Its crew has been threatened by pirates, lashed by storms and almost sunk by floating logs, but now there are blue skies for Earthrace, a biodiesel-powered trimaran, which sailed into the Spanish port of Sagunto and smashed the world record for the fastest circumnavigation of the globe by speedboat.

The £3m vessel, which looks more like the Batmobile than a boat and runs on recycled cooking fat, knocked 14 days off the record set a decade ago by Cable and Wireless Adventurer, a British craft…

It was New Zealand skipper Pete Bethune’s second attempt at the record. He abandoned his first last year after a series of disasters that included an attack from pirates off Nicaragua that left a bullet hole in the hull and his own brief imprisonment in Guatemala after a fatal collision with a local fishing boat.

This time Bethune was almost forced to abandon ship again when Earthrace crashed into logs in the surf off Borneo – wrecking the rudder, propeller and drive shaft – and progress was delayed by an expanse of floating rubbish 1,000 miles off California, a seven-day storm in the Indian Ocean and a six-week queue to pass through the Panama canal…

“We’re completely stoked to have achieved something so incredible,” says Bethune. “Earthrace’s success has proved that any form of transport can be non-damaging to the environment as well as being high performance.”

You gotta love a craft and team sponsored by “Burger Fuel”.

  1. Miss_X2b says:

    British men seem to always hold the world speed record for something. They also hold the world speed record in the bedroom….LOL!!!

  2. Chris Mac says:

    zKreb’s cycle

    British men seem to always hold the world record for shit no one cares about

  3. Scott says:

    #1, well I’d be as fast as I could be as well if I had to shag a fat american.

  4. #2 – Mr. Mac

    >>Kreb’s cycle
    >>British men seem to always hold the world record for
    >>shit no one cares about

    No one cares about the Krebs cycle? You must have the same scientific background as Dumbya.

    btw, Hans Krebs was born in Germany.

  5. brian t says:

    Never mind that it’s a multinational crew (New Zealand, Sweden, Hungary as well as the UK and USA), and the engines were made in Columbus, Indiana: any excuse for Brit-bashing, eh? Plonkers.

  6. it's just an expression says:

    They ran into teenagers at sea who copied their music?

  7. Miss_X2b says:

    #3 There are plenty of fat people in the UK. It’s from all the ALCOHOL you consume. Secondly, americans may be fat, but at least we have all our teeth. Go brush your teeth….LOL!!!

  8. Miss_X2b says:


    The article in the Guardian only mention a 4 man crew. No american mentioned and no mention that the engines were built in America. Looks like typical british rubbish press to me.

    Quote: It took Earthrace’s four-man crew of two Britons, a Swede and a New Zealander…

  9. moss says:

    #7, yup, yup. So, how detailed was the article in your local newspaper? Dweeb.

  10. Miss_X2b says:

    #8 Not a word was mentioned of this useless accomplishment in any newspaper where I live. Which is better, to not report a useless story, or to report the story with inaccurate or missing information. Dweeb.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    As for the fattest… if it’s to any comfort, Aussies now carry the trophy.

  12. Ron Larson says:

    I’ve never been on one, but I’ve heard that cruise ships are amazing food feasts. This article makes one think that cruise ships could end up being food powered. My God, can imagine the massive amounts of sewage processed on a large family cruise ship? There must be enough methane there to send it around the world.

  13. Miss_X2b says:

    #11….LOLOLOL!! I guess they’ve been throwing one too many shrimp on the barbee….LOL!!

  14. Chris Mac says:

    #4 No one cares about the Krebs cycle? You must have the same scientific background as Dumbya.
    btw, Hans Krebs was born in Germany.

    Krebs was schooled in cambridge. It’s also where he lost his edge.

    does his cycle help you get to work?

  15. hhopper says:

    I traded my Kreb’s Cycle for a Honda.


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