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As part of a series on “The candidates and your money,” Fortune Magazine asked Senator John McCain what he perceived as the single greatest economic threat to the United States. McCain’s reply, after several seconds of staring “into the void,” was “radical Islamic extremism.”
According to top McCain strategist Charlie Black, this response was no error. National security is McCain’s winning answer, no matter what the question.
The Fortune interviewer goes on to say that “Black concedes with startling candor after we raise the issue” that McCain would also be helped by “another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. ‘Certainly it would be a big advantage to him,’ says Black.”
For his part, Sen. McCain later expressed his disapproval of Black’s comments, saying, “If he said that — and I do not know the context — I strenuously disagree. … I cannot imagine why he would say it. It’s not true.”
Which man is telling the truth? The site has an interesting CNN video in addition to details about the story.
I’m sure the Bush has some connections for McSame.
Both of the killer klowns quoted – have the social, political and economic understanding of an American Legion Club bartender.
Come to think of it, that’s all they really pretend to be.
Bush will give one final gift to the American public before the election – false flag operations to boost the appeal of McBush.
Didn’t you post this already?
Why would it be a winning issue?
Probably benefits McCain since it’s Democrats who are inviting a terrorist attack. Congressman Delahunt told David Addington
I’m sure Al-Qaeda is watching and I’m glad they get a chance to see you today.
Terrorists and Iran WANT McCain to win. Who else but ANOTHER republican can play the lead role of the Evil Satan?
With an Evil Satan to rally the igorant masses, Amadebbajan (whatever the hell it is) can hide his own incompetence.
BUSH is the BEST thing that has happened to dictators, including Hugo Chavez and every other crazy dictator out there.
I no believe BUSH is God’s punishement to America.
So, what is the greatest single economic threat facing America?
1. Terrorist Attack. No doubt about it, that is a biggie due to the chicken little response Americans give it and the deficit spending chicken hawks pass as a result of it.
2. Declining Dollar?/Aka Balance of Trade
3. Loss of Manufacturing Base?/Aka Balance of Trade
I hesitate to ask, but how long can the dollar survive, America survive, if we don’t manufacture and sell something overseas? aka==does “service” provide a “product” and if not, isn’t the declining dollar’s value pretty easy to track and parallel our decline into failure?
Maybe Global warming is a good thing==wreck all those other economies, at least we have high ground in the USA.
We are such hypocrites.
Everybody knows how a terroist attack would impact the election including many of the people that might make those attacks.
#4, 5, & 6, Lyin’ Mike,
Why would it be a winning issue?
Simply because the Republicans have nothing else to campaign on. They learned in 2002 and 2004 that fear worked. If you have some other idea of what America wants, why not suggest to your Congressman what he should be campaigning on.
If, after all the Bush Administration has put us through in the name of protecting us, we do have another attack, it won’t be the Republicans pointing the fingers.
The biggest single threat to US citizens is Terrorist Attacks? Lunacy. In the last seven years, the terrorists have killed over 400 each year, on the average. All on 9/11/01.
Military losses in Iraq have been just over 800/year. Bush/Cheney wins!
Automobile crash deaths have reached almost 40,000 per year in the U.S. Other accidents will take out around 60,000 more.
Cancer will take out about 1.4 million US citizens in 2008.
Heart failure and stroke will take out about 1,000,000 folks.
Puny terrorists.
#5 “Why would it be a winning issue?”
Because Americans fear an attack on the country. It’s been a good issue for Repubs ever since FDR blew it on Pearl Harbor. This was reinforced by the mistakes of Korea & Vietnam.
The American people don’t have faith in a Dem leader if war is ongoing or on the horizon.