Recently developed “touch DNA” technology has cleared all members of JonBenet Ramsey’s family of her slaying, authorities said Wednesday.

Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy said no one in the Ramsey family is considered a suspect and formally apologized in a letter to John Ramsey for the cloud of suspicion his family has lived under for nearly 12 years.

“To the extent that we may have contributed in any way to the public perception that you might have been involved in this crime, I am deeply sorry,” Lacy wrote.

Instead, DNA tests conducted earlier this year point to an “unknown male,” in the 6-year-old child beauty pageant contestant’s December 1996 slaying.

Now, when will CNN publicly apologize to the Ramseys for keeping Nancy Grace on the payroll – after she blathered about the Ramseys for months and years?

Thanks, K B

  1. Improbus says:

    A DA apologizing? Quick, check to see if Hell froze over.

  2. bobbo says:

    This type of dna evidence does not get convicted prisoners a new trial, don’t know how it exonerates anyone either. Why didn’t the dna in the panties remove the Benets from suspicion from the start?

    Just the DA continuing to fubar.

  3. MikeN says:

    Why should Grace apologize for reporting news?

  4. MotaMan says:

    a wise person once told me: “if your kids are hurt by somebody, and the cops start asking you questions – Don’t cooperate they will just waste their time going after you while the real trail goes cold”

  5. moss says:

    bobbo – please spend some time reading before you wander off into an unfounded blurt.

    Read up – you can do it online, don’t worry – on the LODIS evidence training programs endorsed by most forensic organizations.

    Touch DNA analysis will occupy the majority of DNA testing damned soon if it’s not already there.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I still find it disturbing how parents can display their children to the public in dress more appropriate for hookers and middle-aged thespians. The sicko that killed this little girl was/is probably a regular at these “beauty contests”.

  7. deowll says:

    Why should Grace apologize for reporting news?

    Nobody should apologize for reporting news. This was slander defined as unsupported speculation until I wanted to spew.

    How ever the media also spent weeks working over a congressman when his aid vanished and he reported it. Most likely a DC serial killer who has not as yet been caught. A series of young women vanished.

    That got dropped like a rock when some real news came along.

    Then we have the guy that found the bomb at the Olympics in Atlanta. Both the FBI and the media had a real blast shredding him.

    The FBI has had to fork over a good sized hunk of money to a professor they worked over because he didn’t spread any anthrax and they keep shooting off their mouths with brains turned off.

    The lacrosse team got worked over pretty good too. Lots of self righteous liberals took part in this. Total lynch mob mentality. No evidence but they didn’t need evidence. They were ready to commit murder anyway.

    Those are just a few cases that come to mind.

    Slander and attacking the innocent, It’s the American way.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #8 deowll – Are you still f#cking corpses?

  9. bobbo says:

    #6–Moss==my post has nothing to do with the validity of the dna test involved. I was referring directly to the linked article: “The unexplained third-party DNA on the clothing of the victim is very significant and powerful evidence,” Lacy’s statement said. “It is therefore the position of the Boulder District Attorney’s Office that this profile belongs to the perpetrator of the homicide.”

    If you get yourself convicted of raping a woman, the lack of your dna at the crimescene and someone else’s dna being present is not grounds for a new trial. You could have worn a condom and the unknown dna is just that–a puzzler. All issues for the trial court to go thru, nothing procedural to take up on appeal.

    Silly isn’t it?

  10. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, if that’s the case, how are so many people being exonerated by DNA evidence?

  11. bobbo says:

    #11–Mike==you caught me, I “over-stated” my case. I think dna is becoming more and more accepted, but it is all still very much an issue of the local “system” being willing to allow the evidence in===no automatic review or guaranteed results. Some people right now are rotting away in jail in situations where the defendant had an alibi with witnesses and the only evidence against them was victim testimony and blood type matching. When it is later shown the blood did not come from the convict===too bad for you.

    The whole legal system is stacked in favor of supporting itself. It can be a bitch if you get on the wrong side of it.

    There are still 1000’s of untested dna samples in storage with convicts in jail claiming innocense because there is “no money” to do the testing. That is changing too as the cost of testing comes down.

    We should tax the rich, have a dna record on everybody, and get the innocent people out of jail and the guilty people into it===with most crimes being medicalized and subject to home detention with bracelets==and on and on.

  12. Special Ed says:

    DA – “they didn’t do it, our bad!”

    Hopefully John sues these ass monkeys.

  13. Judge Jewdy says:

    I saw Nancy Grace’s fat ass during a broadcast at one point. She has a massive turd cutter. I’ll bet they have to grease her thighs to get through the double doors at Wal-Mart.

  14. Les says:

    Her mom was involved if not the killer. Points:
    1) The ransom note (with personal information).
    2) The practice ransom note.
    3) The family called over a house full of people before calling the police.
    4) The family moved the body twice, dressed and covered the body.
    5) There were no footprints in the snow outside the house.
    6) Patsy (the mom) was wearing the same clothes and makup as the night before.
    7) Do the “touch DNA” tests on the garrote from her neck, and the duct tape from her mouth, then I might start to beleive.

  15. DocColorado says:

    #15 ,You are right on.

    This press release by the DA in Boulder is called Bull SH*T; CYA,
    all about the DA. The DA in Boulder is the most incompentent in our states history.

    The entire family there might not of known what really happened, but you can bet one or two family members knew exactly what happened.

    Why would a killer leave a ransom note and the body in the basement?

    Well FBI profiling is they wouldn’t do that.

    How could more than one police officer search the basement, WITH THE LIGHTS ON !, and not find the body earlier in the day?

    No doubt the family has remorse over this, and some family members living today may believe they had an outside intruder.

  16. ECA says:

    DEAD subject..
    If any material proof was to be found, it was 12 years ago.
    with all the Fumbling around, its probably NOT there any more.

    NEWS reporting = REPORTING what happened, with NO OPINION, and only explaining facts, adding NOTHING.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:

    #2 Pedro

    In that subject I agree with you. CNN should rename her show to “The hourly man-hating show.”

  18. Rick Cain says:

    The ransom note was in Patsy’s handwriting, and it was just plain silly if you read it.
    My theory: The mother and father were pervs, and the dad probably did his little daughter while the mom watched. They went overboard one night and then made up the bizarre story of the fake kidnapping by a non-existent terrorist group writing a note that sounds like a bad copy of the Symbionese Liberation Army’s propaganda.

  19. DBR says:

    This news story is such crap. Sure,
    the monstrous thought went through
    many people’s minds that the family
    may be directly culpable, but the far more likely scenario of one
    or more of them hiding vital information on the advice of lawyers
    isn’t ruled out by this DNA disclosure. An equally monstrous
    action, I think.

  20. Feh. Anybody who tarts their 6-year-old daughter up like a two-dollar whore is a perv right from the get-go.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    I’m surprised the Ramseys didn’t do what most creepy white parents who kill their kid(s) do, blame it on some black gang member and give the cops a generic artists description of a guy with big lips and a watch cap.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    Another thread where the “twoofer” trolls show up with their bullshit.

    For fuck sakes people !!! Get over it. The Ramseys didn’t kill their daughter !!!


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