I guess this gives us some insight into where the country will be headed when Obama gets elected. Change we can believe in.

  1. #130 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Can you not read? Barack Obama starts by mentioning
    >>English only.

    Uh, Lyin’ Mike. You don’t read a video, you watch and listen.

    And I assumed that when he was talking about “English only”, it was with respect to the ridiculous initiative put forth by the bigot brigade to pass a Constitutional amendment making English the “National language” (although it’s already the only official language).

    Wherever you came up with bilingual education is a mystery to me.

    So unless you know something that you’re not letting on, STFU.

  2. #131 – Lyin’ Mike

    That’s not much of an article. It makes the case that illegal aliens (who are illegal only because they’re illegal) may register to vote in order to become de facto non-illegals and avail themselves of the benefits and responsibilities available only to citizens.

    I saw precious little evidence that many of these illegals actually vote. Christ, even red-blooded newphews of their Uncle Sam won’t go vote unless somebody sticks a cattle prod up their ass (or there’s a particularly contentions issue/ candidate on the ballot).


  3. #134 – ‘dro

    >>First, you don;t understand what anybody sayd.

    Only you, ‘dro. Only you. And sometimes Bobbo, when he turns on his Turing machine/ pretzel maker, and starts cranking out gibberish.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #131 Yep. WAY too easy to vote if you aren’t a citizen. I know a few who tested it out for fun and found it is not a problem to cast votes.

  5. #136 – Patrick

    See #133

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #137 Mister Mustard

    See #136

  7. MikeN says:

    Oh you got me, you don’t read videos! Try reading my posts in full.

    You could be right about English-only being English as the national language, another point I made in the posts you couldn’t read.

    Either way, Barack Obama starts talking about English only, then says you should learn Spanish(be more like the current President than the next one!)

    So why doesn’t he give his position on English-only, in whichever context it should be, instead of going off on tangents? And what is your position Mustard?

  8. #138 – Patrick

    Just because some college prankster or weirdo activists COULD do it doesn’t mean that illegal aliens are doing it in droves.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #140 What are you babbling about? Who said anything about college students or activists?

  10. #139 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>learn Spanish(be more like the current President
    >>than the next one!)

    Are you claiming Dumbya can “speak” Spanish?? HAHAHAHAHAHA! He can’t even wrap his head around his presumptive lengua materna! Dumbya? Speak Spanish! You’re killing me, Lyin’ Mike!

    >>So why doesn’t he give his position on
    >>English-only, in whichever context it should be,
    >>instead of going off on tangents?

    I imagine if we saw the entire Q&A session, those questions might be answered, Lyin’ Mike.

    >>And what is your position Mustard?

    I think it’s a disgrace that virtually no Americans (and certainly no American children) speak more than one language. Oh….other than them thar Hispanics.

  11. #143 – ‘dro

    More content-free posts from Kuzco.

  12. #145 – ‘dro

    Other than the absurd one-liners posts of your, m’hijito, I can’t think of a post that was worth remembering.

    If you made one, please refresh my memory. Hep me out here, bro!

  13. Rick Cain says:

    I speak spanish, so what, big deal.
    Americans barely know their own language much less others, it should be required to know at least one other.

  14. brendal says:

    My Danish-American father grew up in Puerto Rico…he taught me NO Spanish…when I asked him why…he said, “I DIDN’T THINK YOU COULD USE IT…” He was right…oh, wait…I do use some Spanish…when I want something in the office thrown out I write BASURA on it.

    Ask ANY Canadian what advantage they’ve had after being FORCED by their government to learn French and you’ll get a lot of cursing from them…IN ENGLISH!

  15. brendal says:

    ::writes BASURA over John’s pic of Obama posted here::

  16. >>Ask ANY Canadian what advantage they’ve had after
    >>being FORCED by their government to learn French

    Outside the province of Quebec, I’ve met very few Canadians who can actually “speak” French (ie, carry on a conversation in the language), government “forcing” or not. Kinda like the Americans: They can say “merçi beacoup”. (Besides, Canadian French is useless in Europe; nobody understands it – they put subtitles under French Canadians speaking on the news).

    Becoming fluent in another language is the gift that keeps on giving.

  17. Cyberia says:

    Um, did Dvorak, who used to be on the ball, but who is a crank old man (hmmmm…) listen to the whole clip, let alone the whole speech?

    Obama was suggesting that kids learn a second language LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD. Or do we wanna be known for not even having the intelligence to learn two, let alone three.

    Kinda like Bush, who at the recent G8 meeting, greeted the president of Italy with “Hola, Amigo,” as if Italian must be the same as Spanish, cause they sound the same to his big, royal-family style ears.

    Jeez! What a Geez, er…

  18. BRAINWASH ME says:

    I think we should learn Spanish in the United States. Even though English has been the in the position of the national language that has kept us together for so much time in our history, I think that this makes us more in touch with the world. I frequently see signs in Spanish in Washington state and I have no idea what they mean, I should learn Spanish so I can learn to be smarter. Learning Spanish would also make it easy to understand the big bold letters on some of my food products, lucky for me there is still English in smaller letters. I love meeting new people. 8)


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