A Jewish school’s entry criteria did not racially discriminate against an 11-year-old boy that it refused to admit, the high court has ruled.

The JFS in north-west London rejected the boy, known as M, because his mother was not regarded as “an approved Jew“…

A child’s Jewish identity is inherited through the mother, but the US did not accept that M’s mother was Jewish. She was born a Roman Catholic, but converted to Judaism before her son’s birth, although not to the Orthodox movement.

Isn’t this kind of sectarian crap amazing?

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – EtOH

    >>Hate, hate, hate, hate

    Jeez, Moonshine. Got your knickers in a little twist there, do ya?

    You think saying that American Jews are pushy is “hate”? Man, O Manischewitz! I’ll bet you’re siding with “J” in claiming that saying Italians talk with their hands is a hate crime too?

    Man, talk about a terminal case of political correctness.

    You want to see a real hate crime, real anti-Semitism, check this out:


    She even claims that Jews love money! Aaaa-OOOO-gah!!

  2. Lard Ass says:



    You’re just plain weird. And not funny.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Mr Arbuckle

    Thank you. Thank you very much.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    #30 Thank you so much Lard Ass! I really appreciate when others supports my wishes. This is for you! http://tinyurl.com/6ggrje

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    #30 – Is this you???


  6. Lard Ass says:

    Thanks a lot for blowing my anonymity!!!

  7. Lard Ass says:

    Thanks #34! We’re all in this together!

  8. JPV says:

    The Alfer said, on July 3rd, 2008 at 10:48 am

    I find this difficult to comprehend, Jewish people being racist?

    LOL… Are you serious? The Jews are the original racists. Once you declare yourself as “God’s chosen”, everybody else is less than scum, or as the Jews refer to them… Goyims. The Ashkenazi Jews also treat the Sephardic Jews like garbage.

  9. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    #35: Clearly a case of mayo-induced-steatopygia. Oh, and BOINNNNGGGGGG!

  10. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    #27: Much mayonnaise is indeed kosher.


  11. Glenn E. says:

    What? Do they only accept pure Jews? Did they learn that from the Nazis? Shouldn’t the Anti Sematic League by onto this? Or don’t they police their own? I could think up some more, but why bother?

  12. plump says:

    I’m discriminated against because I can’t get into the uni I want on the grounds that I didn’t answer correctly the entrance exam questions – they said I was wrong.

    They should not be allowed to stop me getting in on these grounds.

    As for sects, I’m glad that godlessness means unity for humanity. All those communist countries get on with each other so well, the sooner we pussy Westerners become like them, the better.

    Yup, there are no sects within atheism – everybody agrees on everything.

  13. JPV's Brain says:

    What JPV meant to say:
    I am a hateful racist who consistently posts only hateful statements throughout Dvorak.org/blog. Therefore any comment like the one I made in #38 is meant only to cover my deep seated hate especially for Jews, which is why I am a member of Hamas. This in no way dimishes my hatred for so many other groups, I just harbor a special hatred for the Jews.

  14. Kahil says:

    #s 17 & 38,

    That whole Chosen thing is often misunderstood. It does not mean nobody else is chosen. There is actually a lot to it. . . . More than anything it points to a responsibility that Jews have, not that they are God’s favorites.

    But people don’t take the time to study religions. They don’t look deeper. They judge, take one tiny part of a concept and run [negatively] with it.

    It reminds me of the anti litter campaign in Texas a few years ago. The slogan was Don’t Mess With Texas, an attempt at being clever and the idea being, Don’t Litter! People were like, Man, fuck those Texas assholes! If you lived in Texas or took the time to look into it before freaking out, you’d see how pointless it was to get ANGRY and hate for no reason.

    Try taking a deep breath and looking into something before you go crazy and build up all this hate. Cut people some slack. . .

  15. Mister Ketchup says:

    #43 – Thanks for the explanation, you’re really making me appreciate JPV! Can anyone think of a group that hasn’t been offended here yet? I hope we don’t miss anyone. 🙂

  16. ethanol says:


    You are a complete fucktard.
    Eideard, I am going to include you as well, because looking back over the most negative postings about Jews and Israel, they are yours. Eideard, why don’t you create a separate blog for your hatred of religion, particularly the Jews/Israel? Stop clogging this blog with your axe to grind.

    So if this article was about an ELCA Lutheran school not allowing a Missouri Synod student (both Lutherans, one liberal one conservative), would you all be spewing the foul, venomous statements? No? Really? What about Garrison Keillor? Of course not. Now look in the mirror and admit you are a bigot and ask yourself why? Where does it come from? How is it serving you?

  17. #46 – EtOH

    Jesus. Are you hypersensitive, or what? If you don’t think Christians have taken a pounding here on dvorak dot or slash blog, you must not be reading the posts.

    While I find the relentless bashing of all people of faith here somewhat tedious, I have to give [Eds.] credit; they hate EVERYONE who loves God.

    Lighten up a little, will you? Have a shot of moonshine in honor of Independence Day.

  18. Lard Ass says:

    Mustard and Ketchup,

    you’re so weird. You’re like, I hate niggers! Ha Ha, just joking — lighten up everyone! What kind of humor is that?

  19. bobbo says:

    #46–ethanol==I have to second the great cleric Mustardo on this one. Don’t you appreciate, or why not start appreciating now, that any criticism is an opportunity to review and make changes as appropriate or to reaffirm a position taken==both all for the good. Why the sensitivity? It says nothing about eideard, and everything about you.

    #47–Mustard==I’m starting to take offense at your constant lambasting of atheists. We are a minority that have been pilloried in all cultures and even your good book says to stone us and even God rejects us. Why can’t I come to a little blog and get some respite? No–all I want is some bland mayonaise or ketchup and I get your spicy sauce instead. Stop the Hate!!!

    #48–misplaced as in non-existant.

  20. MikeN says:

    ethanol, most of these posters will cheer when Ahmadenijad wipes Israel from the map.

  21. #49 – Bobbo

    >>I’m starting to take offense at your
    >>constant lambasting of atheists.

    Aw, boo frickety hoo. The Atheists lambaste people of faith, people of faith lambaste the Atheists, dvorak dot org slash blog is sort of a microcosmic version of Iraq.

    Now don’t be a bumba clot. Go bash the Rastafarians.

  22. Mister Ketchup says:

    #48 – Nah, we can’t tolerate lard asses either. Or whiney fucking babies!

  23. Peter iNova says:

    The topic, a decision by a religious organization, backed up by a civil court, has lead to some of the most abusive posting responses I’ve seen.

    John should think of this as “Cussion,” not “Discussion.”

  24. Mister Ketchup says:

    #53 – Aw come one, there have been much worse. Where have you been?

  25. Angel H. Wong says:


    Bah, considering how Sasha Baron Cohen managed to ridicule an entire ethnic group and got away with it I assumed it was something that would happen in the USA.

  26. Doodle says:

    JFS have have been turning kids away whose mothers are converted Jews for years. The sad part of it is that JFS isn’t even a particularly religious school. In some cases the children they turn away on the ‘not Jewish’ basis are more observant of the religion than the school itself.

    As far as the beliefs of Jewdaism are meant to go there is no such thing as being half Jewish or not Jewish enough. You’re either Jewish or you’re not and that is based on whether or not your mother is Jewish. Whether or not a conversion is considered legit is not as straight forward, as there are different criteria depending on the sect and level of orthodoxy.

    That JFS purports to be so stringent is a bit of a piss take considering it’s probably one of the less religious Jewish schools in London.

  27. Mr. Catshit says:

    Who the fuck cares ???

    Lard Ass,

    You remind me of a screen door on a submarine.


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