I guess this gives us some insight into where the country will be headed when Obama gets elected. Change we can believe in.

  1. #93. You’re confused, confused, confused. I think you made your point YOU ARE CONFUSED. Where exactly did I say he was going to return half the country to Mexico? What I’m implying is that he is going out of his way TO PANDER to Latinos to the point where he wants everyone to learn Spanish. HELLO. I find it appalling and unscrupulous. That’s all.

  2. Peter says:

    MikeN, #97:

    Can you share links to prove significant voter fraud by non-citizens? There is actually precious little evidence by any reputable source that such a thing occurs. I would be far more worried by the lack of security, bad programming, and lack of paper-trail that has occurred because of the rush to use slip-shod computer voting machines. Those problems are demonstrable and very real. Non-citizen voting seems closer to an urban myth for all the lack of evidence.

  3. MikeN says:

    Peter the problems you say are more serious, but illegal immigrant voting can and does happen. For the most part, they don’t bother to try though. I’ve already referred you to Mr Huffington’s Senate election in 1994. He uncovered thousands of fraudulent votes, but his margin of loss was too great to start a case.

  4. MikeN says:

    Obama has also said he wants to require community service for all students in high school and college. Forced volunteerism seems to be a big fad nowadays.

  5. Peter says:

    Mr. Dvorak, #99:

    The cartoon you used as your “opinion on the matter” is obviously pandering to those who see Obama as serving foreign and special interests since half the country is shown as Mexico and most of the rest is D.C. The tone of that cartoon, more than what you wrote, was the main reason for my confusion.

    I agree with you that pandering for votes is unscrupulous and after today’s FISA vote, I’m not very pleased with Obama either. But between your open-ended innuendoes, the cartoon you choose to illustrate your point, and the tenor of some of the comments on the site, I don’t feel that my confusion was entirely out of place. Granted, my rhetoric might have been a bit over the top, or even a bit flippant, but the question was an honest one and I thank you for clarifying your opinion.

  6. MikeN says:

    I’m getting conflicting stories as to the original question. Is there a longer video available?

    Was he asked about bilingual education or English-only in government?

  7. MikeN says:

    The first three seconds says it all.

    ‘I i i don’t understand’

  8. Peter says:

    MikeN, #102

    Obama does have plans for community service programs. Can you please cite where he says that there will be a compulsory National Service?

    I see that Mr. Huffington admitted to hiring an illegal alien as a nanny (NYT Oct 27, 1994), but have found no evidence of non-citizen voting through various Google searches. Could you please cite some source that has hard evidence about this issue?

  9. MikeN says:

    He’s right about one thing.
    George Bush speaks Spanish, and it made him president.

  10. Brock says:

    Well it looks like it finally happened, Obama has snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.

    It’s now abundantly clear Obama stands for only one thing, saying whatever he needs to say to get elected.

    In reflecting on the Clinton years, I’m convinced the best scenerio for government in the US is the legislature being one party and the president being the other. This prevents the idiots from getting too full of themselves and doing something stupid, like paying off their friends for getting them elected.

    Besides, I can’t wait to see the shrill Nancy and dofus Harry screaming at the Angry John. What rich theatre that will be. The comedians will have a hay-day.

  11. MikeN says:

    Peter I was going off memory, and couldn’t find any link to Mike Huffington’s illegal immigrant votes, except for quotes form Mr. Huffington. Try this page instead for other instances:
    Bob Dornan established hundreds of illegal immigrant votes, but not enough to overturn his 1000 vote loss.


  12. Peter says:

    MikeN, #110

    Thanks, I will follow up some of the sources he cites in this article. However, I do want to note that non-citizen voting, if and when it has happened, is not only an illegal immigrant issue, but also encompasses legal aliens and, in certain states, convicts. I think it’s important to be careful with these issues and not lay every single social ill or political problem on illegal immigrants.

    I would really like to see you back up the statement that Obama is going to create a compulsory National Service. That’s a fairly major charge and doesn’t seem to have any real basis.

  13. CountSmackula says:

    Mr. Mustard, just a suggestion… you might want to watch how much of that venomous “hillbilly” shit you so casually toss around. One of these days you’re going spew that crap & one of those “hillbillies” is gonna put a boot in your ass (or loosen some teeth).

    Oh, you’ll feel vindicated in your oh-so-righteous position, but we don’t like being stereotyped than any other group. We all don’t still live in the hills & hollers, and we certainly don’t wear overalls & go barefoot.

  14. B. Dog says:

    Yo, him bees a playa!

  15. salas007 says:

    Obama is such a fool. To bring into the topic of having English our national language, which it better hell should be forever, the fact the American kids should learn Spanish is completely idiotic. Why does his zero in on just Spanish by the way? I know why, because he can’t close the borders. Republicans couldn’t get it done, and the sissy Dems won’t do it either! 10 years, 20 years, nothing but Spanish, eh.

  16. MikeN says:

    “when I’m President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you’ll have done 17 weeks of service. We’ll reach this goal in several ways. At the middle and high school level, we’ll make federal assistance conditional on school districts developing service programs, and give schools resources to offer new service opportunities.

