Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies – Crime & courts- msnbc.com — Ah, the logic of it all.

Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday in reinstating charges against three men accused of digging up a corpse so one of them could have sex with it.

The court waded into the grisly case after lower court judges ruled nothing in state law banned necrophilia. Those decisions prompted public outrage and a push by a state lawmaker to make sex with a corpse a crime.

In Wednesday’s 5-2 decision, the high court said Wisconsin law makes sex acts with dead people illegal because they are unable to give consent.

Go Badgers.

Found by snoojy.

  1. Esteban says:

    Hooray for lawyers! This is an instance where I’m glad they found a loophole.

  2. Jeanne says:

    WTF? A dead person is not a person anymore. This is the same as saying that having sex with a chair is illegal if the chair did not give permission. And, yes, I know that families would be upset to know that their ex-loved one’s body were to be used for anything other than rotting in the ground / being burned to a crisp / etc. I just see a bunch of pathetic losers — and a 10 year prison sentence that is not appropriate.

  3. SJP says:

    Nicholas Grunke looks like he’s comedian Emo Philips kid.

    “I was with this girl the other night and from the way she was responding to my skillful caresses, you would have sworn that she was conscious from the top of her head to the tag on her toes.” — Emo Philips

  4. admfubar says:

    wait what if one gets consent by using a ouji board first???
    or may if medium John Edward says it is ok???

  5. nomadwolf says:

    While I’m not for necrophelia, does the law also require consent from other inanimate objects as well? I’m worried my blow-up doll will take me to court.

  6. Special Ed says:

    #5 – I’m worried about mine too! http://tinyurl.com/9ganx

  7. deowll says:

    The court should have said, “Please go ahead and pass the law.” however I think some states do have an “unnatural acts” law which covers stuff nobody thought they’d need a law to cover.

    Of course many unnatural acts are now sort of common.

  8. SJP says:

    #6. You and my ewe have some explaining to do!

  9. bobbo says:

    The problem this time wasn’t lawyers, it was activist judges.

    I’d think “other” laws would have applied–trespass on property to begin with but others too. Max penalty on the lesser charges just didn’t capture the outrage the good folks felt.

    Once again, persons pretty obviously need help and they get jail instead, all to the more general harm of society.

    Way to go moralists.

  10. Man, that’s pretty creepy. From the photo, I can see why Mr. Crunke would have to go to the cemetery for a piece of ass. However, they never actually fucked the dead girl:

    Authorities say the men used shovels to reach her grave but were unable to pry open the vault. They fled when a car drove into the cemetery and were eventually arrested.

    And since the law seems to have been designed for cases where somebody raped then killed (or vice versa), this decision appears to be Bobbonian “legislating from the bench”.

  11. btw, Mr. C. Dvorak, the link to your most recent Cranky Geeks vidcast is fucked up.

    It advertises an episode about “The future of tech jouralism”, but when you click on it what comes up starts in the middle of a previous vidcast where Rob Enderle is talking about patent trolling. I’ve already seen that one.

    [Click here. It’s fixed. – ed.]

  12. JPV says:

    I don’t get it. There are plenty of living people that are dead in bed, that they can bang around with if they wanted to.

  13. RTaylor says:

    A closer look at an embalmed body would have demonstrated this is rather impractical. I worry about what the sick bastards will think of next.

  14. FRAGaLOT says:

    Is that McLovin sporting a goatee in that line up of photos?

  15. Peterg says:

    Alice Cooper and the song Cold Ethel explains it all, sick fucks….

  16. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Heh, heh – cheeseheads.

    What do you expect out of Packer fans?

  17. Winstondc says:

    What scares me is that the decision passed 5-2. What 2 judges voted AGAINST making necrophilia illegal?

  18. The Monster's Lawyer says:


  19. djhobby says:

    What if the corpse had on a medical alert bracelet that allows consent? Or how about a tatoo?

  20. bobbo says:

    #15–Peter==don’t recall that song, but I can hear it now. I give it a listen. Thanks.

    17–Winstondc==way to miss the boat. Judges don’t “make law” they enforce what is already on the books. If Wisconsin forgot to have a necrophilia law, it is very bad jurisprudence for judges to make it illegal just because they think it is a good idea.

    19–dyhobby==excellent point. I’ve been told by many women I could have them only over their dead bodies. And I wonder why the court wouldn’t “assume consent” given the circumstances?

    The DA is a turd here too. Trespass, vandalism, mischief, were all available but he plays to the crowd. Bad Law.

  21. Marc Perkel says:

    What if they gave consent before they died?

  22. KarmaBaby says:

    Their parents (one’s a minister) must be so proud. And 2 judges voted for necrophilia to remain LEGAL?

  23. Angel H. Wong says:


    I always knew women were sexual objects.

  24. Judge Jewdy says:

    #23 – Yeah, because most of them just lay there.

  25. Les says:

    DOA means NO

  26. Les says:

    What if they invited their frieds to drop by for a cold one?

  27. hhopper says:

    “Badgers? We don’t need no stinkin’ Badgers.”

  28. snoopyjy says:

    Man John miss-spelled my name… yep couple of winners there.

  29. lakelady says:


  30. lakelady says:

    oops that didn’t work quite right. here’s a link to help out folks that want to consent. Just print and carry in your wallet



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