This is about as good of a basic explanation regarding the Enron loophole and the bogus prices we are paying for gasoline as any I’ve seen. Olbermann, of course, manages to twist things in such a way that McCain is at fault despite the fact that he is one of the very few Senators that voted against the loophole when it was introduced. Be that as it may he did credit a Republican for bringing to light the loophole and hinting that none of this would have happened if Clinton was paying attention.

  1. MikeN says:

    Since when did Olbermann get this bald head?

  2. McCullough says:

    John how dare you ‘shop our hero!!

  3. Paddy-O says:

    Good thing MSNBC is giving McCain a free ride! LOL. Olbermann is so rabidly biased he doesn’t even attempt to hide it.

  4. James Hill says:

    #2 – Your hero? How pathetic. No wonder I destroy you and your kind with ease.

  5. #4 – Jimmy

    It’s always nice to read a comment from one of the Living Dead.

    You have been destroyed for so long, you don’t even qualify for mummy status.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So, #3 and #4…what part of Olbermann’s story is wrong?

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    When I first saw people wearing “EAT THE RICH” T-shirts back in the ’70s, I thought that was kind of extreme, but as time goes on it seems to make more and more sense.

    I cannot express how weird that makes me feel…

  8. lou says:

    Rolled steel is gone from $600 a ton to $1200 a ton in the last year.
    The funny thing is there is no traders in rolled steel.
    Why has rolled steel gone up ?
    It’s not the traders. It’s demand.
    Same as oil,Nat gas,corn,wheat,soybeans. I could go down the list of everthing that we need.

  9. As a student of broadcast media, I’d say that right now if there was a face-off between Olbermann and O’Reilly, Olbermann would eventually win. His show is slicker, better produced and just looks more professional and objective. This is despite the fact that he is over-the-top with his slant. Worse than O’Reilly. But O’Reilly looks dated and his glibness is not working any more. That said, I’m not sure where Olbermann’s producers are going with his substitute host the fast-talking Ann Coulter doppelganger Rachel Maddow from Air America. We all know that the big ratings will come the day she matches up with Coulter.


    She is incredibly reminiscent of and looks like many of the crackpot characters played by Cathy Jones on the Canadian TV Show, “This Hour has 22-Minutes.”


  10. Paddy-O says:

    #9 – I haven’t seen or heard Maddow. I did listen to Air America for a while. Most their hosts were
    terrible. If she’s of the same ilk, she’ll be gone pretty quickly.

  11. Paddy, she came along with her Coulter-style (Dem version) and took over the place and now moves up the ladder. She’s a Stanford grad, from Castro Valley and is openly gay and apparently an old-fashioned progressive. I cannot be sure but I think she gets her haircut from the same guy who does Conan O’Brien. Once she gets enough air-time she’ll be cranking out books on what’s wrong with America.

  12. bobbo says:

    Two congressmen were just on the tube regarding our gas crises.

    Dumbledick said “If we had a magic wand, we would use it.”

    Dumblewad said “The democrats won’t let us drill for oil.”

    Rest in Peace USA, RIP.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    I was just reminiscing about how much bashing I got for calling out Olbermann as the worst hack in broadcast media.

    Yes, you might say that Rush and Hannity are just as bad, and you would be dead wrong. Rush and Hannity are more like con men who sweet talk you while picking your pocket, while Olbermann is the crook who robs you at gunpoint.

    So I stand by what I said. Olbermann is the worse hack in broadcast media. He is so bombastic, in your face, and over the top that anyone with a sound mind cannot swallow his diatribes.

    It’s one thing to spin, which Rush does with excellence. It’s another thing altogether to outright lie and present it as truth, as Olbermann does.

    The only people who don’t see this are those who willingly suspend reason to become his unquestioning acolytes.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    John, I’ll have to check her out and watch. Maybe, they can get her & Ann in the ring for a wrestling match. LOL.

  15. DieFundie says:


    Coulter? Doable? She’s a hideous zombie with an adam’s apple. Eeew.

  16. drabguy says:

    As a bald guy, I’m not offended that KO has been photoshop’d as hairless, and I’d guess he couldn’t care less. But geez, John, grow up!

  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    #14, Olbermann is a Liberal, and at least he doesn’t make any attempt to hide it, so what are you going to do? The thing that I absolutely despise about him though is how smug he is because he seems to think he is the most clever guy in the room.

  18. bobbo says:

    #14–Ah Yea–a lie? I watch him all the time. He and O’Reilly seem to both claim their shows beat the other by far, so someone is lying==but I so don’t care so I don’t count that. I also cringe sometimes at this “Special Comment” but his facts are accurate, only his opinion thereon is liberal.

    What lies are you thinking of? Lies==not opinions.

  19. Personally it’s good to see both sides of the debate have their shills on TV. The Dems have made no inroads on the radio from what I can tell.

  20. MikeN says:

    I think you’re right that Olbermann has the better show on technical grounds. People swear by Bill O’Reilly and think he is the greatest, then stop watching after a few years.
    Olbermann’s special comments and Worst Person in the World’s are just hilarious.

  21. eyeofthetiger says:

    Haha, I love Vegas. No card counters allowed.

  22. edwinrogers says:

    #22. And, The House, always wins.

  23. Dr Dodd says:

    #9 John C Dvorak
    “Olbermann is more professional and objective. This is despite the fact that he is over-the-top with his slant.”

    Except for maybe Mustard, how can anyone be objective with an over-the-top slant?

  24. shizzaq says:

    Number 24 you misquoted John. What he said was “His show is slicker, better produced and just looks more professional and objective. This is despite the fact that he is over-the-top with his slant.”

  25. Ah_Yea says:

    Bobbo, “his facts are accurate”??!!

    “Olbermann, of course, manages to twist things in such a way that McCain is at fault despite the fact that he is one of the very few Senators that voted against the loophole”. This is a lie all by itself.

    Want more?
    Try this. Google “Olbermann lies”

  26. brendal says:

    #21 “Personally it’s good to see both sides of the debate have their shills on TV. The Dems have made no inroads on the radio from what I can tell.”

    I remember back around ’89 or ’90, Tom Leykis had a top spot in the SoCal radio heap. At the time he was left of center. I haven’t seen anyone of his ilk rise to that level here since. Maybe a different demo. Drive time is dominated by right wing. Maybe less left wingers drive to work, or, they work from home?

  27. Dr Dodd says:

    #25 shizzaq

    What’s the difference? The show is Olbermann, so it would be impossible for the show to be objective and not Olbermann.

    It is just as impossible to be objective and present the material with an over-the-top slant.

    So I guess we can conclude that with an over-the-top-slant – Olbermann is not objective.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    #28, Brendal. Nope, that’s not it. The reason, and only reason why Right Wing talk prevails is because it is profitable.

    That’s right, the Right Wing dominates talk radio because those who advertise on Right Wing radio stations make much more money on their ads than those who advertise on Left Wing stations.

    That’s why Rush can get a $400,000,000 dollar contract and Air America files bankruptcy.

    That’s also why “equal time” is such a farce. It’s all about money and Liberal talk radio isn’t profitable.

  29. Dr Dodd says:

    #30 Ah_Yea
    “It’s all about money and Liberal talk radio isn’t profitable.”

    All of your reason are correct and to add one more – most normal people don’t want to hear their country bashed for hours on end as in often found on liberal talk radio.

    Advertisers certainly don’t see it in their best interest to have their product associated with it.

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    #31, Exactly right.


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