A 49-year-old woman collapsed and died on the floor of a waiting room at a Brooklyn psychiatric hospital and lay there for more than an hour as employees ignored her, according to the New York Civil Liberties Union, which on Tuesday released surveillance camera video of the incident…

Upon her admission, Esmin Green waited nearly 24 hours for treatment…

The surveillance camera video shows the woman rolling off a waiting room chair, landing face-down on the floor and convulsing. Her collapse came at 5:32 a.m. June 19, the NYCLU said, and she stopped moving at 6:07 a.m. During that time, the organization said, workers at the hospital ignored her.

At 6:35 a.m., the tape shows a hospital employee approaching and nudging Green with her foot, the group said. Help was summoned three minutes later…

“Contrary to what was recorded from four different angles by the hospital’s video cameras, the patient’s medical records say that at 6 a.m., she got up and went to the bathroom, and at 6:20 a.m. she was ’sitting quietly in waiting room’ — more than 10 minutes since she last moved and 48 minutes after she fell to the floor.”

This hospital is obviously up to American standards. Ask them. They’ll tell you so.

  1. ANNOYED says:

    I have travelled the world over, including ‘third world’ countries, and have never bought travel insurance – I am, due to the love of my life, travelling to the States next year, and am buying the top level insurance I can get… says it all really… Oh as an aside, where does the states get off co-opting Canada and Mexico in it’s visa regulations? I can go to the States for three months, but if I go to Canada or Mexico first, that time is counted as part of my three months… Paranoia! The first sign of an imploding empire.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #1 – Yes, the terrorists have won.

  3. bobbo says:

    I can understand and even make excuses for negligent care and for care not delivered. I cannot do the same for falsified medical records. THAT as to do with a malignant management structure that is coercing/encouraging healthcare workers to make that paper trail. Someone dumb enough not to see the long term outcome of that is someone dumb enough not to think about the surveillance cameras in place.

    Systemic Negligence and Malfeasance. Jail would be appropriate for some of these “professionals.”

  4. #2 – They surely have. I think back with fondness to how good life was in the 90’s and before.

    We are truly making a last spiral around the drain.


  5. Ron Larson says:

    Like we say “US… the best medical care you can’t afford”.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    People at hospitals are overworked.

    Medical workers should only be required to get half the training, pay them half as much and hire twice as many and they’d all be vastly happier.

  7. ANNOYED says:

    “People at hospitals are overworked.

    Medical workers should only be required to get half the training, pay them half as much and hire twice as many and they’d all be vastly happier.”

    Yes – overworked

    Half the training? the nursing training in the US is pretty poor already… just look at Sweden or well… many european and many asian countries… the US is WAY behind.

    ALSO the issue here is that the US has taken the user pays concept to deadly new heights… or lows…

    The point I was making earlier is that even in “third world countries” I will be attended to AND THEN they will start asking how will I pay… not just leave someone to expire on the floor.

  8. Jeanne says:

    Seeing on the ‘net all the outright lies that people in charge / possibly in trouble do (such as falsifying the records above), I have come to be extremely suspicious of “proof” that is only from someone’s mouth. I believe I would be the difficult juror in a jury trial as I would not believe anything unless corroborated by more than spoken words. Thanks (sincerely) dvorak.org/blog, Reddit, Digg, etc.

  9. tcc3 says:

    You know James, I think we all tire of the groundless potshots. Do you have some thing relevant to contribute? “This is a hack post” does not constitute discussion.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Wiggling black woman laying on the floor and dieing. I bet people in Alabama are masturbating to that video footage just like the Texans did when a car hit a very old hispanic guy and no one cared to help him.

  11. PeterR says:

    It’s time we invented the expression “fourth world,” referring to countries that that think they’re superior because they have $$$ when in fact they are the lowest of the low morally.

  12. the answer says:

    Sounds like the people who work at the hospital used to work at the DMV

  13. deowll says:

    I’ll make a wild guess. She was alone and she didn’t have insurance. She was a “nobody” and they let her die because they did not care. Now they’re all scrambling trying to cover themselves.

    Easy to blame them but in a way the fact that she couldn’t pay anything for the service she needed to stay alive is everybody’s fault. If she had even had a few friends along to raise a stink that might have helped.

    I would say the least we could do is give them a cot to die on but obviously I’d be wrong. We did much less than that. She had to make do with the floor.

    That’s the way it is when you don’t have the money to buy medical care. You don’t get medical care. Even if you do have money my personal experience suggests that seniors in senior care are a lot less apt to be ignored if the family is around checking on things.

    Medical staffs are over worked and if you don’t make your relatives a priority the hired help won’t.

    If you don’t have kids who will keep an eye on you in your “golden years” your life at this point is going to be one big nightmare. You will die sooner.

    Of course I’ve heard more than one nurse say they have a bottle of pills and a fifth of vodka they plan to use before they go into a nursing home given the chance.

  14. Patrick says:

    # 15 deowll get’s it wrong. “I’ll make a wild guess. She was alone and she didn’t have insurance. She was a “nobody” and they let her die because they did not care. Now they’re all scrambling trying to cover themselves.”

    No insurance required at that hospital. The hospital where this happened is Gov’t run & funded. This is the FUTURE of health care in this country.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, deowll,

    Easy to blame them but in a way the fact that she couldn’t pay anything for the service she needed to stay alive is everybody’s fault.

