Until I saw this I never realized that before the Flood it never rained and there was a water canopy surrounding the Earth. I guess P.T. Barnum was right.

  1. #29 TV Addict

    >>Bud, Oh this is real. I grew up being
    >>fed this BS.

    Wow. You grew up being taught that there was a water canopy? No antediluvian rain?

    What the fuck church did you go to??

  2. Mister Ketchup says:

    Hey Mustard,

    I’m worried that if you keep hanging around here you’ll end up hating those nonsense believing bible thumpers as much as I do. I noticed when you listed off the qualities of those taking spiritual advice, you didn’t mention smartest.

    Personally, when I die I leaving my body to science – fiction.

    Mister Ketchup << appreciates trolls and fucked up punctuation.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #30 – Ayatollah Mustardi – … the people from whom I take spiritual advice are some of the wisest, kindest, noblest people I have ever met.

    And it never occurred that all that “kindness” was part of the manipulation in order to get you addicted to their doctrine and in the end get your money? Are you really that naive?

  4. TVAddict says:

    Mister Mustard I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. Yeah it was/is fucked up.

    I have since learned that a number of the southern baptist churches as well as some other smaller sects are just as fucked up.


  5. #33 – Opiate of the Masses

    >>And it never occurred that all that
    >>“kindness” was part of the manipulation in
    >>order to get you addicted to their doctrine
    >>and in the end get your money?

    Nope. What do you think I am, the Bill Gates of Christianity?

    My church (when I go) has spent more money on me than I have ever donated to them.

    You’re confusing real Christianity with Tammy Faye Bakker and the meth-and-man-ass guy. Just like Bobbo, you need to do your learning about religion somewhere else than dvorak dot org slash blog.

  6. bobbo says:

    I’m struck by how “impactful” this little slide show is. Much more powerful than:

    1. The Gideon Bible in too many motels I stay in.

    2. The “Hour of Power” type tv shows on in the early AM if not the all religion all the time cable shows.

    3. Churches on every other corner in most towns.

    4. Presidential leaders getting or failing to be elected by whether or not some fringe religious leader is pandered to.

    5. School Boards being taken over by religious nuts wanting the bible presented as science.

    6. Federal Courts ruling that ID is religion in disguise, and a poor one at that.

    7. Cartoons and books lambasted by Religion as devil worship.

    8. Religious leaders given air time to advise us that Katrina was god’s revenge–that seems to happen about once a month.

    9. Critically needed farsi speaking intelligence officers removed from non combat data analysis centers because they are gay.

    10. 10% of American Public is atheist but only one member of congress is? All presidential candidates seem to be under religions influence.

    11. Idiotic sex education.

    12. Anti-abortion policies.

    13. Anti stem cell research.

    14. Congress and Prenit spending time on 3/4ths of her brain missing Terry Schiavo’s right to live a happy life.

    15. Creationist museums opening up.

    And yet it takes this little slide show for me to say: “Hey, people really believe this shit.” Liberals==fat dumb and happy in their own little worlds thinking its just fine to live their own little lives leaving everyone else alone.

    I deserve whatever I get. I remove my prior proposal.

    I PROPOSE: “Religion: Bad for what ails you. Can’t be not abused.”

  7. bobbo says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  8. #32 – Ketchy-Ketchy-Koo

    Trolls can occasionally be entertaining, in a junior high school sort of way.

    But the fucked-up punctuation? Man! Sometimes I can’t even read what the motherfucker writes with all those concatenated equals signs and forward slashes.


  9. Mister Ketchup says:

    #38 – = = LMAO //

  10. bobbo says:

    #38–Mustard==whats that mental illness that is indicated by intelligent people who focus on peripheral unimportant details while ignoring the main clearly present issue?

    Its not “christian” but may be in the same group of illnesses.

  11. #36 and duplicate post #37 – Bobbo

    Here’s a little tip for you about the Gideon’s Bible:

    If you don’t open the drawer of the nightstand, you’ll never even know it’s there.

    And your continuing perseveration in characterizing all “religionists” as being the same thing shows that you’re no more intelligent than those who say all Atheists are Mao, Pol Pot, and Stalin.

    Get the fuck over it, will you? OK, so you hate God. Who the fuck cares? Just ignore Him, and He will ignore you.

    Jesus, you’re tedious.

    >>Ninja Attack Signs being painted now.

    Does that mean you’re threatening violence against people of faith? Do you moonlight as an abortion clinic sniper?

  12. Floyd says:

    “And it never occurred that all that “kindness” was part of the manipulation in order to get you addicted to their doctrine and in the end get your money? Are you really that naive?”

    Millions are really that naive. That’s why religion is such a profitable racket. Raising funds for the local church expansion, for the heathen Africans, for a new Vatican, and so forth. The real hint about the money is when you see the preacher roll up in a Lincoln provided to him by the congregation. Religion is all about money.

