Until I saw this I never realized that before the Flood it never rained and there was a water canopy surrounding the Earth. I guess P.T. Barnum was right.

  1. ChrisG says:

    I think everyone is forgetting what really matters…apathy

    If people want to believe stupid things let them…as long as all the Constitution stands they wont be able to force any of you to do anything so do what I do….ignore them! You’ll never convince and atheist God exists or a Christian that he doesnt so give up… (this goes for everyone)

    PS: that includes you mormons stop knocking on my door every month!

  2. Chris Mac says:


    And I thank you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am a scientist. I was born and brought up a Christian and my children were too, mainly thanks to my wife. One of my children is adopted.

    Whenever I take time to read the for and against arguments about evolution I get depressed at the stupidity of the anti-evolutionists whose faith, it seems, is a house of cards, dependent on the bible being literally true. Every word of it. That they fulminate against science using the fruits of science is an irony lost on them.

    And what would Jesus do? He would throw all of them out of the temple, I think. Our understanding of the universe is pitiful and those who claim certain understanding are simply dangerous and always have been, besides being a complete pain in the backside.

    I would ask “What have you done for even one child?” If Chrisitianity means anything, and it should, morally, whether evolution exists or not, it is this

    “Do unto the least of these as you do unto me”.

    That is a noble and moral idea to which attention should be paid regardless of one’s views on creation.

    It’s a pity so many so-called Christians lose sight of it.

  4. Chris Mac says:

    Once everyone realizes that earth is a space station..

  5. Chris Mac says:

    If we can become self sufficient, we will integrate.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    Somewhere an angry Jesus is watching the nonsensical creationists and thinking “WTF? I died on the cross for these ass clowns?”

  7. Chris Mac says:

    my god

  8. Chris Mac says:

    /me still looking forward towards using the term “ass clown” correctly.

  9. #52 – Bacalao

    >>Suzzie thinks this is God telling her
    >>it is OK to buy the Ipod.

    Holy shit, codfish, I don’t know where you ever got this bizarre notion of what spirituality and faith are, but whew!

    If you know people who actually think this way, I can only imagine that their parents were brother and sister, and the family has been inbreeding for generations.

  10. Blue Skies says:

    Some people are uneasy with science because it conflicts with their religious beliefs. It’s so much easier to say “It was a miracle!” then actually figure out how nature works. Science is far more interesting than any god stories.

  11. Personality says:

    Unless, of course, you accept the idea that God simply created the world, complete with pyramids, dinosaur fossils, etc. all carefully set up just to trick us.
    That sneaky ass god, what a tricky bastard.

  12. Mr. Catchit says:

    #21, Uncle Dave

    Hey, if we could get a hybrid of your God and the Flying Spaghetti Monster along with the God of the Divine Pizza (double cheese) we would have one mighty convincing argument to get religious. Of course, there will be those that insist upon including on including those devil worshipers such as Miller Low Life, Jim Beans, Jack Denials, and the Canadian Club.

  13. Buxaroo says:

    # 59 … said, on July 2nd, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    Why the hate on fundamental “Christians”? On the most part they don’t really have any effect on you.


    Oh, it does effect me. You know how? Because the same subhuman mentality of fundementalist christian ‘thinking’ (now there is an oxymoron if there ever was one) is the same thing that elected a president who believes in the same low-IQ bullshit or panders to them. It effects me when I have to see friends go off to a war of “choosing” that has no “logical” reason other than oil (read: use it up anyways sense the Rapture is coming and who cares if the environment is crappy and religious conviction.).

    Oh, it effects me alright. It effects everyone when our nation can elect a MORON TWICE in a row to “stay the course” regardless of REASON and LOGIC.

    Oh yes, it has effected me and everyone else in the world.

    ps, imagine King Leonidas telling this to Xerxes’ messenger in 300 and you get the gist of the hostility behind me remarks.

  14. Hmeyers says:

    #73 .. “Oh, it does effect me. You know how? Because the same subhuman mentality of fundementalist christian ‘thinking’”

    Sounds like you need to move to a country that wasn’t founded on freedom of religion.

