A Jewish school’s entry criteria did not racially discriminate against an 11-year-old boy that it refused to admit, the high court has ruled.

The JFS in north-west London rejected the boy, known as M, because his mother was not regarded as “an approved Jew“…

A child’s Jewish identity is inherited through the mother, but the US did not accept that M’s mother was Jewish. She was born a Roman Catholic, but converted to Judaism before her son’s birth, although not to the Orthodox movement.

Isn’t this kind of sectarian crap amazing?

  1. Patrick says:

    Is the school paid for by tax $? If so, bad decision, if not, it’s not the business of the state anyway.

  2. GF says:

    Eugenics raises ugly head. Maybe it is true that those who were once abused become the abuser.

  3. Named says:

    The standard of religious birthing is greater than religious beliefs.

    FTFA – Rose claimed that amounted to racial discrimination, as other children were given preference if their mothers were Jewish by birth, even if they were “committed atheists”.

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    God is dead. And the right said Fred.

  5. Isn’t that what sectarian means? To divide the world into sects? Us and Them? Yecch!! I hate the whole concept. We’re all Us. There is no Them.

    The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion, singular as always, is the worst in this regard. That desert war god myth is one of a xenophobic, genocidal maniac.

    There are two types of people in the world, those who divide the world into two types of people and those who do not.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #5 Anthropoid Scott – No, there are three kinds of people, those that can count and those that can’t.

  7. The Alfer says:

    I find this difficult to comprehend, Jewish people being racist? A court says no, but still? Is this like someone who is half black half white and wanted to attend an all white or all black school like they did decades ago. Would I then be able to reject a kid on that basis? I really thought they would be the last people on this earth to do this.I keep seeing these stories about how if someone just as much says one derogatory comment about Jews, you get all kinds of Jewish organizations condemning you before you can blink. Fair is fair. So now I hear a Jewish school bans a boy because he’s not Jewish enough? What the heck does that mean? Now I’ve heard everything. I don’t blame Jews in general, just this school and the people running it. Perhaps they should set a better example for the rest of us, Jews and non-Jews included. Before I probably get condemned for the above comments, I’d just like to say we’re all human beings and when you peel the skin away we’re all the same underneath. Why can’t we just all get along?

  8. Calin says:

    I thought it was 10 kinds of people…
    those who know binary and those who don’t.

  9. Matt says:


    I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. So I ran over and said ‘Stop! don’t do it!’

    ‘Why shouldn’t I?’ he said.

    I said, ‘Well, there’s so much to live for!’

    He said, ‘Like what?’

    I said, ‘Well…are you religious or atheist?’

    He said, ‘Religious.’

    I said, ‘Me too!

    Are you Christian or Buddhist?’

    He said, ‘Christian.’

    I said, ‘Me too!

    Are you Catholic or Protestant?’

    He said, ‘Protestant.’

    I said, ‘Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?’

    He said, ‘Baptist!’

    I said, ‘Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?’

    He said, ‘Baptist Church of God!’

    I said, ‘Me too! Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?’

    He said, ‘Reformed Baptist Church of God!’

    I said, ‘Me too! Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?’

    He said, ‘Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915!’

    I said, ‘Die, heretic scum,’ and pushed him off.
    ~Emo Phillips

  10. JimR says:

    I’m 2 kinds of people.

  11. edbauer says:

    “Great success!”

    /Borat Sagdiyev

  12. #6 – The Monster’s Lawyer,

    #5 Anthropoid Scott – No, there are three kinds of people, those that can count and those that can’t.

    No. There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who do not.

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #12 – You win my binary friend. 🙂

  14. pjakobs says:

    #5, Scott,

    true words and well spoken.

    #9, Matt

    sad but that’s the way it workds. Devide and conquer.

  15. Mister Ketchup says:

    What, he wasn’t a whiney, penny-pinching, yamaha wearing little fuck?

  16. edwinrogers says:

    A subject line destined to flush the biggots. Everyone is a bit cranky on Monday, so why make matters worse.

  17. deowll says:

    We are the chosen and you aren’t.

    It’s really sad but it is exactly that kind of elitest bleep that has allowed them to keep a group identity going all these years.

    On the other hand it does tend to remove any feelings of empathy for them and that has cost them badly.

  18. Miss_X2b says:

    According the Guardian article, the case involved racial discrimination. Jews are not a race, they are a religion, even geneticists agree with this point. So even if the child was not discriminated against because of his race, he was discriminated against because of his religion or religious sect. In the UK, I’m not sure if it holds any water legally but I do know that the UK passed some very strict laws against religious discrimination which make it a criminal offense.

