• New top level domains still in play. Look for dot.porn among other names. A land rush projected.
  • 700 redundant news stories today about Bill Gates and how he’s retiring. Cripes. When will it end?
  • Dell adding colorful laptops. What took them so long?
  • Microsoft indeed going on a buying spree.
  • Intuit does layoffs. This is all the news they can manage.
  • Yahoo reorg news also clogging up the news channels. Susan Decker is now the boss it seems to me.
  • Should the US nationalize the Internet?
  • Symbian versus Android?
  • What can Sarbanes-Oxley do for you? Nothing.

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  1. QB says:

    Mr Dvorak has been saying for years (decades?) that MS should be broken up. And he’s right of course.

    – OS
    – Desktop and consumer
    – Business
    – Entertainment

  2. Brian says:

    Come on, give me a break. Of course Gates leaving MS is a big deal. MS is a massive tech company, and is such because primarily because of Gates. There SHOULD be massive amounts of press related to him and his leaving.

    How much media would there be if Jobs left Apple? I’d suppose there’d be 7000+ articles if that were to happen, the most of which would be all the bloggers whining about their demigod abandoning them.

    Like it or not, MS is the biggest player in the PC marketplace, and Gates’ departure is HUGE news.

  3. notaredneck says:

    Sarbanes-Oxley may or may not suck; but letting crooked companies and their crooked auditors steal millions of dollars from tens of thousands of INNOCENT people is much worse.

    I have no sympathy for public corporations (it doesn’t apply to privately owned companies) complaining about how much it is costing their stockholders. The effect on a single share is too low to measure. They should STFU and comply.

    It was the lack of regulation that caused the disgraceful mess we’re in now, and will be in for years to come, and which is hurting millions of INNOCENT people and INNOCENT businesses.

  4. QB says:

    There are some people benefiting from SOX. Partners at KMPG, PWC, etc. They’ve never had it so good…

  5. SJP says:

    Quite frankly, for me, the only ad nauseum coverage of this story comes from dvorak.org.

  6. Lumggee says:

    Reporting of redundant stories has become redundant.

  7. zebulon says:

    Should the US nationalize the internet?
    Why the US? Internet is an international network, the US has no more right on it than the other countries. The ICANN is already more or less in the hands of the US gov. , which the other countries don’t really appreciate. Nationalisation is just out of the question.

  8. James Hill says:

    The reason Gates isn’t leaving is because he’s not on top. He won the marketshare game and was ready to get out, but then the rules of the game changed and technology truly went mainstream (with the iPod). He’s lost this fight, and doesn’t know how to win it.

  9. billabong says:

    Dear John:Gates is not leaving M$ he is still on the board,he will still have an office,he ain’t going anywhere.What he is doing is taking away the “news space” from the debacle that is Vista.We will be reading about this bull$#!t until the company can cobble together an operating system that works.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    The internet should be rationalize because the jewish bankers are counting electrons instead of beans now.


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