Can’t you just smell the liberalism oozing out of this devil’s every weld?!?

Don’t see WALL-E!!! Save your kids from the horrors of liberalism in the subversive form of a lovable, love seeking robot! Only you can prevent negative thoughts about the corpratocracy!

Right-Wing Apoplectic Over Pixar’s WALL-E: ‘Malthusian Fear Mongering,’ ‘Fascistic Elements’

This weekend, Pixar’s latest film “WALL-E” debuted at No. 1, earning $65 million at the box office. The film has been hailed by critics, scoring a whopping 97 percent “Fresh” rating on RottenTomatoes.

The film portrays a lonely robot’s quest for love, as he is left to clean up a trashed earth. Meanwhile, the over-indulged humans wait it out aboard gigantic spaceships run by a monolithic corporation-turned-government that “resemble spas for the fat and lazy.”

Somehow, this touching love story has outraged the radical right:

Shannen Coffin: From the first moment of the film, my kids were bombarded with leftist propaganda about the evils of mankind.

Greg Pollowitz: It was like a 90-minute lecture on the dangers of over consumption, big corporations, and the destruction of the environment. … Much to Disney’s chagrin, I will do my part to avoid future environmental armageddon by boycotting any and all WALL-E merchandise and I hope others join my crusade.

Glenn Beck: I can’t wait to teach my kids how we’ve destroyed the Earth. … Pixar is teaching. I can’t wait. You know if your kid has ever come home and said, “Dad, how come we use so much styrofoam,” oh, this is the movie for you.

Dirty Harry: Have we lost Pixar? Have we lost the wonderful studio who brought us The Incredibles and Ratatouille to Bush Derangement Syndrome?

The horror…

  1. moss says:

    Just came back from shopping – a couple of stores give a “geezer discount” 1st Wednesday of the month – and made it a point to buy Wall-E Kleenex.

    The young lass at the checkout counter almost swallowed her gum when I told her how upset the nutballs were over the movie…

  2. the answer says:

    Well maybe my kids should be worried about the wrong doings of mankind, and try to stop it. Esp. since your obviously not concerned about it.

  3. Freyar says:

    Beh, gimmie a break. This movie is fiction, despite the undertones. My father was a little annoyed about the ‘preachy’ nature of Wall-E, but at the same time it was enjoyable.

    What exactly is wrong with people expanding on a possibility? I’m not sure if the intention was to try and shame people, just an expansion (outlandish) of what lazy consumers are doing.

    That said the movie itself was great. I intend to buy it on VHS.

  4. crimsonfenix says:

    Disney tossing around toppical, political concepts at kids? What’s the world come to. They should just go back to lying to our 4-14 year olds. It’s worked for over 50 years and no one’s complained so far.

  5. deowll says:

    I’d call it Utopian.

    There isn’t a chance that what is left of the human race won’t be searching through the litter for enough to keep going.

  6. ECA says:

    go check out the OLD Dr. Seuss cartoons..
    GET the collection, as you Wont see the REAL MEAN ONES…
    Kids loved them, and parents UNDERSTOOD THEM..

  7. comhcinc says:

    “Patrick J. Ford of The American Conservative suggests that “Wall-E” is, Coffin’s protests notwithstanding, more right-wing than left-wing. “The real tragedy of these callous conservative critics (say that three times fast) is that they are missing the real lessons of the movie, ones I found immediately attractive to a traditional conservative,” Ford writes. “In the film, it becomes clear that mass consumerism is not just the product of big business, but of big business wedded with big government. In fact, the two are indistinguishable in WALL-E’s future. The government unilaterally provided its citizens with everything they needed, and this lack of variety led to Earth’s downfall.” He continues:

