Taken at the entrance to a “beautification” project in DuBai. Work being done by the Bin Ladin Construction Company.

From one of a series of Funny Signs.

  1. solafa says:

    The Bin Laden family have a huge construction company in the middle east, it is not strange to see projects being built by them.


  2. admfubar says:

    ther is also a bin ladin deconstruction company that is trying to go world wide………….

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Here’s another funny sign:
    [The lavishly-furnished custom Boeing 727 airliner (727PX) which ferried Senator John McCain on four occasions during his Presidential run in 2000 also flew Saudi Royals out of the U.S. right after 9/11, carrying an entourage of Saudi Royals from Las Vegas to London six days after the 9/11 attack in a controversial operation later scrutinized by the 9/11 Commission. ] http://tinyurl.com/5exvjd

  4. JimD says:

    I will bet DOLLARS TO DOUGHNUTS that Osama is sitting pretty in the Bin Laden Family Compound in Ryadh right now !!! And he was OUT OF AFGAHANISTAN ***BEFORE*** 9/11 !!! So, all our troops charging up and down the mountains are WASTING THEIR TIME AND ENERGY AND OUR MONEY LOOKING FOR OSAMA IN AFGAHNISTAN !!! It is just amazing that THE WORLD’S ONLY SUPER-POWER (IN THE NEO-CONS FONDEST WET-DREAM) CAN’T FIND ONE SIX FOOT SIX INCH ARAB WHO NEEDS DIALYSIS SEVERAL TIMES PER WEEK !!! Despite having the resources of the PENTAGON, CIA, FBI, NAS, DHS, BLACKWATER, AND WHO KNOWS HOW MANY OTHER “BLACK” ORGANZIATIONS WE MERE CITIZENS HAVE NEVER HEARD OF !!! I would think that finding this target, Osama, would be something out of GUMSHOE 101, and not a “MYSTERY”

  5. green says:

    The company is working towards being able to build cities on demand wherever needed. The US blows it off the map and the bin ladin company rebuilds it for the pale replacements.


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