  15. Wow I’m late to the party! I’m going to pick up on Mr. Mustard’s last comment at #69.

    Mister Mustard,

    I think you need to accept that spirituality and religion mean many different things to many different people. The meth-and-man-ass variety accounts for tens of millions in this country. I think you need to accept that your own relatively benign flavor of religion is by far the minority.

    I think you also should try to look at things from the other side once in a while. I know it’s difficult. I often have a hard time imagining what goes on in the small minds of religious young earth induhviduals. In fact, I even have a hard time imagining how 7% of the scientists in the National Academy of Sciences can actually believe in one or more gods.

    At least though, you should try to recognize that Uncle Dave’s question about a higher dimensional intelligence poking into our fewer dimensions is at least as plausible, though perhaps not for purposes of carrot cake, as your own deity.

    Realizing that for those of us who have not been touched by His Noodly Appendages or otherwise personally experiencing a deity that the rational response is to state that no such critter exists might take the edge off some of your arguments and give you greater insight into the minds of others. Such insight can only help with your debating skills.

    (pathetic attempt at peacemaking)
    I also think that the following has been shown conclusively.

    bobbo==not going to change puctitation nor speelling 4 anyone ==>> you should ((not respond || respond to content) && ask for clarification (when && only when) you (can’t understand the meaning && care about the comment enough to bother))

    Translation, if necessary:

    bobbo is not going to change either puctuation or spelling for anyone. Therefore, you should
    A) not respond or B) respond to content. And, ask for clarification only when you genuinely can’t understand the meaning and actually care about the comment enough to bother with it at all.

    Also, you should try to recognize that when you say that someone has talked you to death or are otherwise tired of the conversation and later come back with 6 more comments, I for one become very frustrated, label you passive aggressive, and lose a lot of respect for you.


    For your part, I really would suggest that if you are actually trying to be persuasive, you might want to consider using standard punctuation, at least when talking to Mr. Mustard, since it clearly throws him so far off track it actually derails the conversation completely.

    If, on the other hand, you prefer to cling to your punctuation identity and get a rise out of people without any hope of convincing them of your point, enjoy. Wallow in it for all it’s worth. Just don’t expect to convince those whom you know get pissed off by it.
    (/pathetic attempt at peacemaking)

  16. #75 – Scottie

    >>I think you need to accept that your own relatively
    >>benign flavor of religion is by far the minority.

    I don’t accept that, Scottie. I realize that the meth-and-man-ass guys get a lot of play on dvorak dot org slash blog, as well as in the media.

    That doesn’t mean that there are a lot of them. I’ve been to many churches in many parts of the country, and I’ve never met a mega-church scammer, a shooter of abortion doctors, and scant few people that want creation science taught in biology class.

    As I pointed out, 85% of the people in this country “believe in God or a higher power”.

    Do you really find that 85% of the people surrounding you are Young Earth fanatics, abortion doctor snipers, or Jim Bakker-style scam artists?

    I think YOU need to accept that the vast majority of religious folk turn to their spiritual beliefs for solace, guidance, introspection, as a way to reach out and help the less fortunate, and for cummunity.

    It’s a lot of fun to lampoon Ted Haggard and Jimmy Swaggert, but when it gets to the point of Bobbo == saying//that-==-his=”values”/ include == outlawing religion\\//, well now THAT’S dangerous.

  17. #76 – C. Dave

    Do you really think that pimping your for-profit books here on dvorak dot org slash blog is appropriate? Are you paying Mr. C. Dvorak an advertising fee or something?

    You’re like the Video Professor of this blog, except the Video Professor pays for his advertising.

  18. lou says:

    Looks like someone forgot to take the rubbish out this week.

  19. Matt Garrett says:


  20. #80 – Matt,

    Welcome to dvorak.org/blog. Thinking, non-proselytizing people of all faiths or no faith at all are welcome.

  21. #81 – Scottie

    >>Thinking, non-proselytizing people of all faiths
    >>or no faith at all are welcome.

