This is about as good of a basic explanation regarding the Enron loophole and the bogus prices we are paying for gasoline as any I’ve seen. Olbermann, of course, manages to twist things in such a way that McCain is at fault despite the fact that he is one of the very few Senators that voted against the loophole when it was introduced. Be that as it may he did credit a Republican for bringing to light the loophole and hinting that none of this would have happened if Clinton was paying attention.
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All of those money numbers are different because there are no listeners for liberal talk radio, partly because NPR steals their audience with taxpayer funds.
#27–Ah Yea==normally I won’t go on a fishing expedition to prove someone else’s assertions, but since I an interested in any lying talking head, I did it.
What a confusing mish-mash. I didn’t realize there was such an anti-Olby industry out there. I assume the same exists for every personality? I’m showing my liberal roots by not having lowered myself to personality bashing.
I tried to follow about 5 Olby Lies and it was a combination of someone just saying something was a lie with no explanation as to what the lie was, with Maddow being the actual speaker.
One I did get was Obly defending Rosie ODonnell saying “Who are the terrorists” regarding 650,000 dead Irans after our invasion. Many in the media said she was referring to our troops. Olby said she was referring to Bush and not the troops. In my mind, she was referring to BOTH Bush and the Troops and maybe even the American People? Now, on the View where that statement was made, the conservative chick made a valid comment–how many of the deaths were Iraqi’s on Iraqi’s?
Well, Rosie never said who she was referring to so everybody had their “opinion” on what she meant.
Fact vs Opinion.
So I say again===what factual lies are you referring to?
#34–Me re Ay Yea–sorry you did say Olby lied about making McCain responsible for the Enron Loophole even though McCain voted against it? My take is that Olby was referring to McCain’s vote against closing the Enron Loophole. So, its worse than normal in that McCain flip-flopped to support oil speculators (the position of his adisor “its all in your whining minds” Graham)and indeed is responsible to that degree.
So, specificity on just what the lie is rather than blind allegations coupled with “look it up” is warranted.
#9 & #11–JCD==Maddow is an Ann-Coulter doppelganger? Nice turn of phrase but completely wrong?
I take your meaning to be that Maddow is the liberal version of the conservative Ann-Coulter? What is Ann-Coulter’s signature trait that makes her unique and subject to doppelganger status? Coulter is uniquely nasty and hate filled tweaking her sale of books by making argumentative statements and allegations (not all of them wrong by the way, and she more misquoted than most other people as well). I don’t see that in Maddow at all. As you say, she is old school progressive.
Maybe you are thinking of Michelle Malkin, who is more of a wanna-be?
Olberman makes no pretense about his feelings. What he does do though is research his material for accuracy. Something his opposites seldom do.
McCaim built himself a reputation as an independent that supports the common man. Here, as elsewhere, Olberman has shown McCain has signed a deal with the devil in order to be elected.
Yet again, John, you didn’t watch the whole report before writing about it…
Vote for “NONE OF THE ABOVE” for president..
#9 Mr. Dvorak what does your ad hominem attack on Rachel Maddow have to do with the story you yourself posted. How does this comment illuminate readers about McCain, gas prices and the Enron loophole?