Better to be harrased by women

Four out of five men are sexually harassed by women at work – but are too afraid to complain to their employers – according to researchers.

A study by the law firm Peninsula found 85 per cent of employers admit they take a complaints of sexual harassment from a male employees less seriously. Two-thirds of the 2,300 men questioned also said sexual banter was inappropriate at work. David Price of Peninsula said: “The balance has shifted and it is now women who are aiming sexual banter at male workers.”Many workers are under the opinion that sexual banter is an acceptable norm in the work place. “But not everyone is happy with these types of jokes and the situation is a consistently growing problem for employers.

“The majority of men don’t feel that gender discrimination applies to them, and tend to just accept any banter aimed at them. “Male employees should not feel they can’t report incidents to their employer. It is an employer’s responsibility to investigate harassment claims, whatever the employee’s gender.” Earlier this month girls at a further education college were reprimanded for wolf-whistling at builders. Officials at West Kent College in Tonbridge, Kent, warned pupils the behaviour was “totally unacceptable,” and said any student caught harassing the contractors would face disciplinary action.


  1. Peter iNova says:

    erm… according to the picture, the liklihood of being sexually harassed would appear to be from other men.

    Another babe shot opportunity missed. Who’s the photo editor? Has there been a policy change? I want my money back.

  2. Mark Parker says:

    I wouldn’t mind it so long as the women could handle the banter going both ways. My guess is that UK men are complaining because it’s not a level playing field and that if they join in on the banter, they’ll get fired or forced to endure some kind of PC re-education training to keep their job.

  3. The Alfer says:

    Hey girls, harass and wolf-whistle me please! Hell, I’d even settle for a second look! Any guy who can’t take a bit of fun from a chick has got to be gay. Besides who wants a little Miss Prissy for a girlfriend anyway, bring on the wild girls.

  4. Rich says:

    I wouldn’t mind a genuinely good-looking woman whistling at me, or even slapping me here or there. Unfortunately the one woman who did that is a certified bonobo chimp.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    Uh, they’re not really women.

  6. The Alfer says:

    #5 Uh, they’re not really women.

    No, just some Village People wannabes, you know that “queer” group from the 80’s Makes me wonder about that McCullough fellow that posted this. An entire internet full of girly pictures and he has to pick that one!

  7. Les says:

    I’m packing my bags…

  8. Angel H. Wong says:


    You just hit right on the nail.

    #3 & #4

    They’re not the 300+lbs midwestern USA women.

  9. The Alfer says:

    #8: They’re not the 300+lbs midwestern USA women.

    Well duh! Of course they are not! If this is supposed to be an insult you really missed the boat here Angel. Besides I like them thin and wild, fatties don’t make it for me. And I do agree with #2 too. So whats your point anyway?

  10. Old Geezer says:

    You sound like a fracking man hating, ball busting, rug munching lesbian!

  11. Old Geezer says:

    #10: You sound like a fracking man hating, ball busting, rug munching lesbian!

    This is for Angel #8

    [Old Geezer you horny bastard. – ed.]

  12. LanguageNazi says:

    #11 You sound like a fracking man hating, ball busting, rug munching l******!

    Its not nice to use the “L” word around here. A-hole, dork, retard, idiot, f-tard those are OK, just not the “L” word.

  13. Shenzhov says:

    These must really be some fat, ugly women for these guys to be complaining about this.

  14. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Any guy who would complain about a woman talking sex should kill himself and quit exhaling CO2. Being thought of as nothing more than sexual meat is every real man’s desire.

  15. lou says:

    Just like at home.

  16. Mister Ketchup says:

    The problem with taking UK women out to lunch is finding an area where they can safely graze.

  17. Judge Jewdy says:

    Did anyone notice that James Hill is the guy on the left?


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