Christian Phillips, 18, of Watauga was arrested Tuesday after he tried to deliver a batch of cookies that later tested positive for LSD to the nearby Lake Worth police station, authorities said.

During his arrest, police found a list of 25 police agencies across Dallas and Tarrant counties that they presume Mr. Phillips targeted. Thirteen of those stations were checked off the list.

Three stations confirmed Tuesday that they received a similar package. Some officers in Fort Worth and Watauga ate the suspect cookies.

“There were no ill effects that we were told of,” said Detective Jason Babcock of the Watauga Police Department.

Watauga police arrested Mr. Phillips a year ago on charges of assaulting a police officer, Detective Babcock said. He was later convicted of simple assault and sentenced to community service, which he was serving with Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

On Monday night, Mr. Phillips dropped off cookies in a wicker basket about 6:30 p.m. at the Blue Mound station, Lt. Cain said. A card from MADD was attached.

Sending drugged cookies to the cops and signing the package, “Mothers Against Drunk Driving.” Classic.

  1. ECA says:

    i would like to know the test they ran.

    LSD isnt that bed, unless you get a GOOD/heavy dose.

    i really dont know if they can test that quickly for LSD..
    and as far as the cops know, it was some BAD rice flower in the cookies.

  2. Awake says:

    Anyone that would eat anything that they receive unsolicited in the mail is a moron. Whichever cops ate any of the cookies should be demoted to ‘meter maid’, because they obviously do not have the mental acumen to do ‘real’ police work.

  3. Jenny-O says:

    That’s just plain terrible. I suppose this teen just had too much time on his hands and nothing to occupy his thoughts.

    Speaking of MADD, I once knew a man who lived next door to me that used to tie one of those pink MADD ribbons to his car antenna that were popular back then. He thought this would keep the police away as he was quite the drinker. Rather ironic don’t you think as he was eventually caught. An irate neighbor that hated him reported him. He wasn’t to hard to catch. All they had to do was look a for a big pink ribbon and along with his licence plate.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    It seems to me that maybe he was trying to do a public service.

    Apparently far too many cops have anger issues, and hopefully a good trip on some LSD could help them get in touch with their “inner child” and mellow out a bit, dude!

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    After reading #3, ECA’s link, I wonder how anyone actually PASSES a urine test!

  6. bobbo says:

    #5–Ah Yea==never go into stand up comedy.

    I’m struck by how much of the problem with cops may really come down to how dumb they are. I can’t imagine being a member of any fascist organization and eating food sent into my unit from anyone on the outside.

    Anyone who ate such cookies should be sent to re-education camp. Idiots.

  7. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Those were the days, when somebody at my high school spiked a teacher’s coffee with some acid.

  8. CAPTAIN_COW says:

    Hey look I’m also on here! Also this is epic, and classic. The best part was probably where it says:

    “Three stations confirmed Tuesday that they received a similar package. Some officers in Fort Worth and Watauga ate the suspect cookies.”

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    #7, Or the policeman’s ball…

  10. Nice Trip says:

    Got to give the guy credit
    Good for him

  11. Chris Mac says:

    Nothing like a little home brew “terrorism” to bring things back to reality.

  12. Captain Howdy says:

    Brilliant idea!

  13. lou says:

    Best work MAAD has done in years.

  14. Chris Mac says:

    And Yes. There will be a vocabulary test later.

  15. Jennifer says:

    I love how they always say that eating these things made people “sick.” Stoned is not sick.

    Also, doesn’t heat destroy lsd?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Jennifer,

    I thought heat destroyed LSD too. So the cookies the cops received would only have contained the metabolites. With most drug tests though, that is what is tested for, not the actual drug.

  17. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Was that kid tripping? Giving away perfectly good drugs? To cops?
    I believe this is a misunderstanding on the part of th police. The kid really meant this in the best possible light. He went through all the trouble of making cookies and spent hard earned money (from mowing yards and stuff around the neighborhood) on the LSD to give those cookies a little extra something. He must have felt guilty about the DUI he received and wanted to let the police know how sorry he truly was.

  18. deowll says:

    Did it occur to any of you that he could have put the drug on after the cookies were cooked? I doubt if he cooked the cookies himself.

    While I agree that any cop that eats gift food is most likely missing a few neurons the reaction in this group leaves me wondering why anyone would want to protect any of you from anything. Let the muggers have you.

    On the other hand the relationship most law enforcement has with their communities leaves something to be desired. Law abiding people fear the police about as much as criminals with reason. Okay the problem has been stated. I don’t have a clue about how to fix it.

    One aspect of this is crap like DRM and the Patriot act. When the law should never have been passed people loath the law, the people that passed it and anyone trying to use/enforce it.

    The other aspect is the news which has made it grossly clear that a lot of cops and DAs have framed a lot of people through the years and of course we now have recordings of cops who are way out of control.

  19. eyeofthetiger says:

    Federal sentencing for LSD is on the weight of the product, which include packaging. So the total weight of the cookies in the package. This kid could literately get life for this stunt.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, doewll

    Okay the problem has been stated. I don’t have a clue about how to fix it.

    Maybe we could have independent review agencies to oversee police and prosecutor conduct. Currently all reviews are done by those who are police or work with police all the time.

    A simple set-up would be one civilian appointment, and two local Lawyer appointments. The agency would be able to hire their own investigators and have the ability to subpoena and prosecute. Police would co-operate with the agency or go on unpaid leave until the investigation is completed.

    The vast majority of police and law enforcement are dedicated and do a good job. If one does get out of hand and does wrong, that can not be ignored and swept under the rug. Bad officers should be removed from the force. Once police agencies realize that misconduct will not be tolerated and could end up costing not only their job but jail time too, they might relax on planting evidence, assaulting prisoners, coercing false statements, etc.

    Would an independent investigator stop police misconduct? Of course not. It will hold police more accountable though.

  21. GigG says:

    #20 The charges he could get filed against him for this stunt also include things that have nothing to do with the drug laws.

  22. MikeN says:

    Arrest MADD anyway. They are the nation’s premier fascist organization.

  23. Angel H. Wong says:

    #1 ECA

    It’s “Rice Flour” not “Rice Flower.”

  24. ECA says:

    he could have used Passion flower and gotten this reading..

  25. NOT Mister Mustard, I back up my arguments says:

    #22, Gig,

    I have about 20-30 people tested every week. We have never gotten a false positive for pot in 8 years.

    Then why bother testing? You didn’t mention how many people were intoxicated at the time. You probably know that pot stays in your system for weeks. Pot can also be picked up from passive exposure.

    Drug testing is a waste of money. It does nothing to make the workplace safer. Most cold medications will cause more severe intoxication than will someone passing the last of the metabolites on Monday morning from Friday’s party.

    If you want to make your workplace safe then by all means go for it. That should not include what an employee does on their own time.

  26. ECA says:


    and the COST of checking EVERY employee??

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Probably just badly made cookies. Thats not a crime.

  28. mcp says:

    UPDATE: 7/12/08 turns out the cops made a mistake and there were no drugs in the cookies. He really WAS working community service. the
    see the CNN web site or KTXA-tv web site.

    quote:”A teenager accused of delivering drug-laced cookies to a dozen police stations was the victim of OVERZEALOUS officers who had very little evidence indicating drugs were inside the treats, his attorney said Thursday.”

  29. badtimes says:

    I wonder what punishment the over-reacting cops get that threw the kid in jail.


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