    Read the article, moran. She was involuntarily committed to a government run institution. It was not her choice to be dumped in the waiting room and ignored for over 24 hours.

    Medical staffs are over worked and if you don’t make your relatives a priority the hired help won’t.

    Wrong. ALL hospital emergency departments use triage; which prioritizes the severity of the cases so the most critical get attention first. Get in their way and you slow them down so it will take longer to get to your sick relative AND possible get you thrown out.

    #16, Patrick,

    This is the FUTURE of health care in this country.

    Very true when we leave the Republicans in charge. Several, once proud and well run institutions have been run into the ground by Republicans.

  16. Patrick says:

    #17 “Very true when we leave the Republicans in charge. Several, once proud and well run institutions have been run into the ground by Republicans.”

    Like I said, gov’t run and funded. This is a NYC hospital. Democrats have TOTAL control. Nice try but repubs have n/g to do with it. This is the future of Dem controlled & run health care.

  17. ECA says:

    Corps, HMO, Business…
    WHO gets the money you pay into the system??

    I spent 8 years in retail..
    I had a 20% deductible..and a BASE yearly $200 I needed to pay BEFORE they paid the other 80%.
    Appointment..takes 2 days LONGER then the COLD/Flu will last.
    cost to SEE a doctor..$40-60
    Cost to get a tetanus shot..$100
    cost to get a Tylenol at the HOSPITAL…$100

    I had better coverage being on the STREETS..

  18. George says:

    This will never happen after Obama becomes president.

  19. infection says:

    “Very true when we leave the Republicans in charge. Several, once proud and well run institutions have been run into the ground by Republicans.”

    Wow… you are complete moron. You are the reason this country is going to shit. Pointing a finger at a political party, instead of the tards that work there.

    I’m sure the repub’s sat and interview each worker and looked only for those that would totally avoid a patient dieing on the floor.

    Good grief, quit posting if your 3 brain cells can do nothing but try to start propoganda against political parties.

  20. Patrick says:

    #20 – No it won’t. It will be mandatory euthanasia for the sickest. This will be the only way to keep the gov’t health care from busting the budget.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    FF to 4:40 for a look into the future.

  22. Angel H. Wong says:


    I bet he’s Venezuelan.

  23. Jägermeister says:


    No wonder… 😀

  24. >>I’m sure the repub’s sat and interview each
    >>worker and looked only for those that would
    >>totally avoid a patient dieing on the floor.

    Well, you can bet your ass that they helped mutate the health care/ health care denial industry into something that maximized the likelihood of hiring those who would totally avoid a patient dying on the floor.

    Look what they did to the VA hospitals. They used to be a shining beacon of hope in the nightmare that is US health care/ health care denial.

    Then Dumbya and his twin puppeteers came along, and now we’ve got vets living in their own filth at Walter Reed.


  25. Rick Cain says:

    Germany spends 1/2 of what we spend on medical care, and they get better care over there.
    meanwhile in the wonderful USA (conservatives tell us everything’s fine! ignore that dying old lady on the floor, rush limbaugh says its a liberal plot!) we can’t afford health insurance and get substandard care by our corrupt
    I witnessed in a VA hospital a patient dying in the hallway, unmonitored. I asked somebody about him and they summoned a doctor. He had code blue’d and was already dead by the time they decided to resuscitate him. This is how the overfunded military treats its veterans. The hundreds of billions the military gets each year obviously ends up in private contractors hands and the “bullets and beans” money is a tiny amount after contractor graft.

    We have the best system in the world you can’t afford.

  26. Patrick says:

    #28 – Did you know that for a single person who makes ~$50k/year the insurance in Germany costs about $7500/year? I pay about $3000 for the same type of coverage. Why the hell would I want to pay 2X for the same coverage? Waiting for your answer…

  27. ANNOYED says:

    “It’s time we invented the expression “fourth world,” referring to countries that that think they’re superior because they have $$$ when in fact they are the lowest of the low morally.”


    Look guys, it is pretty simple – If I buy a can of coke it costs, lets say $1.. If I buy 1000 cans, i get a discount. If I buy health, it costs X, if as a society we all band together and by health, it costs X minus a fair discount. Even if I do not use it as much as the next guy (UNFAIR, UNFAIR!! Say all the user-pays nazis out there) I am guaranteed a set price that will still be cheaper than if I as a sole user were to pay myself – even if i only go for the occasional check-up. The fact that the US has DOCTORS who cannot afford the care they give is a sure sign something is truely f*cked up… maybe spend a little less on the military (trust me guys the only reason anyone wants to f*ck with America is because America spends most of it’s time f*cking them over – see Indonesia 60s, most of south america, cuba, Greece 50s, 60s..Iraq, etc etc the US has been involved in more wars since 1945 than there have been years…)

  28. ANNOYED says:

    #30… if you have NO insurance in Germany, the care you WILL receive is better than the care your $3000 gets you…. The $7500 will get you your own hospital room, instead of a ward of 4 or maybe 8. It will also cut the waiting time for elective surgery, ie a baseball player’s shoulder injury – something that is not critical right here right now. Knd of a luxury/convenience package…

  29. Patrick says:

    #32 – Wrong. My ins @ 3K gets me the same as the $7500 in Germany. I talked through the coverage with my friend in Germany..

  30. ANNOYED says:

    I lived there too… maybe you should ask your friend what happens if you pay NO insurance in Germany…


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