I guess this gives us some insight into where the country will be headed when Obama gets elected. Change we can believe in.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Well he just lost middle america.

    McCain in 2009.


  2. Dr. K says:

    La esperanza y el cambio

  3. bobbo says:

    You know, English only for governmental work has nothing to do with our kiddies and ourselves being multi-lingual?

    I guess he recommends Spanish so we can compete against illegal immigrants for the slave wage jobs?

    Why not go for Chinese and try for a management position in Hong Kong? Oh yea, they won’t let us.

    Just another issue that will be all fubared as not fitting a bumper sticker.

  4. McCullough says:

    Lets see if we can learn em’ Engrish first, then maybe tackle Espanol. I need to change my skivvies after reading this.

  5. Calin says:

    The obvious question is…can he speak Spanish, or any other European language?

  6. the answer says:

    Wow. Typical republican assholes twisting things. He said kids should be Bi Lingual. Like in 99% of other countries. He simply used spanish cause a lot of people in the us speak it. Legal or not. i’m sorry your all too pigheaded to think that this country is so much better then any other country.

    And I hope McCain gets a foot in his ass. Fcuk that dirt-bag.

  7. >>I guess this gives us some insight into where
    >>the country will be headed when Obama gets

    Ooooh nooooo! Children speaking more than one language! Adult Americans speaking more than one language! Being able to communicate with people from other cultures!! The fucking sky is falling!!

    If our kids speak more than one language, the terrorists have won.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    He’s toast, in addition to being stupid. “we don’t need to worry about immigrants learning English, they’ll learn English.”

    Does he have ANY idea how many in CA have been here for YEARS and can’t speak English? What an idiot.

  9. bobbo says:

    #5–Calin==continuing my thought from another thread: how is it relevant at all whether or not Obama and McCain and Bush are all “fluent” in Spanish?

    Doesn’t the proposition stand on its own regardless of the language skills of the proposer? If not, why not? (ad hominem lurks////actually, thats wrong, its in full display)

    #6–answer==lay off the fruit loops, too much corn sugar for you.

  10. MikeN says:

    Yeah, and he said this in response to a question about bilingual education, teaching immigrants in Spanish instead of English. So was he evading the question like a typical skilled politician, or is he too dumb to know the difference?

  11. Well, that was not an impressive performance by the Senator. That was the strangest conflation of issues I have seen in a while.

  12. LtL says:

    Learnin’ stuff is bad fer ya I saws it on O’Reilly, soes don’t be makin’ none of yer libural fascistic bs.

  13. >>He’s toast, in addition to being stupid.

    No, he’s just a little too sophisticated for the folks who marry their sisters (or their sheep).

    Anyone who thinks that militant rejection of other people’s language and culture is the ticket to success is doomed to remain on the farm, squealing like a pig.

  14. UNKN says:

    No what he’s trying to say is we need to learn another language, he just used Spanish as an example. It really came out wrong though but as he kept on talking it made a little more sense. I agree that kids these days need to learn a second language, Spanish isn’t a bad choice considering how things are changing in parts of the country, but there’s more than just Spanish.

    So don’t hate on the guy for how he said what he said.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #13 “No, he’s just a little too sophisticated for the folks who marry their sisters (or their sheep).”

    Yes, sophistication means lying your ass off. LOL!

  16. echeola says:

    Bilingual children may develop more flexibility in their thinking. We don’t want that now. Better get em all in line and march em off to war.

  17. LtL says:

    #14: Nice job on parroting talking points that you have never bothered to actually research or understand.

  18. Personality says:

    The way things are going, we already have to learn Spanish. You can’t stop it unless you put up a full wall border.
    You need to know Spanish already so you know what you are being told while being gangraped in the city.

  19. Eric says:

    It seems to me that Obama is saying that we need to improve ourselves. How can anyone get offended by someone saying “You should try to be a better person”? Liberal or Conservative, how can you argue with improving yourself?

  20. #16 – Patrick

    >>Yes, sophistication means lying your ass
    >>off. LOL!

    Talk about a non sequitur. Wtf does encouraging children to learn another language have to do with lying your ass off?

