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Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Can we have this “Technique” of stupidity imported to other Muslum countries ??
Darwin’s bumper car.
>> Look like fun. I can’t tell exactly how they are doing it.
You can see how shiny the road is, right?
When it doesn’t rain in a country for months or even years, the oil (and other gunk) builds up on the road and it gets slick.
They sandals those guys wear probably have hard leather bottoms and are slick, too.
That’s my guess, anyway.
When it eventually does rain, nobody slows down and it’s best to just stay home.
… as for hoping the guys get killed. That’s just pure bigotry.
I don’t know that many Saudis but I’ve known lots of Arabs and most are fine people.
Teenagers are teenagers no matter where you live. They’re stupid and believe they are immortal.
I am sure we will get around to bombing them at some stage.