The American broadcast industry is rocked, realigned and blasted into a new orbit, yet again, by Rush Limbaugh, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

In what is being described as an unprecedented radio contract, Limbaugh will keep his syndicated show on-the-air and e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e through 2016 with CLEAR CHANNEL and PREMIERE RADIO. Already host of the most lucrative hours since radio’s inception, Limbaugh’s total package is valued north of $400 million, according to media insiders.

The NEW YORK TIMES will claim this weekend that Limbaugh, marking 20 years this summer as a national host, has secured a 9-figure signing bonus for the new deal, newsroom sources tell DRUDGE. [The cover photo of the TIMES Sunday magazine depicts Limbaugh ‘dark and sinister’ in a theme of THE GODFATHER.] While newspapers and traditional broadcast media are experiencing declining revenues, Limbaugh’s golden microphone has turned diamond-laced:

Earnings now pace him ahead of the annual salaries for network news anchors: Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Diane Sawyer — combined! The deal represents a stunning triumph over the establishment by an outsider who connected with and captured the spirit of the nation’s heartland.

Comparing Limbaugh to news anchors seems a bit unfair, since they’re different forms of propaganda. Well, at least we don’t have to watch him.

  1. El Rushbo says:

    Hate sells? Oh please! Explain to me how Rush sells hate…or is it because you merely disagree with his views and it’s easier to say he’s hateful than to challenge logically his ideas?

  2. There is quite a bit of liberal’s called Pacifica..and they have stations such as KPFA in the Bay Area. It’s incredibly dull and self-righteous. Air America still exists and still stinks with only moments of usefulness. What is always overlooked is the fact that both Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert do represent a watchable liberal bias that balances Rushbo and the other radio guys. What is seriously overlooked by the bigots who comment on this blog is the fact that Limbaugh’s deal will piss-off the other radio personalities to an extreme.

  3. Patrick says:

    #38 “What is seriously overlooked by the bigots who comment on this blog is the fact that Limbaugh’s deal will piss-off the other radio personalities to an extreme.”

    Is it because the contract is overpaying based on audience share or, other reasons?

  4. Madtownmoxie says:

    And somewhere down the Middle lies the truth…


  5. Sinn Fein says:

    Rush Limbaugh: A bargain at twice the price! Way to go, El Rushbo…stick that in your eye Mr. “Fairness Doctrine.”

    Want to win in chess? Make better moves.

    Want to win in politics? Come up with better ideas and a true belief in the ability and aspirations of the human spirit…not the hypocrisy & disingenuousness of the so-called liberal love of the common man. BAH!

  6. deowll says:

    “Well, at least we don’t have to watch him.”

    I’d pay to not watch or listen to him. He is a nasty person.

    If his show is worth that much there must be a lot of very nasty people. I don’t just mean conservative. I don’t have a problem with traditional values/conservative.

    I mean, mean spirited, petty, bigoted, narrow minded, spiteful, vicious, malicious, etc,. I mean he is the sort of person I don’t want to share space with no matter what his political views might be.

  7. Keith says:

    Nice picture of Rush on the cover of the NYT Magazine… Not shot to be sinister-looking at all. No bias from the NYT about him at all either. Nothing to see here. Move along.

    All these people saying we need people to offset Rush or to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine completely miss the point. Rush *is* the offset to the liberal spew from the NYT and most of the rest of the MSM. And the people who don’t like equal time want to suppress him and rapidly devolve into spittle and name-calling. If you don’t believe me, see the comments on this thread for a bunch of examples–mild ones compared to other websites.

  8. Congrats, Rush, on being one of the highest-paid fat-a**ed Rotarian windbags in recorded history!

  9. GF says:

    It’s all about the numbers and conversions, people buying the products offered in the ads. If the talent can’t make this happen than maybe Mickey D’s has a name tag for them.

    Air America fails because the listeners don’t buy shit. They hate the corporate world that makes Air America possible and wonder why it goes down the toilet. If Air America sold hope instead of solutions just like Disney they’d be golden. See, Disney ‘gets it’ and could probably sell flavor-aid laced with cyanide. For instance, it’s ironic that Disney makes a film about how bad fat lazy consumer whores are and then has plastic Wall-e toys ready to hawk. ROTFLMAO

    # 38 So, Sean Hannity is going to be upset about Rush? 😉

  10. clifffton says:

    Hannity would require a Rush-ectomy to be upset.
    Out here we know what’s on Sean’s show if we listen to Rush first (by mistake of course, Rush is an a$$hat).

  11. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Way to go Rush!

    He expresses basic truths (in a bloviating manner) people understand that and listen. If people wanted to listen to Air America that would have.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    The conservative airwaves are filled with hate, be it xenophobic hipocrisy ie “These damn spics steal our honest jobs” While there’s a quasi-slave labour working on the fields before sunrise ’till past sunset with as much protection from pesticides as their worn clothing. Or Homophobic hypocrisy with all those so called “Bastions of Morality” declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman but then end up doing the down low and get man to man sex in a dingy restroom.

    #37 Pedro.

    Rush Limbaugh is the right wing fat bastard, Michael Moore is left wing fat bastard.


    You just hit right on the nail.

  13. >>Whatever happened to Anne Coulter?

    Either she OD’d on Nicorette gum and Chardonnay, or she refused to wear makeup any longer and nobody would fuck her so she went away in a huff.

  14. bob says:

    The truth doesn’t come cheap.

  15. Patrick says:

    #50 ROFL

  16. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    Although I have never heard this Limbaugh person, I wish to spread mayonnaise on his expensive contract!

