Can’t you just smell the liberalism oozing out of this devil’s every weld?!?

Don’t see WALL-E!!! Save your kids from the horrors of liberalism in the subversive form of a lovable, love seeking robot! Only you can prevent negative thoughts about the corpratocracy!

Right-Wing Apoplectic Over Pixar’s WALL-E: ‘Malthusian Fear Mongering,’ ‘Fascistic Elements’

This weekend, Pixar’s latest film “WALL-E” debuted at No. 1, earning $65 million at the box office. The film has been hailed by critics, scoring a whopping 97 percent “Fresh” rating on RottenTomatoes.

The film portrays a lonely robot’s quest for love, as he is left to clean up a trashed earth. Meanwhile, the over-indulged humans wait it out aboard gigantic spaceships run by a monolithic corporation-turned-government that “resemble spas for the fat and lazy.”

Somehow, this touching love story has outraged the radical right:

Shannen Coffin: From the first moment of the film, my kids were bombarded with leftist propaganda about the evils of mankind.

Greg Pollowitz: It was like a 90-minute lecture on the dangers of over consumption, big corporations, and the destruction of the environment. … Much to Disney’s chagrin, I will do my part to avoid future environmental armageddon by boycotting any and all WALL-E merchandise and I hope others join my crusade.

Glenn Beck: I can’t wait to teach my kids how we’ve destroyed the Earth. … Pixar is teaching. I can’t wait. You know if your kid has ever come home and said, “Dad, how come we use so much styrofoam,” oh, this is the movie for you.

Dirty Harry: Have we lost Pixar? Have we lost the wonderful studio who brought us The Incredibles and Ratatouille to Bush Derangement Syndrome?

The horror…

  1. Mr. Gawd Almighty to you !!! says:

    Liberal Fascism? Is that an oxymoran or an indication of just how far out of mainstream these commentors are?

  2. Michael says:

    I saw this movie over the weekend. It’s cute – lots of Pixar humor – and beautifully rendered. CG animation is amazing these days. Really – see it if only to stare out how cool it looks.

    Yes, my thought through the movie was, “Ok I get it, humans wrecked the earth; we’re lazy consumers.” But then I got over it and just enjoyed the cartoon. It’s cute and funny.

    If you can’t enjoy something because it has undercurrents of politics (as does nearly every thing these days) just stare at the wall.

  3. Petrov says:

    #1 That’s the problem with labels… people just use whatever definitions they want. Then they argue endlessly about how their definition is correct and anyone who can’t understand that is an idiot.


  4. Joe says:

    Hmmm…. does this mean that Dr. Srangelove is liberal fascism too? I guess the same goes for the planet of the apes?

    Or maybe this underscores what crap these talk show hatemongers spew, and (some) of the knuckle dragging rednecks that follow them.

  5. Sinn Fein says:

    WALL-E couldn’t possibly be Liberal Fascism, LF isn’t funny or, even the slightest bit cute…well, maybe for BHO and his Kool Aid Drinker Legions of Followers.

  6. smartalix says:

    The criticisms really demonstrate how stupid and shallow those idiots (like that blowhard Glenn Beck) are. Those shit-for-brains greed-driven fucktards mock the environmental cause yet wonder why they can’t eat tuna anymore. Their ignorance is only exceeded by their egos.

  7. ArianeB says:

    #1 Its Both!!

    Wall-E is a hard sci-fi masterpiece in a G rated film, a rare combination.

    So is the right wings real goal to turn us all into fat slobs living in recliners watching TV all day? Seems to be.

    If Buy-N-Large was replaced by a one world government, would these right wingers actually praise the film?

  8. green says:

    bah. 13.

  9. Shin says:

    Tell you what righties…I find the idea of mankind managing to destroy itself a lot easier to believe than god whisking his chosen ones away so they won’t have to suffer with the rest of us during the “rapture”, which I assume is more to your liking.

    Let me try and explain the idea of the cautionary tale. They are to make people think about the possibilities inherent in their actions, so they can make decisions that will possibly effect the outcome, and thus, not happen. Now, I understand that a bunch of fat humans living an existence of idle sloth under the control of a single corporation is pretty much the right wing ideal…but maybe others would like to steer things in a different direction.

    PS. BDS? Just leave out the D and you have all of the conservative right talk radio described quite

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I hate those commie pinko-fag robots.

  11. Mister Ketchup says:

    Are these robots religious and do they practice rump riding?

  12. Pmitchell says:

    I saw the movie and really didnt like it much, my niece said it was just boring which is pretty much my take, not a horrible movie but nothing like finding Nemo

    I did see the man is evil take but my niece just saw a boring movie. People need to get thicker skins and quit being outraged over every little thing

  13. Dr. Dabbles says:

    So, are they saying the movie is wrong? Because look around. The waste in our daily lives is incredible. I’m not one to bang on the “woe is us” drum, but asbestos was fine, radiation poisoning was a coincidence, the ozone layer wasn’t deteriorating, and now we’re not wasteful? When do the blinders and gloves come off?

