A Florida man died Tuesday after taking more than two dozen shots of cherry vodka within a half hour, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office. “We have witnesses that have described the victim as taking anywhere from 23 to 25 shots in 30 minutes,” Hillsborough County Sheriff’s spokesman J.D. Callaway told ABCNEWS.com. Eric Morris, 26, was allegedly taking part in a drinking game with another patron at an adult nightclub, Angels Show Bar, in Seffner, Fla., just hours before he died, according to police. “Apparently [other bar patrons] were describing the shots as ‘cherry bombs,'” said Callaway, referring to a shot of liquor that is typically made by combining cherry-flavored vodka with Red Bull, a popular energy drink. While Morris’ drinking buddy, who police declined to identify, stopped playing the game after a few shots, Morris kept going.
“Witnesses told us that the bartender kept setting up glasses of shots for [Morris] and then for whatever reason decided at shot glass 24 or 25 that she wasn’t going to serve him anymore,” Callaway said. The manager at Angels Show Bar reached by ABCNEWS.com declined to comment until a full autopsy had been performed. Moments after being refused more alcohol, Morris staggered away from the bar where he had been drinking and collapsed, according to police.
What a dumb way to die.
He got his just desserts I would say.
A case of the winner being the loser.
Cherry Bombs…puleeez. Jagger bombs ftw!
Idiot breeder–;
Let’s try that again…
Idiot_breeder – – ;
I once smoked a bunch of weed/hash/full melt hash/koil/etc at a buddies medical clinic… got some crazy munchies and walked home.
just another reason to smoke weed instead.
Seems that if the bartender was keeping count and didn’t cut the guy off until 24 or 25 shots that we have a PROBLEM with that bartender.
Room mate gave me an 8 ounce glass of what I thought was a screwdriver one time, turned out to be 80 proof orange flavored vodka… Going to class shitfaced just doesn’t work out well at all.
I don’t drink any more.
Who cares. Lets just hope this moron didn’t get a chance to pass on his retard genes to another generation.
Wow..finally a subject everyone seems to agree on. Who cares. I fine example of freedom. Now if I could get the right to let others do this with the drug of their choice…and the left to let the right do it with their automatics….I’d have a nice place to live..^_^
Better than dying while sitting at a computer.
I have no problems with drinking himself to death. Cherry vodka on the other hand, now that is immoral.
Isn’t that why energy drinks are banned from bars in Canada? To think canada is more ahead of it then we are.
#12, Immoral is charging a 50% premium for adding Kool-Aid to the bottle.
#15 – calibob
Nobody asked him to pour that chemical mix down his throat, right? And I’m sure it had something to do with the quantity too, correct?
Wow, a blog I thought was an avenue for release and here lies a moronic response.
Actually yes someone did ask, and he obliged being the “make everyone happy” person he was…is…
You are not correct, wise one, it had nothing to do with quantity. More to do with other health issues which you are not dignified enough for me to explain.
I am guessing by your username that you are quite experienced with the beverage.
What a shame it is to know there are heartless bastards with excuses as to why you SHOULD consume the drink of death, as opposed to the people who have been hurt and left behind not knowing the consequences of such.
When you’ve lost the love of your life, feel free to respond. It’s real easy to sit behind a keyboard and say such things. Face to face it wouldn’t play out, justifier.
Best of luck “Jager”.
That’s why i quit drinking when I started reading about Buddhism. Consuming intoxicants only leads to saying/doing unskillful things. Not good for Karma.. especially when you kill yourself accidentally.
#17 – calibob
I’m sure he had a good reasons to drink like a sponge… You.
#18 (Daniel)
Thank you. While I’m in mourning searching for answers to life’s questions that will never be answered, I appreciate your humanity. It was most thoughtful and considerate…very appropriate and humane, without judgement.
“Jager”…you’ve just proved my point.
#21 – calibob
Seriously… Should we feel sorry for every chain smoker who turned their body into a cancer haven? Perhaps you should seek help IRL instead of trying to get comfort here? Just an idea.
#22 – “Jager”
I’m not looking for comfort or sympathy.
Perhaps you should experience real life (nice acronym ‘IRL’) before you attack someone who simply stumbled on this page by googling “jaegermaister and red bull” 6 weeks afer losing her husband.
Just an idea.