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Here are more pics of this mess. Thanks to Erik the Bruce for finding them.
Update: Site appears to have been deleted.
Update: Photos here, thanks to Jägermeister.
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Here are more pics of this mess. Thanks to Erik the Bruce for finding them.
Update: Site appears to have been deleted.
Update: Photos here, thanks to Jägermeister.
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WTF? How was that roof actually standing if it came down that easy?! It looks like a stiff wind would’ve brought it down. If not, that’s a seriously sturdy camper.
Interesting how the side of the truck just sheers off while the camper hardly takes any damage.
Instant death?
I drove off once with the pump still attached to my car. I felt pretty stupid.
That would be worse.
I’m speechless. Even after watching it a few times.
#3 I did the same thing once when I was 18 years old.
However the “worse thing” was when the police officer showed up for the accident report. The first thing he did, as he exited his cruiser, was he started to light a cigarette. (There was gas all over the ground because it was before the mandatory break-away hoses)
#1–FFS==I agree. Yet I not the perpendicular force with lots of leverage on the vertical posts? Maybe even strong wind gets more evenly distributed or something?
Since we are all experts on the physics/construction of this thing, looks like another controlled demolition to me.
Lets get the truthers to look at this obvious violation of common sense.
Looks like what occurred to a freeway in the bay area during the Loma Prieta quake. Very little ability to withstand sheer or lateral Gs.
I don’t think the driver should be up for the prestigious Darwin Award. This looks like something that could happen to anyone. He wasn’t trying to drive directly under the shelter. It looks like his trailer just caught a little because of his miscalculations.
Well hopefully it killed em quick. The roof of the cab hit the floor of he cab, he definitely didn’t survive that one..
What is this location??
Even gas stations have a Min height of 13-17 feet.
BANK?? could be.
And a side location to go around…
This ISNT designed for anything, except CARS…
And a driver that doesnt know the HEIGHT of his trailer, IS STUPID..
Thank you Uncle Dave , that will make the rest of this sh&%$y Friday go by faster while at work.
And yes, that guy deserved what happened to him, sorry. If I was dumb enough to try and drive a camper around a bank drive thru, I’d deserve to get squished too.
@ #8 Very good find.
@9 The Monster’s Lawyer
I disagree. He was going too quickly. If he wasn’t used to driving with that thing he should’ve been crazy/cautious. If he was used to driving with that thing he should’ve been better at the calculations.
Poor spatial comprehension.
“Somehow he was able to unbuckle the seat beat and exit the other side of his truck as it was falling”
“…the driver of the Dodge, Mickey Miller, of Garrison and his 10 year old son were able to exit their vehicle uninjured.”
From Erik the Bruce’s link above
I’ve often observed that pickup-truck drivers, when towing something (like a camper or trailer), drive as if completely unaware that they are towing anything.
I guess they’re so used to driving the truck without the trailer they don’t think about the extra height or weight when they have a trailer.
#8 Thanks for the link. It’s good to know that no one was seriously injured.
Damn lucky no one else was under that POS. Seems that the engineers, contractors and local inspectors have more to answer for than the driver. If, and that’s a big “IF”, the structure was built to code, those codes obviously need to be reexamined and modified to assume that accidents like this happen — which they do. Everyday! #8’s link has some good pics that show how badly this overhang was put together.
This is what happens when someone with a regular car license drives a combination vehicle. It is a recipe for disaster. Too bad the driver made it out alive.
The story link does not work anymore 🙁
Truck/Travel Trailer Crashes Texas State Bank- July 2, 2008
At approximately 3 PM, Tuesday, July 2, a 2008 Dodge Ram 2500, pulling a new travel trailer, hit the corner of the Texas State Bank Drive-In on Tenaha Street, causing the complete awning to come to the ground. Luckily, the driver of the Dodge, Mickey Miller, of Garrison and his 10 year old son were able to exit their vehicle uninjured.
According to Miller he was circling the bank to park on the other side when the corner of his travel trailer caught the corner of the bank awning. Next thing he heard was a rumble as the awning started falling against his driver’s side door. Somehow he was able to unbuckle the seat beat and exit the other side of his truck as it was falling.
Source: ShelbyCountyToday.com
Not that it matters, but there is no way he unbuckled a seat belt in that time. He wasn’t wearing one. Its probably a case of someone feeling guilty about a large crime or incident and lying about a insignificant action because they want to be seen as perfect except for the big crime or accident.
Something similar to this happens at my mom’s nighborhood every few monhs or so.. some dumb illegal tries o take a dump truck or a cement truck under a covered lane with like a 10 foot clearance at the front gate house and wrecks the building.
Photos. Lucky bastard.
I accidentally had to poo at a shopping mall and ended up in a women restroom. I remember in my relief that someone with womens shoes used a stall next to me when there were 4 others. Promptly those shoes left. Taco bell and budlight. I figured it out when I was washing my hands and a lady walked in. “oh, thereee are no urinals in here.”
That was just waiting to collapse. Notice that the only thing holding it up is two poles in the middle of the span. That roof was basically just balanced like a teeter-totter, attached to the other building by a few screws. And without a pole at the end of the roof to at least outline where the roof ended, you can’t really fault the guy that much for knocking it over accidentally.
Lady parked inside local bank last year. Knocked a large thick plate of glass out of a window and didn’t even break it. The woman it almost hit was a tad upset.
It looks like the awning caught the edge of the truck’s cab. He was darn lucky. If it had landed square, it might not have squished it flat, but he could have been hurt or killed.
Now, the construction on that awning looks horible. There is no structural damage to the main building, meaning the awning was not attached to the main building in any meaningful way. It looks like they just ran a nail through the end of the rafters into the particle board. I’m wondering of they even had architectural plans or if it was just Redneck engineered. Maybe they had real plans, and the contractor said, “Aw, we don’t need all them fancy beams and bolts. This way will work just fine. Look, it’s got genuine STEEL poles holding it up.
They should have a structural engineer check out the rest of the building.
Accidents happen all the time. You guys are being way too elitist…
There are acts of “god” and then there are acts of “stoooopid”. This is the latter.
the pics on that site tell me that the structure was defective and weak. I’m a licensed construction supervisor, I can tell. That amount of force should not have taken down the whole roof. unreal. The vid makes it look like the truck was under the roof. It only just glanced the truck. The driver obviously made a mistake, but I suppose everyone on this board has never made a mistake and is superior to everyone who ever made one.