    Another lesson missed is portrayed perfectly in Coffin’s claim that WALL-E points out the “evils of mankind.” The only evils of mankind portrayed are those that come about from losing touch with our own humanity. Staples of small-town conservative life such as the small farm, the “atomic family,” and old-fashioned and wholesome entertainment like “Hello, Dolly” are looked upon by the suddenly awakened humans as beautiful and desirable. By steering conservative families away from WALL-E, these commentators are doing their readers a great disservice. ”

    hmmm they can’t get they story straight on this one

  8. The MPAA says:

    We love all you people, honestly we do. Imagine all the business you’re bringing us. We love all you conservatives and all you liberals out there bantering away at each other Just think, after all this is over and the next movie comes along we’ll already be on all your shelves, Wall-E lives!, ha, ha. Thanks and remember controversy is Hollywood’s friend. And don’t pirate or we’ll sue your pants off. Either way we’ll get your money.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Freyer

    This movie is fiction, despite the undertones.

    So were 1984 and I, Robot.

  10. MikeN says:

    >“I like the fire extinguisher part.”
    “Wall-E has a lot of lighters.”

    That’s about it from the 7 and 9 y/o.

    Sorry Liberal Nazis your propaganda didn’t work on our fluoride free brains.

    After watching the environmentalism and multiculturalism vehicle that was Pocahontas, my little cousin age 4 came out saying SAVAGES! SAVAGES!

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Remember in the old days, we used to teach kids these things.

    1) Share your toys
    2) Clean your room
    3) Be nice to others
    4) Save your money
    5) Don’t pick on the weak
    6) We’re all in this together

    Now fast forward 30 years, modern conservativism flys in the face of everything we were told as children.

    1) Greed is good, sharing is liberal communism
    2) Being nice to others is weakness
    4) Spend all your money, even money you don’t have
    5) Take advantage of the weak, its a free market
    6) Worry about yourself only

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Conservatives see liberal plots everywhere. A conservative (bordering on batcrap crazy lately) friend of mine told me the oil crisis is a liberal plot to make us drive electric cars.
    I am thinking of getting him a tinfoil hat, and maybe a roll of copper mesh to wrap around his house to protect him from mind control rays.

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Disney can talk about consumerism. I stopped buying Disney movie toys when they all started being made in China. As if Disney doesn’t make enough profit from merchandising fictional characters. It has to do it with as little labor cost as possible? And with as few environmental safety standards, as China has practically none.

    As for the WALL-E message. From hearing about the basic plot (I’ll rent it in seven months) from Tv critics, I gather it beats up on mankind’s dependence on robots. That’s why we later see them all fat and lazy. So it’s robo-bashing again. Just like how HAL9000 was the evil killer that took humans’ jobs away, and then offed them to cover his mistakes. The whole of corporate america wants to replace humans’ with lesser (or no) paid slave labor. But when it comes to replacing our heroes with robots, that’s different. So robots replacing astronauts and fighter jet jockeys, scares the aerospace/hollywood corporate big wigs. Because robots will never inspire lucritive taxpayer paid contracts to go to war or to another planet, the way hansome college boys do.

    Though WALL-E seems to be protrayed as a hero, he’s more of the Charlie Chaplin type. Or maybe the Chance Gardner character in “Being There”. I’m just guessing, not having seen WALL-E. But I’ll bet the world of the movie bounces everything off of WALL-E, and thinks he’s wiser than he is. When it’s his simplicity that counts. Am I right?

  14. ECA says:

    Being an ASS- pays more then being Humble/nice.

    Thank God, I decided long ago, i wouldnt Raise a child in this world..

  15. Chris Mac says:

    #50 – I think it’s about time you edid knock someone up and have a kid.

  16. Chris says:

    Boy, if the right hates this movie, they’re REALLY not going to like Bambi!


  17. bex says:

    Wow… I can’t really believe that people think this way out there. Wall-e is a beautiful film with a touching story that also makes you think… how is this a bad thing?

    We ARE using too much styrofoam, and if we can teach our kids to lay off the consumerism that’s great!

    We are talking about the preservation of mankind here.

    But in the end… It’s just a friggin kid’s movie people, chill out, what’s so wrong with a little environmental awareness?


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