  17. MarkP says:

    Both of my kids, 11 and 9, are fluent Spanish speakers from an English-only home. We sent them to a unique dual-immersion Spanish-English program from kinder on. It’s all about equipping them with the tools that they’ll need to succeed in the future. It’s about giving them as many advantages as we can afford in a highly competitive world. Obama’s right, it’s embarrassing that most Americans can’t speak a foreign language.

  18. #112 – Smack

    >a boot in your ass (or loosen some teeth).

    Woo! I guess that shut ME up, huh Jethro? Yee haw!! I’m squealin’ like a pig!

    >>#96 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Almost a hundred responses, and nobody mentions the
    >>original subject to which Obama gave this response.

    How do you know that the “original question” was in regards to bilingual education classes in the US? That’s not in the video, and even the linked YouTube page doesn’t state this.

    #99 – Mr C. Dvorak

    Nice choice of photos, with Obama stuffing his gaping maw with that latino food, then looking as satisfied as Curious George after a banana buffet


    As to the pandering, what politician doesn’t pander? Whether the target group be gun owners, Polish kielbasa manufacturers, shots ‘n’ beers aficionados, white supremacists, Linux users, technophobes, the pols are ALWAYS pandering to somebody, even if it’s just through lip services.

    However, there seems to be a special reservoir of vitriolic bile reserved for anyone who panders to hispanics (who constitute about 15% of the US population today, rising to about 25% in 2050). Even if the borders were hermetically sealed today and all the illegals sent back where the came from, there would STILL be a huge number of Spanish speakers that are legal citizens of the US.

    In any case, I don’t see Obama’s remarks as being “pandering” in anything other than the most superficial sense. He also bemoaned the fact that we all look like dummies when Europeans come here and nobody knows how to say anything in a foreign language other than “merçi beaucoup”.

    I view his comments more as an indictment of the close-minded, uni-cultural, love-it-or-leave-it mentality of many Americans.

    Sure, people should learn German and Farsi and Japanese and Chinese and French and Finnish. However, Spanish is the easiest furrin language to learn, it has immediate utility in today’s society, and Obama gets to kiss a little beaner ass to boot. Not to mention chowing down on those tasty tacos. Better he should be kissing their ass than abortion-clinic snipers or Aryan Nation survivalists.

    Seems like much ado about nothing, to me.

  19. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Obama is the biggest sack of shit to ever run for office.

  20. #118 – Bigfoot

    Wow. Now there’s a compelling argument!

    You should be on McBush’s re-election team.

  21. Dr Dodd says:

    It all comes down to illegals aren’t suppose to be here in the first place. They are breaking the law and shouldn’t influence what language this country speaks.

    Show me the fairness of illegals breaking the law with immunity and you breaking the law in which afterwards find yourself in the local jail sharing a cell with Butch McDick.

  22. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #116 – It’s embarassing that Americans should have to care about any language other than English. There’s the English Language and funny, foreign sounding noises.

    #119 – 🙂 Just a personal observation. After Carter and Algore, I didn’t think there could be anyone who was more wrong on almost everything. After Kerry and Hillary, I didn’t think there could be anyone more dishonorable and shitsack-like. Turns out I was wrong on both counts because now we have Nicolae Carpathia Obama the Manchurian Candidate. I wish Jesse Jackson could really cut his nuts off.

  23. BdgBill says:

    Fuck You Obama. You just lost my vote.

  24. Eberhard says:

    All he is saying that kids should learn a second language. What is so wrong about it? Of course he used spanish because that is the language most useful to Americans. We in Germany had to learn English – Not because of America but because of England and it is most useful to us and it was mandatory. What’s the big deal? Afraid of a little more knowledge?

  25. #120 – Bubba Dodd

    Do you imagine that “illegals” are the only ones in this country who speak Spanish? Your comment was quite asinine.

    #121 – Bubba Foot

    >>It’s embarassing that Americans should have to
    >>care about any language other than English.

    Yeah, it’s embarrassing that Americans should have to care about readin’, riting, and rithmetic too, idd’n it? They should just stay home and squeal like pigs insteda goin ta skule. That was good enuf fer me and their momma (mah lovely sister), shud be good enuf fer them!

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    #125 Mister Mustard

    If the Obamanation becomes president he has specifically promised to open the borders which will unleash a wave unlike any we’ve seen before.

    The reality of it is that speaking Spanish will be the least of your worries.

  27. MikeN says:

    Nice response Mustard. That was my point all along. When asked about English only(not sure if this is as government policy or about bilingual education), he responds that your children should speak Spanish. He might have well answered your children should learn math. He is ducking the question. You ask how I know the question when it’s not on the video. I’m going based on what’s on the video. BHO says English-Only. He should know that English only doesn’t mean you don’t learn foreign languages.

  28. #128 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>When asked about English only(not sure if this is as
    >>government policy or about bilingual education), he

    Perhaps your insights while watching videos are different from mine, Lyin’ Mike, but in the vidoe *I* watched, whatever the question was did not appear in the video.

    So how do you know what he was responding to?

    All I saw was his ex tempore reply to an unidentified question.

    Would you care to enlighten us, or are you just lyin’ again?

  29. MikeN says:

    Can you not read? Barack Obama starts by mentioning English only.
    Replace Spanish with math, and so forth, and his statement makes just as much sense, given what English-only actually means. Are you now ducking the question like Barack Obama? He has to pander to Latino activists, who hate assimilation. What’s your excuse?


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