    More information about genetics:


    2. How do I tell if I have Jewish ancestry?

    Because Jewish is a religion and not a physical attribute that can be defined by a DNA mutation, we can give you hints about having Jewish ancestry by comparing your results with our database and looking for matches with people that come from the same Semitic background and/or who have declared that they have Jewish ancestry on that line. There are 4 situations we can run into when testing for Jewish ancestry:

    * You match only people who are also Jewish on their direct maternal line — in other words the signature, or “motif,” only matches with people who have a known Jewish ancestry. The answer in this case is pretty clear and obvious.
    * You match a motif that has both Jews and non Jews — the answer is not clear and we can’t guess whether your personal lineage is Jewish or not.
    * You match no one of known Jewish origins -the answer is also clear…that you likely do not have Jewish origins on this lineage.
    * You have no matches in our system at all (we haven’t ever see this particular result before).

    Look in the mtDNA Ancestral Origins section to see whether or not the people you match are from the Jewish database. Those in our Jewish database have a listing in the “Comments” column denoting Jewish ancestry

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #4 -EotT

    I’m too sexy for my body, too sexy for my body..

    #18 – Missy

    So an atheist descended from generations of Jewish women is not a Jew? Hmm. Interesting concept.

    #15 – Ketchy

    >>What, he wasn’t a whiney, penny-pinching,
    >>yamaha wearing little fuck?

    You forgot “pushy”.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:

    So… Basically in the USA it’s okay to be a racist pig as long as you’re a Jew?

  21. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Animist, Pastafarian, all eat wonderful mayonnaise. Which is why the Church of Mayo is the all encompassing, all powerful religion of all time!

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #21 – Mayo

    Some eat Miracle Whip.


  23. ethanol says:

    Angel #20, You are retarded and unable to read. This happened in the UK…

    Mister Ketchup #15, how does one wear a yamaha?

    Mister MusTard #19, you have lost any respect I may have had for you.

    Misters Ketchup and MusTard, and pretty much all of the posters here, WTF with the hate?!? So if this article was about blacks, hispanics or any other group, would you be making all of these slanderous statements? I didn’t think so you assholes.
    I find myself frequenting this site less and less as the hate spewing of all types, like I am seeing here, is ridiculous. I question if any of you get out at all. You apparently stay at home so you can safely type away without repercussion as you would NEVER talk to another person like this.

    And to enlighten all of you, Orthodox Jews do not recognize conversions to Judaism if it doesn’t conform to their rules. The mother didn’t convert the Orthodox way, therefore she is not recognized as a Jew by the Orthodox movement of Judaism.
    What is even more stupid about ALL of your comments is that this is one Jew discriminating against another, which clearly does not affect any of you jerks. And if you care so much about the rights of Jews, how did you decide which Jew to side with?!?

  24. John Paradox says:

    The story pretty well exemplifies what would happen if the Radical Religious Right were to get their Theocracy… a fight among the sects.


  25. Kahil says:

    Criteria is criteria, people. To make this about “discrimination” is a choice made by those of you who quite obviously hate Jews.

    Remember: This is a school we are talking about. The school has criteria as most schools do — particularly religious schools and institutions of higher learning. Private organizations have a right, even in the UK it would appear, to have standards. To say in effect, We want our school to be This or That kind of school. ALL private schools do it, religious or otherwise. So, if this article makes your blood boil, you may want to ask yourself why you hate Jews so much. What are you getting out of it? Who carefully taught you to hate and fear? And do you want to continue to hang on to it?

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    Mr. Pair O’ Dicks

    >>Mister MusTard #19, you have lost any
    >>respect I may have had for you.

    Tee hee! The “pushy” thing got your blood a-boilin’, did it?

    Man, it’s easy to know when you’ve struck a nerve.

  27. Lard Ass says:


    Mister Mayonnaise,

    You are wrong. Jews do not eat mayonnaise. Not a one.

  28. ethanol says:

    No MusTard (#26),
    You were the one of the few I wouldn’t have expected to jump on the bandwagon of hateful stereotyping. What strikes a nerve is the apparently true hatefulness of people. So you have the anonymity of posting on the internet and your true feelings come through. In a social situation, if you encounter them, you wouldn’t come straight out with this kind of bigotry. Unless you belong to the Aryan Brotherhood or some similar group…

  29. Mister Ketchup says:

    #23 – Aw come on Ethanol, I’m just kidding. I don’t hate anyone but I am an equal opportunity abuser. I really wish I was a black, female, one-legged Vietnam veteran with a Spanish surname so I could get ahead. It is tough being a regular white guy these days. Consider everything I say with tongue in cheek. This is the Internet for fucks sake, this is no place for thin skin. Yes, you come here long enough and someone will say something that enflames you.

    Well, when I say I don’t hate anyone – I strongly dislike the French. I was in Ottawa and a truck backfired and I saw a whole crowd of them surrender. Also, I hate people that mistreat children and animals.

  30. Lard Ass says:



    I, too, really wish you were a black woman with one leg, Vietnam vet, last name Rodriguez. I wish that for you.


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