Reuters Pictures

The EU’s top farm official is begging German farmers to stop mailing her milk.

Farmers have bombarded Agriculture Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel with some 10,000 liters of milk to show their anger over an EU proposal to increase milk quotas that may cause prices to fall.

Most of the milk — sent by regular mail and addressed to Fischer Boel — had spoiled in transit, and some of the cartons had burst open.

Fischer Boel pleaded with farmers in a message on her blog Monday to stop sending milk, saying she was happy to talk to them directly to find a solution to their grievances.

Remind me not to apply for a job in the EU mail room.

  1. bobbo says:

    Similar thing happened when they increased the requirements for cryogenic storage of bull semen.

  2. deowll says:

    Okay so why aren’t people shipping bags of manure to the white house and congress? They dump enough of it on everybody else.

  3. joaoPT says:

    Postage stamp protest is the way to go…

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    Because they’ll use the excuse that the manure can be turned into a bomb and they will send you to Guantanamo for a regular ass-rape.

  5. lou says:

    Should we send BS to W ?


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