Click image to see Cranky Geeks.

Today’s Guests:

The Topics:

  • Journos and Bloggers: Who’s Accountable?
  • Bloggers Increasingly Influencing Politics
  • CEOs Are Blogging More and More
  • Automated News
  • What’s Missing From Tech Journalism

  1. edwinrogers says:

    Beware of anyone calling themselves a journalist. Journalism, as a profession, is dead. When newspapers and TV, radio journalism became commoditised it was only a matter of time before it succumbed. Blogging, filled the information vaccuum left at the demise of journalism. Bloggers are, for want of a better word, journalists, without editorial governance. Bloggers are the, New Fourth Estate.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    Leather patches on the elbows of plaid sport coats are the flags of a true journalist – the rest are merely searching for the prostate.

  3. Wtf? All I see is last week’s Cranky Geeks episode, starting about 1/2 way through.

    What’s the deal?

  4. Freyar says:

    That’s the first Cranky Geeks I’ve ever seen. I will be definitely going back to watch what I can.

  5. eyeofthetiger says:
    Mustard for your afternoon addiction.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    Hey Mustard, check out this douchebag! Gimme that old time religion…

  7. #5 – Survivor

    >>Mustard for your afternoon addiction.

    That brings me to the same place as the regular link above.

    Right in the middle of last week’s CG, with the Enderle fellow talking about patent trolls.

    No CG Polka, no intro, and then it starts off with a re-run of a previously shown episode.


  8. #6 – Ketchy

    Ah, those nutty Christians! Although I wonder if the guy shouldn’t be suing G-d instead.

    And if he was on his knees praying, then fell and hit his head hard enough to cause permanent damage, he must use a novel position. There’s a reason that missionaries only use the “missionary position”. Less dangerous.

  9. brian t says:

    At one point you mentioned an oil company boss named O’Reilly… it was David J. O’Reilly, the Irish-born CEO of Chevron Corp, who made something like $13 million last year. There’s a report on his CNN appearance at

    I only know his name because he’s a famous alumnus of the university I’m studying at, University College Dublin (UCD). It’s also where James Joyce studied, someone I’m already thoroughly sick of after just a year there, and that’s while studying Engineering, not Literature … 8-\

  10. The link is still fucked up.

  11. hhopper says:

    Works fine for me. Try clearing your cache.

  12. hhopper

    The cache is clear. And the link “works”, it just goes to a fucked up location (the middle of last week’s CG). I see the Al Sharpton intro ad, and then it goes to the CG screen, but not what I want to see. It does this with both FireFox and IE. Downloading the 128M quicktime seems to work OK, but I don’t like quicktime, and I don’t want to do that.

    Are you saying just clicking on the image brings you to the CG polka and this week’s CG?

    [Yes it does. I’m unable to recreate your problem. (Well, it actually takes you to CM and then to the proper CG.) – ed.]

  13. QB says:

    Ketchup, that’s hysterical. Of course you’d think that the holy spirit would just heal him?

  14. KD Martin says:

    #3, Mr. Mustard, I can’t decipher the problem you had. Both clicking on the picture (at Cage Match) and downloading the Windows Media (.wmv) file gave me the same new episode, #124.

    If any of the other links are in error, please post a reply at Cage Match.


  15. #14 – Mr. Martin

    Well, this morning the link works fine (no change on my part, not even re-booting the computer), both in Firefox and IE.

    So either somebody fixed something, or it’s attributable to the evils of Vista (I didn’t try the link using OS X or Linux, and I no longer have XP).

    Btw, I didn’t click on the link from Cage Match or download the .wmv file, I just clicked on the link on the left here at DU, and then clicked on the image to start the vidcast.

  16. brendal says:

    As a young j-school student, I attended the SPJ conference where Andy Rooney told all of us to change our majors when we got back to our respective campuses…he said journalism was dead, too…

    …in 1982.

    Unfortunately, assholes never die…including Rooney.


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