BBC News – July 4, 2008:

Eating high levels of some soy products – including tofu – may raise the risk of memory loss, research suggests.

The study focused on 719 elderly Indonesians living in urban and rural regions of Java.

The researchers found high tofu consumption – at least once a day – was associated with worse memory, particularly among the over-68s.

Soy products are a major alternative protein source to meat for many people in the developing world.

But soy consumption is also on the increase in the west, where it is often promoted as a “superfood”.

  1. mike says:

    one wonders, considering that those in the far east have been eating this stuff for years. after this info, how are we to explain away the stereotype of the smart asian? is it only asians that abstain from tofu? i think the jury is still out on this one.

  2. mike says:

    one wonders, considering that those in the far east have been eating this stuff for years. after this info, how are we to explain away the stereotype of the smart asian? is it only smart asians that abstain from tofu? i think the jury is still out on this one.

  3. QB says:

    Plants. It’s what food eats.

  4. bobbo says:

    #1–Asians “on average” succeed because they honor the family, value education, and work hard.

    and I gotta say Mexicans on average don’t succeed because they don’t value education.

    And to finish with a flourish: Americans on average fail because we don’t honor the family, don’t value education, and don’t work hard.

    Don’t be confused by exceptions to every generality.

  5. #3 – Bobbolina

    Do people of African descent like watermelon?

  6. bobbo says:

    Everybody likes watermelon! I like buying 2-3 during the season and immediately carving it up into bite size portions removing ((99%)) of the seeds. What pulp is left I put in a blender for watermelon juice drinks. Wonderful.

    I take your statement as a reference to the notion that we are all of african descent but don’t see what it has to do with dietary effects on health?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Interesting article. As the researches mention… more research is needed to see if it’s the tofu itself or the formaldehyde they’re using as preservative in Indonesia.

    #3 – boobo

    With a foot in the mainlander Chinese community, I can confirm you wrote about valuing education and working hard. The honor the family thing is true, but has slightly eroded with the changes in society. Parents can no longer take for granted that their children will care for them when they grow old, because the children are busy with their careers (sounds familiar with what happened in the western societies became industrialized). The country side is slightly different and as for the city folks, there are exceptions to the work ethics (I know a few who are lazy and try to leech, but the majority are good hardworking folks).

    #4 – Ayatollah Mustardi – Do people of African descent like watermelon?

    Why don’t you do some research on it moron.

  8. lou says:

    I knew vegans had dementia.

  9. bobbo says:

    #7–Jag==formaldehyde? Gee, I would never knowingly eat that, with the exception of aspartame? All the tofu I see around here is “fresh packed in water.” Could they be lying nontheless?

    I wonder if your foot has been carelessly placed, as in overly influenced by the small spots of prosperity in china with the majority of people there still living the rural life? In respect to your excellent googling, I tried to come up with an article to that point. I only got into the ballpark with this:

    Class warfare in china. Can you have free markets, capitalism, and communism? I’m thinking “no” and one day we might wake up to the economic warfare China is waging on us.

    Kruschev was right that we would sell them the rope they would hang us with==only part wrong is that it was China that would do the selling–thru WallMart.

    Funny how our leaders, ALL of them, support “the free market” when there is no such thing? Who made that koolaid and from where do all our leaders drink it? Simply phenomenal!!

  10. #7 – Führer Jäg

    >>Why don’t you do some research on it moron.

    Why don’t you, and then get back to us? With all those feet here and feet there, surely you can come up with something intelligent to say?

    Or not.

  11. admfubar says:

    “Eating high levels of some soy products – including tofu – may raise the risk of memory loss, research suggests.”

    Suggests??? hhmmm dont they remember/know??
    Must be all the tofu fumes……..

    “And to finish with a flourish: Americans on average fail because we don’t honor the family, don’t value education, and don’t work hard.”

    Americans fail because business doenst value education, go check on how many tax breaks businesses get in your community, if the tax dollars arent there you cant meet the educational needs for the community that your employees come from, short form of that thought, you reap what you sow.

    business doesnt honor family, just look at any benefit package today, it isnt what it should be, or needs to be! health/medical benefits are just one example here

    dont work hard??? hey you get equal work for equal pay……… you get what you pay for…..

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – bobbo – formaldehyde?

    Indeed… from the article:

    A third theory is that damage is caused not by the tofu, but by formaldehyde, which is sometimes used in Indonesia as a preservative.

    I wonder if your foot has been carelessly placed, as in overly influenced by the small spots of prosperity in china with the majority of people there still living the rural life?

    Most of my Chinese friends and acquaintances are highly educated city folks, so yes… my view is slightly skewed in that sense. But I’m well aware that the folks in the rural communities live years behind the city folks.

    Can you have free markets, capitalism, and communism?

    Nope, but then again, the Chinese commies are no longer communist as per the real definition. They cling onto it as the reason for being in power, but they’re capitalists.

    …selling–thru WallMart.

