As the food crisis began to bite, the rumblings of discontent grew louder – and finally, after a day of discussing food shortages and soaring prices, the famished stomachs of the G8 leaders could bear it no longer.
The most powerful stomachs in the world were today compelled to stave off the great Hokkaido Hunger by lining themselves with an eight course dinner prepared by 25 chefs.
This multi-pronged attack on global leadership pangs was launched only hours after a not inconsiderable lunch – four courses, washed down with Chateau Grillet 2005 — which had clearly fully failed to quell appetites possibly enlarged by agonising over the starving citizens of the world.
The politicians, and five of their spouses…began with four bite-sized amuse bouche, featuring corn stuffed with caviar, smoked salmon and sea urchin, hot onion tart and winter lily bulb.The leaders have told their people to tighten their belts for lean times ahead, but you feared for presidential and prime ministerial girdles after the chance to tuck into further dishes including milk-fed lamb, roasted lamb with cèpes and black truffle with something called emulsion sauce.
Finally, there was a “fantasy” dessert, a special cheese selection accompanied by lavender honey and caramelised nuts, while coffee came with candied fruits and vegetables.
These barons of global commerce pledged 3 years ago to help the world’s poor. All of us are watching, waiting and listening. And waiting.
Why doesn’t shit surprise me? If these are the people making decisions about world hunger, then I pity the world.
Meanwhile the corn lobby in the US is out there getting us all to start burning our food in our cars. How about sucking if up, paying the price of gas, and eat the food? No good can come from burning food in our cars.
Darn, what this forum needs is some type of edit function like on some other forums. Anyway to correct a statement I made >> “Why doesn’t this shit surprise me anymore?
I’m conflicted. I see too many “news items” or opinion pieces criticizing leaders of one sort or another for hypocrisy as if in order to address any issue one must be a saint first.
Then I see good folks like Alfer buying into that stupidity completely.
Worst current example is the mindless bitching about Al Gore having a big house and using a jet. Like if he walked around naked and lived in a tent, Hannity would listen more carefully to Global Warming concerns.
No==what we have is just a nice example of the ad hominem argument. See how it gets used if your brain is asleep at the wheel? Guard against it.
News fodder for idiots.
#3. bobbo- lead by example.
All Hail our Lords and Masters…..
#3: I’m conflicted. I see too many “news items” or opinion pieces criticizing leaders of one sort or another….
Then I see good folks like Alfer buying into that stupidity completely.
Thanks for the “good folks” compliment. I don’t try to be too judgemental or serious about things. I’m just out to have a little fun with this in the spirit of this forum. You’re right, too many Bush articles and the like. We do need some better class of articles here.
Let them eat bio-mass.
Soylent green forever.
How exactly would the problem of world hunger be helped one bit by a few people at a meeting skipping dinner?
If they had pulled some campy stunt like serving everyone a single handful of rice, they would have been even more harshly criticized.
Are all the limousine liberals who are crying hypocrisy at this story fasting until world hunger is solved? I doubt it.
We have sent the 3rd world billions of tons of food for in my lifetime, with no effect. It’s time we tried sending them shipments of birth control instead.
#4–McCullough==sloppy thinking. Of course, leading by example is required or beneficial or recommended in certain situations such as a combat platoon leader? and we can name many other examples.
But political leadership is a very different animal.
I’ll put it back in your court. Why should any world leader/adviser be required to take an oath of “minimal carbon footprint” in order to offer advice on what countries should and shouldn’t do together in order to address world issues?
I’ll add you after Eideard and Alfer as otherwise intelligent people who think ad hominem arguments have validity until you argue convincingly why Al Gore should use less energy than he does.
“Why should any world leader/adviser be required to take an oath of “minimal carbon footprint” in order to offer advice on what countries should and shouldn’t do together in order to address world issues?”
Not required. But sorry I don’t take anyone seriously who doesn’t practice what they preach….No one will, its just common sense.
The reason we complain about crap like this (and Al Gores lavish lifestyle) is that it give the appearance that these people are completely removed from the problems of the people they claim to want to help. That is by definition being a hypocrite.
And it just plain looks bad.
If you think intelligent people giving their 2 cents is a waste of time here, then what are you doing here given credence to all this? Perhaps you need to be added to your own list instead.
My goodness. Such a simple concept. No wonder Repukes win elections.