  17. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #49 – The Left is the hate filled group. “People who want to drive real cars are evil.” “People who like decent houses on private acreage are evil.” “Some people are richer than others, that sucks.” “America is evil.” “Anyone who would go to war for any reason is evil.” WAH!!!

    The Left basically hates everything that makes life worth living and everyone who lives a good life.

  18. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Oh yeah,

    Rush may be worth 400M over 8 years, but the message is worth 400M a year.

  19. MikeN says:

    Meanwhile it is Air America that spews hate. Calling for assassinations, calling Hillary a whore, etc.

  20. Angel H. Wong says:


    And the Right can’t stand watching others being happy WITHOUT having to behave like them. That’s why they spew all that poison and xenophobia so they all can go back to their meth infested all-Christian suburbs.

  21. Patrick says:

    #60 Examples…

  22. Rush says:

    More hate in these comments than in the history of my show. Hell, I’m rich, I love everybody, especially the loony libs, without them I’d have to do sport talk.

    Peace, Love, and Happiness,


  23. MikeN says:

    The biggest threat isn’t Rush Limbaugh, it’s the liberal politicians that want to impose a fairness doctrine to shut down his show. But of course this doesn’t matter to modern day liberals who like to claim they stand for ‘free speech’.

  24. Rick Cain says:

    Liberals don’t need commentators. They make up their own minds based on the information they gather on their own. They don’t need to “download” their information from biased news portals to their brain every day.

    Ever notice conservatives always say “Hey did you hear what limbaugh said yesterday”, or “Hannity said on TV this morning…” etc…

    Funny that a conservative needs to have constant reassurance from self-anointed conservative pundits to feel good about their viewpoints.

    The only other place where that is commonplace is North Korea, where feel-good TV is on 24 hours a day and liberal whining is not tolerated.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    BTW liberalism created this nation. Liberals like Jefferson and Thomas Paine helped craft this nation’s base idealogy.

    Remember women didn’t earn the right to vote by acting conservative and sticking to the status quo. Blacks didn’t get a full vote instead of 3/5 of one by being content with what was offered them.

    This nation was created by liberal dissent and continues to progress because progressives always push for positive change. Conservatives in the old days were called “tories” and were more than happy to be ruled by the british king.

  26. Likes2LOL says:

    $400M / 8 yrs / 50 weeks / 5 days = $200,000 per day.

    / 180 minutes per show = $1111 per minute — unbelievable!

    I’m just not sure how anyone can argue that people who get paid like this need tax cuts…

  27. MikeN says:

    If only today’s liberals were like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine instead

    “That government which governs least governs best”

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Obviously corporate republicans need Rush around should Obama win and remain for eight years, to bash him and undermine everything and anything he might do, that isn’t strictly in accordance with their world dominating plan. Rush got his first (and last) ever Tv show only when Clinton was in his first term. When his attacks didn’t keep Bill C. from winning a 2nd term, the “show” magically got cancelled. I guess they figured it was a wait of money, and they then sicced Ken Star on him. Rush probably represents the Walter Winchell of this century, to these corporate cabalists. So they’re gearing up Rush for the job, now. ABC and NBC were just as supportive of Winchell, trying to revive his popularity, after his association with Senator McCarthy, killed it. Someday Rush will be brought down in flames, when he too cross the line in a serious way, he can’t recover from. And he will, because he’s just not that bright.

  29. Are you kidding me says:

    He’s entertaining…end of story. That’s why he’s worth money. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or left…the ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY point that matters is that you’re entertaining and keep your audience listening through the next commercial…that’s what makes you worth cash. Dennis Miller was a big TV comedy star, but then he stopped being funny/entertaining and is now a grade B radio host. Miller’s career didn’t tank (when was his last comedy tour?) because he went right wing…it’s because he stopped being entertaining. Liberal radio is full of reality and facts and it’s real…Rush may be mostly made up and hyped up crap, but it’s ENTERTAINING, while reality isn’t always fun. Rush = Howard Stern = Art Bell = all odd ball radio hosts. Fun sure, but don’t EVER confuse them with factual journalist or reality…just fun.

  30. dexton7 says:

    Rush Limbaugh used to sound like Alex Jones when he first started. I think that Rush honestly believed himself back then and was a pretty good guy. Since then it seems that Rush has sold out to the almighty $. I mean he endorsed Hillary for cryin out loud. Isn’t that against the Rush Limbaugh rules? He’s part of the Old Media crew now and is on a very short leash like the rest of them. Of course that’s why the ‘old media’ is slowly dying because so many people are sick of the bullsh!t.

    And further – ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ don’t seem to mean what they once did. My personal views are a mix and match of both sides. I honestly think that we should all just vote independent. Hell with the Republic-rats.

    I’d like more people in mass media to address things like… How many companies have we lost that went overseas? How many still here are bought by foreign interests? How badly does this so called ‘service’ economy suck? Why are we selling off public utilities to foreign interests? Why was inflation close to 14% in the past 2 years? Why has the dollar lost 40% of it’s value in the past 4 years? — but no, Britney and friggin Christie Brinkley is what we get. ugh. I get better news off of Dvorak, Infowars, Digg, and the AP rss feed.

    I think that the real division now and decades to come is Globalists vs. Nationalists. The Globalist crowd have some real eugenics lovin ‘kill the useless eaters’ a-holes in the ranks. That’s not to say that all Nationalists are little angels either. Do you think that Dr. Evil would be classified as a Globalist or a Nationalist?

    (google: ‘Bilderberg’ ruling the world since 1954.)

    So for the most part, I think that Rush is a total shill. Sorry for writing a damn book guys. gnite.


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