    As long as people wants it cheap, that’s the way it’s going to be. We all make our choices. It’s getting harder and harder to find stuff not made in China though.

    #10 – Ayatollah Mustardi

    Quiet yourself…

  13. Tim Keeling says:

    Perhaps they just forgot they ate it recently. The few times I ate it were not memorable. Are there really that many great dishes with it?

  14. Mister Ketchup says:

    Once I, ah, er, no that wasn’t me.

  15. bobbo says:

    #12–Jag==your html coding is getting a workout here.

    I’m mostly ignorant but will still aver that Red China is still mostly communist. I think they have been quite successful in getting the world to forget this nasty little fact. Especially when one as cultured as yourself buys into it?

    Seems to me the confusion/marketing starts with the fact that communism is a governmental as well as economic system? To the degree that is true, the fact that they have gone capitalist in some ways doesn’t really touch on the government parts of the equation.

    But communism (the real definition?==what is that in your view?) doesn’t really get at what the Chinese are doing either==waging war on the rest of the world thru capitalism while using extreme authoritarian controls at home.

    China is a happening place. It will be fun to see what happens in the next few years/decades as they mature. What can the peasants really do and how much will the middle class put up with in the peasant oppression? Fun stuff.

  16. #12 – Jäg

    Snappy comeback. That was a real beat-down. Wow.

    Why don’t you do some research on it moron.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #15 – bobbo – Especially when one as cultured as yourself buys into it?

    Buys into what?

    But communism (the real definition?==what is that in your view?) doesn’t really get at what the Chinese are doing either==waging war on the rest of the world thru capitalism while using extreme authoritarian controls at home.

    Definition from Wiki sounds fair:

    Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production.

    China nowadays is more capitalist than communist. As for waging war… they’re just doing what everyone else is doing… doing business… just their costs are ridiculously low for manufacturing, so it hurts the industries in the more advanced countries.

    It will be fun to see what happens in the next few years/decades as they mature.

    They’ll go through the same growing pains as all other advanced countries have already experienced. When people get wealthy, they get different priorities… don’t expect the Chinese to be different.

  18. bobbo says:

    Jag–I can see my thinking is muddled. I am confusing that element of authoritarian control with that of “communism” which it isn’t but I think does spring from the communist economic form.

    Once the government owns everything and makes all the decisions, and the government is really just a few people who hold the governments power, its difficult not to be despotic. Then later you allow reforms to include capitalistic market reforms BUT you keep the autocratic central control===then I start to lose what I’m thinking of. Looks like I should write this down to get some structure.

    Ok, I’ll work on it. Got part of it==how long will the middle class excell in making their own decisions in their business life before wanting the same freedom in their political/social life? People are people.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – bobbo

    In short, China is a capitalist country, run by a totalitarian regime which uses their communist past as a justification for being in power.

    What we should worry about is what the Chinese commies have in mind for their military. Their capabilities are getting more and more offensive.

  20. WmDE says:

    Speaking of watermelon:

  21. Cursor_ says:

    China was NEVER communist.

    They, like all other pretenders to communism, forgot one tiny little detail .

    They forgot to disband the small central government of the revolution and cede power back to the proletariat for regional governing.

    Instead, every single one of these so-called communist nations became either autocratic or oligarchic. With most turning to an oligarchy after the deaths of major leaders. Stalin, Zedong, Tito and Mihn being good examples.


  22. The Alfer says:

    I guess this explains those PETA people. Tofu, no thanks. I’ll stick to bbq steak and ribs.

  23. Beefeater says:

    Eating tofu will turn you into a PETA-File.

    Join the tards here:

  24. QB says:

    Hey Beefeater and Alfer, I love all of God’s creatures. Right next to the potatoes and gravy.

  25. chuck says:

    Mustard and Bobbo: how did this posting get into a rant about racial and ethnic intelligence?

    This post is supposed to be a rant about vegans who eat so much tofu it rots their brains.


  26. The Alfer says:

    #26: ….how did this posting get into a rant about racial and ethnic intelligence?

    Did’nt you here about the Vega Colony on Star Trek? Sometimes you got to wonder if these Vegans really are a part of the human race. Its just ain’t natural to be a herbivore if you really are human.

  27. Sci-Guy says:

    #26: Did’nt you here about the Vega Colony on Star Trek?

    Actually Vegans are from the planet Bovinia 4 from the galaxy Guernsey 2998, cow creatures that evolved into human form and came to earth to take over our planet and turn us into their kind.

  28. James Hill says:

    #9 already won this thread.

  29. BK1 says:

    Putting the vegan symbol up there is misleading. Soy (as in the main ingredient of tofu) is everywhere.

    Milkyway bars have soy lecithin and partially hydrogenated soybean oil in their list of ingredients.

  30. Ol Geezer says:

    #29: #9 already won this thread.

    This is a contest? So whats the prize boy?

    To #23, #24 & #25 – Funny!

    To #27 & #28 – I often wondered about those Vegan types too. You gotta be part bovine to eat that crap.


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