  13. #40 –==//Bobbo==–

    OK. You///did==it-again.//You=-talked me to death with=- meaningless/// ==gibberish==.

    Make a point when you post, will you? Or else STFU.

    And please, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP, lose the fucked-up punctuation. I’m sure your local high school has summer classes that address remedial skills like this.

  14. >>The real hint about the money is when you see
    >>the preacher roll up in a Lincoln provided to
    >>him by the congregation. Religion is all
    >>about money.

    Heh. Heh heh heh. Like you know what the deuce you’re talking about, right?

    If you’re going to be pulling shit out of your ass like that, you could at least have picked a cool car.

    Other than limo drivers and Commodore Cody, who even drives a Lincoln any more?

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #35 – Ayatollah Mustardi – My church (when I go) has spent more money on me than I have ever donated to them.

    One dollar down, five bucks up. Niiice… 😉

  16. bobbo says:

    #41—Mustardo===gee when I said “Ninja Attack Signs being painted now” I thought that pretty clearly indicated a war of ideas. But I see your point. An idea aimed at a church would be just the same as a sniper scoping out an abortion clinic.

    Good call on your part. I should be more careful.

    As to your rapted attention to my punctuation, thank you. I do my=======wait for it>>>>>>>>>>>best.

  17. Alex says:

    Ok… let’s assume, for a second, their givens are all true.

    How does having a giant wall of water surrounding the Earth make it in any way shape or form *more hospitable* to life?

    (Also – what it has to do with the Evolution vs. Creationism argument is beyond me.)

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #48 – Judge Judy

    Nice link…

  19. Chris Mac says:

    they don’t understand what a half-life is either.

  20. bac says:

    I like watching Bobbo and Mustard fight. The best entertainment around is watching humans, who think they are smart, argue over something silly.

    Religion is not about a belief system but about being a tool. A generic example is those people who think they need a reason to live. In comes religion to act as a crutch. Religion is also used as a permission tool. Suzzie really wants an Ipod but is unsure. So the voices in her head tell her to buy it because she deserves it. Suzzie thinks this is God telling her it is OK to buy the Ipod.

    Other ways that religion is used as a tool.
    A social tool. Ex. Look at me, I am in church. Everyone like me now.
    A navigation tool. Ex. I have no idea where my life is taking me but God knows and that is fine by me.
    A punishing tool. Ex. You better follow God’s word or else you won’t be saved.
    A reward tool. Ex. If you are a good little human, God will save you.
    A manipulation tool. Ex. If you want to follow our religion then you won’t watch the Barney Miller show.

    Religion is nothing more than psychological tool so that humans can amuse themselves through out their lives.

  21. bobbo says:

    #52–bac==very well said. Welcome to the club.

  22. Jim says:

    owww… owww… someone really needs to keep powerpointy stuff out of reach of the masses before they knock people’s eyeballs into orbit.

    I’m always mildly frightened at what people will believe and what they will do to make those beliefs fit what looks to be reality.

    It’s also interesting to watch people take reasoned logic and scientific thought, built over decades or centuries, and then fit it on top of a belief system as if it will explain away all the weirdness of those beliefs.


  23. And yes, we do these posts knowing there will be ridiculous debate. I’m with #26.. make me some fossils! I need the money!

  24. Malcolm says:

    OMG – and they let these people vote…

  25. QB says:

    bac said: “So the voices in her head tell her to buy it because she deserves it.”

    Nicely put. If a voice in my head tells me to do something and I’m a “believer” then it’s God talking. If a voice in my head tells me to do something and I’m an atheist then they stuff me in a straight jacket and ship me off to Bellvue.

  26. QB says:

    According to the deck: “Man has breed different varieties of dogs…” (sic)

    Hmmmm. I consider breeding with dogs a “lifestyle choice”. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  27. ... says:

    Why the hate on fundamental “Christians”? On the most part they don’t really have any effect on you.

    1 Corinthians 5:12-13
    12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked man from among you.”

    It’s the Scientology folks that are after the monies!

    Their beliefs are way crazier than these fundies that you all constantly bash, and they also have MUCH MORE influence from all their Hollywood followers $$$.

    Here is what seems to be a theologically sound website for extra reading. http://www.godandscience.org/

    It debunks the nonsense in this presentation. Don’t forget to read it with the unbiased mindset of a true scientist looking for answers, never stop questioning (especially your own beliefs) or else you are no better than the fundies that you mock.

  28. rectagon says:

    I’m a creationist. This stuff in not even remotely what I believe… not what most Christians believe (and I include most Evangelicals BTW) . These are the fringe “young earth” creationists… and, yes, they whacked. I’m sorry. I wish they’d figure out that when a star is a million light years away… it means it has to have been there for at least a million years. Sigh.

    We’ve got a corner market on ex nihilo creation.. but because some of them take the literal days of creation to be 24 hrs instead of “time frames”… we get this whacked stuff.

    On behalf of good thinking believers all over the world.. I apologize for my wrong-headed brethren.


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