This first appeared in Feb. of this year and is just too funny not to document on this blog.

Found by Michelle Dyson.

  1. McCullough says:

    Way to ruin a GREAT memory for me John.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    Intoxicated people who dance keep their torso up by clenching their butt cheeks. Everyone needs a little help from their friends.

  3. Mark Parker says:

    What is Cocker’s story? I remember as a kid thinking that he must have some form of cerebral palsy. His physical expressions of rhythm, to put it politely, are so out of whack… It’s like watching Elaine dance… There’s got to be a medical explanation.

  4. McCullough says:

    Exuberance, with a healthy dose of heroin.

  5. fulanoche says:

    #1 I drove him around in TX about 1980. Great down to earth guy. I bet he would get a chuckle from it. BTW he’s on tour this summer.
    So is that other great rock stylist Van Morrison but the tix are arrogantly priced?
    I know, off subject but felt like venting.

  6. RTaylor says:

    I think it was a remarkable performance considering only half his plasma was blood at the time.

  7. Ron Larson says:

    Funny…. Another lyric hack job by Valentina Hasan?

    See “Ken Lee” song at Bulgarian Idol

  8. Floyd says:

    Hey–it was Woodstock. The bands and the audience were all stoned. When Joe forgot or mumbled the words (which he did in those days even if he was cold sober), nobody in the audience noticed.

  9. deowll says:

    Ah well. I doubt if the audience was in any condition to notice.

    There is an urban legend that at one beetles concert nobody noticed during the live performance that the singers microphones were off. For some reason this seemed to upset them.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, deowll,

    There is an urban legend that at one beetles concert nobody noticed during the live performance that the singers microphones were off.

    The beetles had a concert and the mikes were turned off? Gee, was it the ants who complained? Or maybe the ladybugs. Well, it’s a Bugs Life.

    Kids today.

  11. Dr Dodd says:

    #9 deowll

    “one beetles concert”

    Many things can be overlooked and even forgiven but your spelling of the “Beatles” is simply not allowed.

    Don’t ever do it again!

  12. John Paradox says:

    Joe Cocker, subject of my favorite David Letterman quip:

    Cocker? I barely know ‘er!



  13. admfubar says:

    this is your brain on drugs…………

  14. BillyBob says:

    made me laugh till i cried. thanks.


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