Justice Department lawyers and investigators have come under more scrutiny after the Sept. 11 attacks than at perhaps any time since Watergate…But the internal unit that polices the lawyers’ conduct has been operating under a growing shroud of secrecy, shutting down what were once regular, public disclosures about its activities…
Officials have declined to say whether even one government lawyer has been found to have engaged in professional misconduct in connection with the war on terrorism — despite often fierce criticism from civil liberties groups, defense lawyers and judges.
After President Bush took office in 2001, the Justice Department reversed a decade-old policy of publicly disclosing detailed summaries of OPR investigations of department lawyers found to have committed professional misconduct.
The OPR also has been far behind in producing required annual public reports summarizing its activities. Last month, it released its report covering fiscal year 2005. That means many investigations undertaken during the tenure of former Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales remain under wraps.
Some legal experts say there is an impression that the Justice Department is hiding something.
How could you think such a thing about that corner of our government concerned with justice?
I know. I know. How could you think any part of the Bush Administration is concerned with justice, legality or ethics?
Probably be a fire in the DOJ the weekend before the next inauguration.
George Bush isn’t prosecuting anyone for misconduct, the bastard!
George Bush is hiding the details of his misconduct prosecutions, the bastard!
This is just like global warming.
Why am I not surprised?
#2 – Lyin’ Mike
Lay off the hallucinogens while posting, OK?
Why has this man not been impeached yet?
Why is the Bush wanting so much secrecy? If he’s doing everything legally he doesn’t really need to hide it now does he?
Does this surprise ANYBODY? I think not. Obama is going to have to steam clean the entire government after this guy moves out.
I’m counting the days until this clown is gone.
James Hill,
We understand what kind of people support Bush. Unfortunately, you make them look good.