MYFOXNY.COM — A flight from Florida to New York Sunday night never got off the ground. That’s because after the flight crew arrived late, angry and impatient passengers got verbally agitated and hostile. Apparently it was so bad, the crew wasn’t comfortable working the flight so they refused to take off.

This would never have happened if the passengers had been fitted with “safety bracelets”.

  1. DW says:

    Coming from a fellow Flight Attendant, I salute these crew for saying enough is enough, its disgusting the way the public treat people hired to save their ass if it all goes wrong, personally it sounds like those a holes need taking round the back and getting their heads kicked in!

  2. Idiots! says:

    People are just getting fed up with very rude service everywhere, but especially from glorified waitress flight attendants (with minimal CPR training) and the gate crews in most places. We pay good money which incidentally, pays part of their wages, and yet are treated extremely rude! For the flight attendant who claims most travelers are rude…think again toots! I recently flew and was very quiet, smiled, and polite, yet still treated abruptly by the crew!!! Still, I did not say a word, and overlooked their less then favorable attitudes. I’ve also seen others on planes being talked down to for no reason at all!

    I understand having more caution since 911, and I can empathize with flight crew being afraid, and not taking chances. Still though, from what I’ve personally seen and heard about elsewhere, as well as read in the news, many flight attendants and gate crew PROVOKE passengers into anger.

    You think you have it hard? Try working the night shift in a busy inner city trauma unit/ER, then b*tch! I have to be polite on my job, so should you! And your job is not even as demanding!

    Personally, I hope all the airlines fall apart and go bankrupt! That will teach them, and then they will have reason to cry when their jobs are gone!

    If you don’t like my harsh comments, TOUGH! I too, am getting sick and tired of being polite to idiots who seldom are!

    Good Day, and GOOD LUCK! 😉

  3. PS says:

    Granted too…flight attendants don’t make a lot, but considering they do very little…they do get paid more then the work they put out!

    Maybe the security personal trains them to now be rude, and provoke people? I don’t know, but they all need an attitude ajustment! INCLUDING SECURITY!

    And to the little flight attendant up there, who mentioned how she and other flight attendants help keep us safe? LOL yeah, right!

    You just hope you have medical staff on board if and when something happens to another passenger, and even we cannot save many if the plane crashes! You also need to be careful who you treat so poorly, because you just may be biting the hand that actually has the medical knowledge base to save you or anyone else!

    I know your kind was rude to me, and never knew who I was, or how I could help!


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