    Heaven forbid that the next generation be something other than the pig-squealing, ugly American slugs that Dumbya has portrayed us as to the world. And we’re falling right in line. “Furrin language? Fuck no! I ain’t need no furrin fucking language! I’ll jes say the same thing louder and louder, and by Jesus, they’ll unnerstand!


  21. LtL says:

    #19: You mean like how the White House and Congress have decided to gangrape our Constitution and our Economy? I don’t need to know Spanish to know that civil liberties are being destroyed on a daily basis by thugs and punks who blame immigration for the failure of the American dream all the while telling the rest of us to bend over and take it.

    Nope, don’t need Spanish for that.

  22. Freyar says:

    Hmm.. I had my knee-jerk reaction at first about the discussion of learning Spanish. I then had a second knee-jerk reaction about European languages.

    After thinking about it, I have decided that it is a parent’s decision to have a child learn a second language, and not the government’s. We end up with another step in the direction of “The People’s America” once we end up with these mandatory restrictions involving languages.

    No, sorry Obama. It’s a double-edged thing. It would be great if, but you as a president (if elected) should not have the power to mandate such a thing in the first place.

  23. bobbo says:

    The more you know, the better off you are. “Knowledge is power.”

    Better to know math, physics, music, bread making, balance a check book, sex-ed, etc.

    Was Obama suggesting that schools be tasked with teaching a second language? We would all be better if we spoke Latin as well.

    A language requirement to get into college was universal about 50 years ago in the USA but it was dumped as there was just too much other good stuff to learn.

    Same as today.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    #21 “Talk about a non sequitur. Wtf does encouraging children to learn another language have to do with lying your ass off?”

    Since reading isn’t one of your strengths I’ll point you to my original post. If you still can’t understand, I can “tutor” (read consult) with you. However, I charge $300.00/hr, my standard rate.

  25. #23 Freyar

    >>No, sorry Obama. It’s a double-edged thing. It
    >>would be great if, but you as a president (if
    >>elected) should not have the power to mandate
    >>such a thing in the first place.

    Who the fuck said anything about a “mandate” imposed by Presidential fiat?


    This is the kind of nonsense I expect from Anal Cyst Limbaugh or Loofah Pad O’Reilly.

    He was recommending that people raise their children to be comfortable with other people’s cultures (not just Spanish, you’ll not he also mentioned French).

    Jeez. Are you suggesting that if American kids can speak any languages besides English and squeal-like-a-pig, the terrorists will have won?

  26. #25 – Bobbo

    That’s about the dopiest of your dopey posts.

    Nobody is suggesting that children shouldn’t learn any of the things you mentions (although I haven’t seen any curricula with checkbook-balancing or breadmaking).

    But when it comes to a curriculum items that are “better stuff”, are you seriously suggesting that physics will be more useful in today’s society (other than to physicists) than being able to communicate in another language?

    Even among people who have taken physics, most of their adult knowledge comes from USA Today, or at best, Popular Science.

    Language skills are ones that you can use at the most basic level; not rely on pre-digested cud from middleman-experts.

    It’s not either/ or.

    Note the excessive outrage over Obama’s suggestion that children might be well-served if they were bilingual.

    I think we’re building towards a xenophobo-looza.

  27. #24 – Kuzco

    You’re gibbering, boy. Start making some sense.

  28. moss says:

    Just another area of agreement between Obama and McBush.

  29. bobbo says:

    #28–Mustard, if you think that was one of my dopier posts, you should get a brain scan asap.

    Wow. Of course understand physics would be much much better than being bi-lingual. Physics is the language of the universe you silly git! Maybe it you knew more physics you would understand that. Comprende? Why know how to say the same thing in two languages and not be able to say anything about your universe? If you stop using physics, you lose it==same with language. No diff.

    If its not either/or then whats your point? In point of fact, it often is either/or not as a logical proposition, but as a practicality.

    I remember taking dance classes in high school gym. That was nice too.

  30. GRtak says:

    I think you should be taught a few languages throughout your life time. Look at how hard it was for the military to find translators when we went into Iraq. If our country wasn’t so closed minded, we would be a richer society by far.


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