  14. MikeN says:

    The guy who wrote the book on Liberal Fascism said he enjoyed the movie.

  15. MikeN says:

    Liberal Fascism is to repeat oneself.

  16. The Alfer says:

    Teaching kids about how we are screwed up our planet is a bad thing now? Honesty in cartoons is evil? The truth is out there and our children are going to inherit this earth and they should bloody well know what they are in for. Kids aren’t the idiots we make them out to be at times. Its the fracking adults who want to hide their shortcomings that are the fools here. These “adult” people missed the point, the purpose of this film was to show where we are possibly headed as if we aren’t probably there already. I suppose if it had Captain Kirk in it people would just sit and watch it and go googoo over the special effects and thats it. Its just a movie, a sci-fi aimed at kids, no better or worse than anything else out there. Does anybody honestly think some young mind would be brain washed into wanting a world such as is portrayed here, kids know better.

  17. chuck says:

    I saw Wall-E on Monday – I liked it.
    To me, the message was “we’ve wrecked the planet, but technology will solve all our problems.”

    Sounds good to me.
    I wants my cup-cake in a cup.

  18. Malcolm says:

    Paranoia strikes deep. Into your heart it will creep.

  19. MikeN says:

    An e-mail to Jonah Goldberg who wrote Liberal Fascism:

    However, the other release this weekend—Wanted—is a different story. I saw it last night.

    The movie is blatant fascist agitprop.

    All the fascist tropes are there. The rejection of reason in favor of irrationalism and obscurantism (in the form of an ancient and primordial gnosis). The glorification of the ubermensch who transcends ordinary human morality (and ordinary humans). The obsession with authentic experience and concomitant disdain for lives not lived “to the fullest”. The embrace of violence, blood and rage as a means to self-actualization. The primacy of individual will. The imperative of a select few to direct the affairs of their fellow man.

    At the end, Morgan Freeman even gives a long speech calling for his crew of superhuman assassins (the “wolves”) to claim their inalienable right to rule over the rest of us (the “sheep”). With a few tweaks, Hitler could have given the same speech and never batted an eye.

    I did a quick Google search for fascism and Wanted together and found only one review making this point (and then only briefly and in passing).

    I can’t be the only person who noticed this. I could have been watching Triumph of the Will.

    By the way, I finished reading your book about two weeks ago. I found it fascinating and well-researched. It certainly heightened my sensitivity to fascist elements in film-making.

  20. Can I Get My Two Minutes Back? says:

    These comments should be preserved as proof positive of Conquest’s Second Law of Politics (look it up, geniuses).

    Because, you know, Hollywood NEVER engages in agitprop, and NEVER uses cute characters to advance its political views.

  21. MJ says:

    It’s only fair after I sat through the sickening moral message that was Horton Hears a Who.

  22. tom says:

    Saw it, loved it!

  23. Mark Parker says:

    Now I’ve got to go see it. And bring as many kids as my pathetic bank account can muster. At today’s movie, popcorn and gas prices, that should add up to about two…

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    What do you expect from these right wing blowhards?

  25. Thinker says:

    Thumbodies being too thenthenthitive!

  26. Thinker says:

    #22 — Nice work! 🙂 I liked Conquests 3 laws of politics. 🙂 I’d agree.

  27. downlowfunk says:

    2 child matinee tickets, 1 adult matinee ticket. large popcorn 2 waters, some skittles and reeses pieces. 43.99. I felt like a republican spending all that money. Now for the children’s comments.

    “I like the fire extinguisher part.”
    “Wall-E has a lot of lighters.”

    That’s about it from the 7 and 9 y/o.

    Sorry Liberal Nazis your propaganda didn’t work on our fluoride free brains. (we have awesome water filters thanks to Mr. Alex Jones Recommendation.)

    Personally I felt fatter watching all the obese people, course I ate most of the buttered popcorn.

  28. Angel H. Wong says:

    Let’ see…

    Disney’s Lion King taught us that Incest is good if you’re rich.

    Beauty & the beast taught us that you could be Fugly as hell but there’s always a woman smart enough to see that you’re stinking rich.

    Aladdin taught us that the most tightassed princess gets moist to the nastiest creep (Britney Spears taught us that too.)

    The little mermaid showed us that rich, spoiled girls get away with everything.

    I am a Star Trek fan but I am aware that the future is and will be ruled by corporations willing to trash the planet for profit.

  29. lucidologist says:

    More insults and propaganda. I am reasonably certain my precious bodily fluids are safe. Question: Will the two wings ever stop fighting and work to fly this stupid bird? Some of us are tired of cleaning up the political bird sh*t.

  30. sadtruth says:

    Doesn’t anyone else see the blatant “johnny 5” rip-off this character is?


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