A New Zealand man has put his soul up for auction to the highest bidder, noting that is “a merry old soul” rather than a “funk soul brother” but that he would “would like to think there is a bit of funk in there somewhere.”

The auction closes at 12:00 p.m. Thursday local time (0000 Thursday GMT), and bids so far had reached US$189.

Advice from a lawyer was that the winning bidder would not be entitled to anything but Scott’s soul and would not be able to own or control him in any way, he said.

This might be a new and productive approach for those chartered with halting the decline in superstition in the educated world. Religions could simply buy up souls to list on their membership rolls.

  1. Personality says:

    Religions could simply buy up souls to list on their membership rolls.
    Your right, with church numbers dropping, this could be a way to get the contributions they need.

  2. Ian says:

    I kinda wish a celebrity would do this.

    How much would you pay for Rush Limbaugh’s soul?

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    I’ve been thinking of selling my collection of air guitars on eBay. After this swindle I may have a chance.

    They should probably bar code souls so you don’t try to sell them more than once. There could be a huge market out there with all the different Gods, religions and other superstitions.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Sounds like a great way for Atheists to make some spending money.

    Since they don’t believe in this sort of superstitious hocus-pocus-dominocus anyway, selling their souls shouldn’t be any more painful that my salmonella-bearing brother Ketchy selling his air guitars.

  5. JimR says:

    Old stuff. I saw souls for sale last year as I was thinking of selling mine for a lark. Most didn’t get a bid, a few went for $5 -$10. This guy is lucky he’s been noticed.

    It would be great if the alias of the winning bidder was “thedevil”

  6. the answer says:

    Could you go to jail for selling your soul hundreds of times over? I wanna see that go to court and have lawyers argue over that. And in the background, acrobats.

  7. Sean says:

    Am I retarded, or is the auction not linked from this page or the article?

  8. deowll says:

    So how do you take control of your property?

    The devil would never buy a soul because if you would sell he already owns it. Lot of good yarns about that though. The Devil and Daniel Webster is a classic.

  9. Mojo Yugen says:

    #2 – Rush Limbaugh’s soul? Please, don’t slow pitch the comedians around here. That one is too easy.

    #7 – Your questions aren’t mutually exclusive.

  10. Mister Ketchup says:

    #7 – Yeah, you’re probably retarded.

  11. brian t says:

    Not the first time this has happened: friendlyatheist.com is run by Hemant Mehta, who wrote a book called… “I Sold My Soul On eBay”. 8)

  12. Jim says:

    what? you can’t control him? what a rip off!

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    I wonder what my soul would fetch in an auction.

    On second though, maybe it’s best I don’t know.

  14. lou says:

    Re # 2.
    Can you short Rush L soul ?

  15. Lynn says:

    So the lawyer claims that whoever buys the soul can’t control the guy who’s selling it, but doesn’t it seem likely that a lawyer would be in league with – MWA HA HA HA – Satan? Would you take his advise?


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