Hypocrisy is just another ad hominem argument. Its valid only when Al Gore says: everyone needs to use the least amount of energy as possible JUST LIKE I DO! But he has never said that. He says, the world has to use less carbon polluting energy sources or the ice is gonna melt.
Whats the maximum weight/belt size a politician can have before he should be allowed to meet with other world leaders to discuss the problem of world hunger?
Ad Hominem: 1 : appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect 2 : marked by or being an attack on an opponent’s character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
Its definitional.
What are we expecting from a dominantly Capitalist world? Who is to blame for this rampant capitalism? The US? Affluent parts of Europe? Simply the West in general? Please, this is how we, as westerners, wanted it. We can’t have it both ways. The poor are poor for a reason (blame the rich). This is the sad truth.
If we really want to change this we need to stop being part of the capitalism. Good luck on getting a significant amount of people to agree to this. I can’t say I would either.
I enjoy a good and expensive meal washed down with a sumptuous bottle of wine every now and then (not like what these guys are enjoying for sure). Should I expect these guys over at the G8 to abstain from this?
I wonder if the joke is lost on them or if they are fulling aware of the irony.
Bobbo the clown:
You made you point, over and over and over. Now can you move on Mr. Ad Hominem Infinitum?
I blame modern medicine. If people didn’t insist on living beyond what would be their otherwise natural lifespans, there would be fewer mouths to feed.
It’s true. No matter how much food we send to the third world, they still seem to starve. I think corruption is the number 1 problem causing most if not all worldly ills. If we can solve that we will be in good shape. Good luck on that one too. Corruption is part of human nature.
#15–Not The Bobbo==why the fuss? I could see it on mere repetition, but I see the argument progressing from both sides.
A meaningful exchange requires more than 2-3 posts. No soup for you.
#17, or another question to ask is why do we continually send food to feed people who haven’t picked up and left regions of the world that will not sustain them? Why do humans insist on being exempt from the realities of the natural world?
What was it the queen of France said when she was told that the people had no bread? “Let them eat cake.”
That may have cost her, her head.
You can rest assured that who ever else starves to death these people are going to be fighting to keep their weight down while living a life of extreme luxuary.
Small courses aren’t all that filling but this was clear evidence that what actually concerns these people is extreme luxuary. Any funds they get their hands on they will squander on themselves.
SeaLaw, you’ve just solved several problems all at the same time. Cut medical tech and availability in half, that will reduce costs and malpractice and all that stuff by maybe half as well. After the ensuing run on the funeral industry is over, we’ll use less oil, too.
19 A meaningful exchange requires more than 2-3 posts. No soup for you.
That may be true but I thought you were the forum Brainiac here from the way you go on about here. I thought guys like you were smart enough to do it one take. I guess no soup for you BooBoo.
#20–Sea Lawyer==you’ve just recast the funny stand-up of Sam Kinison “Why are there always hungry people in Africa, year after year?”===”BECAUSE THEY LIVE IN THE DESERT!!!!” AAAWWW, AAWWGHHH, AWWWGGHHH!
Funny and true.
Spain? Out of G- 8…..!
#23–Notthebobbo===if what you say is true, then maybe you should look deeper.
Hint–one person does not control a conversation. I don’t know Alfed, I greatly respect McCullough. So, two people intelligent, informed, and interested enough to blog challenge me on a statement I think is self evident. They disagree.
Why not restate, clarify, define, looking for that understanding on either partys part as long as the time/interest permits? You don’t get that from stacatto solo acts.
But I feel I have already repeated myself with you. Shame on me. I should cut you off before notbobboeither chimes in?
Roast lamb with cepes and black truffle eh?
That sounds pretty good… Of course those of you who hate mushrooms are f’in racists…
#12 – If you think intelligent people giving their 2 cents is a waste of time here, then what are you doing here given credence to all this? Perhaps you need to be added to your own list instead.
Seriously? You trying to tell me that this isn’t some elaborate drinking game as i was led to believe?!?
I’ll drink to that. At least you’re more fun that that “Bobbo” guy.
You did say that you were going to cut me off, lets see if you can keep your word Mr B. Just watch this space for Mr B’s glaring rebuttle.
[Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]
#30: Not The Bobbo
Just how old are exactly young man? That’s the trouble with this forum too many immature fellas like you on this site. Stop this nonsence or I’ll go tell your mommy! There are people here who believe in meaningful conversation.