(Click photo to enlarge.)

Here it is! My latest steampunk creation. – The TYPE-O-MATIC!

Brand new- modified Dell SK-8110 Keyboard. Antiqued, fully functional, flat black with brass underneath. …… what can I say…..sexy.

Action is great! The old key tops really feel nice under your fingers.

This is a current item for sale on eBay. Boy, would I like to have one of these. The bidding at this point, however, is already up to $500… a little more than I would like to pay for a keyboard. But man, is it cool.

  1. Don says:

    Cool, very nice work.

    It looks a little older than the old electric typewriter I learned to type on in HS.

    I got more use out of that single class than all the rest of HS combined.


  2. edwinrogers says:

    Where’s the steam?

  3. Daniel says:

    Nice to see people putting their creativity to work in earning themselves a few bucks.

  4. MickyG says:

    That is one cool looking keyboard.

    Like #1 I also took typing at high school and used an old fasioned typewriter for some of those classs. In fact, I took 3 semesters. Ended up a computer programmer. Those 3 semesters turned out to be the most useful classes I ever took.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Electrocution by keyboard.


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