    Scottie, I think you just got several of [Eds.] and half of the posters here kicked out on their kiesters.

    Even you have to agree that there are an awful lot of militant Atheists here.

  22. #82 – Mister Mustard,

    Presumably you’re including me in the “militant Atheist” group, right?

    How many have not welcomed debate with you? How many have said “Musty go home” or otherwise indicated that not only do they disagree but that the debate was not welcome?

    We may get into heated discussions and even sometimes some violent disagreement, but I think the number of people driven off the site is fairly small, and in at least one case, you were the one to drive the final nail into the coffin.

    So, no, I don’t think different viewpoints are unwelcome, merely that we’re a bunch of verbal pit bulls.

  23. Inquiring Mind says:

    QuestforRight? I took the trouble have a look at this and I note that Darwin is called a “scientific illiterate.”

    Mr.Parsons, can you enlighten us as to your own scientific credentials?

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #83 – Scottie

    Naw, I wouldn’t include you in the “militant” group. You’re more on the “outspoken” side.

    Still, you have to admit that it’s a pretty lopsided distribution here (yeah yeah, I know, dvorak dot org slash blog readers are all brainiacs, and all atheists are brainiacs/ all brainiacs are atheists; I’ve heard it before).

    People of faith are welcome here, but we will relentlessly berate, ridicule, lampoon, shit on, and heap disrespect on everything you hold sacred, and do it on a daily basis. If you don’t like that, go fuck yourself up the ass with a toilet plunger“.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #84 – IM

    >>Mr.Parsons, can you enlighten us as to your
    >>own scientific credentials?


    I think he has a junior college degree in wood technology or something. Or maybe he just took shop in high school.

    That 500-word infomercial he keeps posting all over the internet gets a little old.

  26. bobbo says:

    #85–Mustard==define lopsided? Maybe a majority of people posting here are rational, but I wouldn’t call it lopsided.

    And the notion of being “run-off” is highly instructive. Science/rationality is all about disagreement. You think so==whats your proof? Not so with religion. They like preaching to the choir or with unformed minds. So when asked for their proof or logic I can only imagine it “feels” like an attack.

    Poor babies.

    Nothing like god himself though who knows everything and makes everything the way it is and yet none the less will put you in hell for eternity for asking for proof or logic of his position. Much worse than posting a sign “For Entertainment Purposes Only–NOT!”

  27. Jonke says:

    This site in the URL is educational. Especially when the facts about Jesus is discussed. They say that they have proof that Christianity is a copy of older religions, true or false, judge by yourself. Doesn’t matter if your a believer in Jesus or not, check it out.

    There is also other information that might be intresting.


  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #87 – Bobbito

    >>Not so with religion. They like preaching
    >>to the choir or with unformed minds.

    I can only attribute your pathetic ignorance regarding religion to a closed mind.

    Either that, or you’re trolling again.

  29. bobbo says:

    #87–Mustardo==ok, I’ll take your position: Preachers don’t like preaching and choirs never say “Amen.” Its just a coincidence that Preachers preach to a “flock” and that sheep “congregations” are also known as a flock. Just a coincidence.

    I keep forgetting to add that your general complaint is quite ironic. You say America is 85% religious yet to come to a blog you claim in lopsided against religion in order to do what?

    Poor Mr Mustard, can only get his sauce at a free and open blog and his scatology is challenged. Its ANTI-RELIGIOUS I tell you!! Also anti-American, anti-flying, anti-tech, anti-authoritarian, anti-school lunch program. Damn==nobody is on their knees here mumbling to the sky. What gives?

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    #90 – Bobbolina

    >>Preachers don’t like preaching and choirs
    >>never say “Amen.”

    Uhhh… choirs sing, and preachers speak to the congregation.

    You shoulda spent more time at Sunday school, Bobito.

    Your implication that the “sheep” and “flock” terms commonly used in a religious context are anything other than metaphorical puts you in the same camp with the guys who created the powerpoint presentation above.


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