GRANTS PASS, Ore. – Like many Americans, Kent Couch plans to settle into a lawn chair during the Fourth of July weekend. Unlike everyone else, his feet will dangle high above the lawn. Couch is set to launch himself skyward on Saturday aboard his lawn chair, which will be attached to 150 giant latex party balloons filled with helium. His goal: to fly more than 300 miles from his gas station in central Oregon to somewhere in Idaho, preferably Boise. It will be his third attempt to fly by the seat of his pants to Idaho — he doesn’t wear a seat belt. “The first time, nobody wanted to be involved at all,” Couch told The Associated Press in a phone interview Wednesday. “They were thinking I was a lunatic, I mean a balloon-atic. My friends shunned me. But this time it’s different. ” He now has a corporate sponsor, a team of volunteers and his wife Susan’s blessing.

Couch, 48, was inspired to go up, up and away by the 1982 lawn-chair flight over Los Angeles by truck driver Larry Walters, whose adventure brought him a measure of fame, but also a $1,500 fine for violating air traffic rules. Couch made his first ascent in 2006, floating for six hours before shooting out a few balloons with his pellet gun to descend. He apparently shot out too many balloons because he had to use his parachute to land. He never found the lawn chair. Last year, he flew 193 miles before running low on helium and landing in a patch of sagebrush. A gust of wind blew away that chair. It was found in May by a ranchers checking the fence line on their eastern Oregon property. Couch has appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and NBC’s “Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” He has enjoyed his time in the limelight, but said he isn’t flying a lawn chair for fame and fortune.

He’ll have a GPS tracking device attached to his chair and another in his pocket, allowing his location to be monitored on his Web site.

Not the first, just the latest fool to attempt this. Remember the priest in Brazil? At least he’ll have plenty of leg room.

  1. Mister Ketchup says:


  2. Sinn Fein says:

    “He’ll have a GPS tracking device attached to his chair and another in his pocket, allowing his location to be monitored on his Web site.”

    Well, at least searchers will have an easier time locating this nimrod’s opposed to that Steve Fossett adventure junkie who remains dry-boned remains somewhere in the desert.

  3. deowll says:

    Most likely safer than base jumping. As long as the only person apt to get killed is him, let him do it. Everybody does have the right to do foolish things that can get them killed as long as they aren’t putting others at risk.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    “They were thinking I was a lunatic, I mean a balloon-atic”.

    I bet they’re still thinking you’re a lunatic.

  5. Judge Jewdy says:

    Pellet rifle.

  6. bobbo says:

    I admire the guy and could easily do the same. He is equipped with a parachute. Very far from Darwin territory. Any chance to float above the earth and look down is worth taking. There is a streak of genius in Mr. Couch. Bravo!

  7. jc says:

    Did they ever find the priest in Brazil that did this?

    On the positive side for this guy, he’s not near any oceans… Hopefully he knows how to read out the latitude and longitude though.

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. “Did they ever find the priest in Brazil that did this?”

    No, just some balloons.

    “On the positive side for this guy, he’s not near any oceans… Hopefully he knows how to read out the latitude and longitude though.”

    No oceans, just the Rockies.

  9. jc says:

    Well, with the Rockies he’ll go splat and not blub blub blub…


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