Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies – Crime & courts- msnbc.com — Ah, the logic of it all.

Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday in reinstating charges against three men accused of digging up a corpse so one of them could have sex with it.

The court waded into the grisly case after lower court judges ruled nothing in state law banned necrophilia. Those decisions prompted public outrage and a push by a state lawmaker to make sex with a corpse a crime.

In Wednesday’s 5-2 decision, the high court said Wisconsin law makes sex acts with dead people illegal because they are unable to give consent.

Go Badgers.

Found by snoojy.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    Why can’t whiteboys stick to conventional crime like robbing liquor stores and doing drive-bys.

    I’ll bet everybody was giggling in the courtroom. This sounds like a rejected plot from “American Pie”

  2. badboy badboy says:

    So, my third day into an all-nighter,and with inital consent, mind you, the lady in question expired. I was just getting into it, so I did the ole nasty just one more time. Did I break the law according to Wisconsin? Or should I have taken the corpse to Alabama for one last fling?


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