Not the ideal place for a dip

A woman fell into a tank of slurry as she tried to make “manure bombs” using her stockings, German police said.

The unfortunate woman stripped off her foul smelling clothes and fled the scene naked, along with a female accomplice wearing just her bra and pants.

The two women entered a farm in the northern village of Eberholzen, Lower Saxony, on Wednesday evening and started to fill the stockings from the slurry tank.

“One of them slipped into the manure tank, right into the cow muck,” said the spokesman. “The other one helped her out. We found their clothes in a field. One seems to have run off naked, the other in her underwear.”

The coppers are holding their clothes for them – unwashed – if they want to drop by and pick them up.

  1. boru says:

    Shades of the conclusion of the movie “The Magic Christian,” with the lyrics by Badfinger, “If you want it, here it is, come and get it.”

  2. Raff says:

    We used ammonium nitrate to make manure bombs when I was in the Army.
    Chicken manure is more explosive than Cow manure it seems.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    I’m sure there will be a spin-off to this in the German porno industry.

  4. kanjy says:

    Who in their right mind maintains a giant tank of cow manure? Gross.


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