing, truth and justice will prevail this year. “President Obama”. Got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

  13. Cinaedh says:

    I don’t understand how this gets treated like another meaningless, partisan mudslinging match.

    To be kind and understanding, let’s say the man ‘misremembers the truth’ in his waning years. It doesn’t have anything to do with him being a Republican or a Democrat.

    The question is, do you want a very old man, who ‘misremembers the truth’ to be the President, whatever his political affiliation?

    To try and be fair, this week Obama has pretty well established the fact he’s also just another fucking politician — so much for “change we can believe in”.

    What a grand choice!

  14. #4 Get A. Clue,

    So…the liberal press is taking it easy on the republican…uh huh….right.

    What fucking liberal media? There isn’t any! The media is completely ignoring all of the problems with McBush.

    If you want to read “liberal media” you have to go to publications that really report news like this Mother Jones article that asks the extremely valid question of why McBush would hire one of the key players in the destruction of our economy as the person to fix the problems he created.

    Of, you could just watch raw video of McBush contradicting himself again and again and again.

    Duh….Get A. Clue, you really should get a fucking clue!

  15. the answer says:

    Yeah I was stupid enough to leave my tv on Fox ( simply because it’s on channel 3 and so is my dvd player and Wii ) And when i had it on, it was nothing but a slanderous attack on Obama’s wife, and two McCain ads right after that. Have you no shame? And if you do hide it better.

    Remember this is a man who says he’s for the country when less then a month ago he got caught not paying house taxes for 4 years on 7 of his properties. And insisted on visiting a flooded area to campaign and demanding the cops stop helping with the flood problem,a nd guard his fat ass.

  16. jescott418 says:

    God help us, because nether McCain or Obama can solve our economic woes. I am sure they will tell plenty of lies to get into office. But as it stands Congress still passes the laws and legislation. Most of which has been so watered down to get passed (if it ever does) that it does little good. Unless of course we plan to make changes to allow for a dictator.
    I don’t see how the president is going to make things better anytime soon.

  17. MikeN says:

    I just looked at the Social Security link, where the guy says from the video, it’s obvious that McCain is off his rocker. All I saw is that the commenter doesn’t understand Social Security.
    He gets a question from a young person about how her generation doesn’t think Social Security will be there for them, and McCain says,’Some straight talk, SS won’t be there when you retire at current levels unless we fix it. Money that you pay in taxes goes to pay current benefits. It’s an absolute disgrace. Here’s how we fix it…’

  18. soundwash says:

    -its quite obvious that the major media is payed

  19. atmusky says:

    I am not a big fan of McCain, but the fact that he is willing to admit the social security as it is currently structured is not sustainable is a good thing. The current structure only works if you have allot of workers relative to the number of people collecting the benefits. There will come a time in the not to distant future when our current system will fail – unless of course someone figures out how to radically increase the number of younger workers paying into it.

  20. Sea Lawyer says:

    #20, there’s a reason why schemes likes these are largely illegal outside of the government implementing them.

  21. KevinL says:

    Wow! The tribe is getting nervous and it’s only July. It’s okay. I’m sure Obama (or however the convention picks) will win in Novemeber and everything will be fine.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    #21 – Yep, ponzi scheme. But what’d expect from a
    crim pol like FDR?

  23. Hmeyers says:

    Answer: Because McCain is boring and his name doesn’t sell newspapers.

  24. ArianeB says:

    Obama “flip flopping” is a LIE of the CONSERVATIVE press. Saying something over and over does not make it true.

    I do not know one issue that he has completely changed his mind on, when I can think of SEVERAL key issues that McCain has flipped on. Just go to for a list.

    Go ahead and try to tell me Obama has flip-flopped on Iraq. I DARE YOU. The Press has been caught in a web of lies on that issue.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #25 “I do not know one issue that he has completely changed his mind on,”

    How ’bout voting yes on FISA with telecom immunity so it becomes law?

  26. Improbus says:

    #25 “I do not know one issue that he has completely changed his mind on,”


  27. MikeN says:

    So Hillary voted no on this. If the primaries had been winner take all, and Hillary were the nominee, do you think both of their votes would have been different?

  28. MikeN says:

    #25, on Iraq, he said his first day in office he would call the Joint Chiefs into his office and declare we are getting out of Iraq. Now he says he’ll let them tell him what to do.

  29. RTaylor says:

    We’re not leaving Iraq because we can’t. We destabilized the region so we have to baby sit a few decades to keep Iraq’s friendly neighbors contained. I doubt we can do that because of the lack of resolve and our allies running for cover. There is no good end game to this cluster f**k.

  30. John Paradox says:

    MikeN said
    #25, on Iraq, he said his first day in office he would call the Joint Chiefs into his office and declare we are getting out of Iraq.


    Now he says he’ll let them tell him what to do.




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