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Today’s Guests:

The Topics:

  1. Darran says:

    “You know we have to edit that stuff out you guys – It’s called post-production”

  2. BrianS says:

    One of the comments in the episode is that the Blackberry can be wiped remotely. You then imply that lack of this ability to be wiped is one reason why corporate IT will not go for the iPhone.

    iPhone 2.0 will have remote wiping in case a phone is stolen or lost.

    The other stated reasons were right on the mark. Corporate IT likes to work with older known stuff.

    I love the show. Keep up the good work.

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    Can we bring back Ms. Slutski? I thought she was pretty hot!

  4. biosbooter says:

    Dvorak, you should really make a deal with revision 3….let’s face it, ziff davis is dead! They screwed you once do not let them screw you again.

  5. jon says:

    If Cranky Geeks did switch to Rev3, it would be renamed and Johnny C & Seb would be replaced with younger hosts within a month.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    The notion that a large group of PC users would someday rally to save an OS that Microsoft created and now wanted to trash, is in itself simply amazing. Especially after Win-Me. But I have to admit, I’d prefer using XP, than being forced to upgrade to Vista. Vista is mostly a lot visual bells and whistles. No major security reworks (a few minor ones maybe). They dropped a lot of what Longhorn promised to do. That will probably all be in Windows 7. Which is what Vista should have been. So maybe Vista is the Win-Me of Windows 7. Another stupid placeholder. And users shouldn’t be forced to go with a placeholder OS, by discontinuing the OS that finally worked well enough for 95% of the market. XP isn’t perfect, but it’s way better than Win’98 or Me. And nobody griped about their passing. Or Win’95. The real problem with WinXP is that it was made too good, to easily be trumped by a half-assed placeholder OS, with heavy DRM protection and a glossed up UI. Besides Linux was doing transparent panes long before Microsoft came along with these blurry ones. What good is blurry? Gee, there’s some blurry behind my other Windows pane. Why not just put some readable text in the pane’s border saying what pane is behind it? No need to eat up CPU cycles and screen ram, generating blurs of icons and gadgets. I’d turn that crap off instantly. But is that mainly the big deal selling point of Vista. Let’s keep XP viable until Windows 7 SP1, at least (maybe even SP2). And hopefully Windows 7 won’t have six flavors, and require such a major hardware upgrade to run it.

  7. Esteban says:

    #3. You need to get out more. 🙂

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    #7 – too funny!!! LMAO!

  9. James Hill says:

    #8 – Another unintelligent comment from someone who clearly knows nothing about technology. Blackberry didn’t have remote wipe in its early versions, either.

    Get a clue. Just because Apple owns your soul is no reason to get pissy.

  10. hhopper says:

    I think James Hill is really Steve Jobs in disguise.

  11. #6 – Glenn E.

    Better watch in with the Vista-bashing; that’s quickly becoming a minority viewpoint among the power-brokers of dvorak dot org slash blog.

    You’ll notice that there are few stories about Vista here on this tech blog lately, and during this edition of Cranky Geeks, the guests are creaming their jeans about how good Vista is. Mr. C. Dvorak remains absolutely mute, in spite of his previous critical comments.

    Personally, I think it’s a piece of shit (I’ve been using it for the past 16 months, along with OS X and Linux), and continue to say so.

  12. Mister Ketchup says:

    #13 – I think you are right. MS has probably given a directive to shut down the Vista noise while they do turd polishing. The Vistards here were pretty vocal for awhile and then I guess they realized how ludicrous they sounded trying to defend this pOS. OS X continues to gain market share for a reason.


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