A Nazi sympathiser, described by police as extremely dangerous, has been found guilty of planning acts of terrorism and of possessing child pornography after investigators found homemade bombs and indecent images of children at his home.

Martyn Gilleard, 31, a forklift truck driver from Goole, east Yorkshire, pleaded guilty in two separate cases at Leeds crown court after police found “significant” volumes of extreme right-wing literature, weapons, ammunition and homemade expolsives in his flat last October.

About 39,000 indecent images of children were also seized.

Humberside police, searching only for the child pornography, found the racist material and called in the Leeds counter-terrorism unit. Gunpowder, fuses, camouflage clothing, balaclavas, a bombmaking manual, telescopic sights, knives, a machete and rifle, were discovered. Residents were evacuated as bomb disposal experts removed the explosive material.

Cripes! He did everything except eat neighborhood cats.

Sentenced to 16 years total for all offenses.

  1. bobbo says:

    Hah, hah. Sounds like a typical American freedom loving militia man to me. Sounds like a gun nut and the police “could be” contriving the dope’s fantasy life into crimes?

    Unless the simple possession of black powder is a crime, sounds like another criminalization of the mentally ill to me? Where was the “overt act” that is necessary for a crime?

    The terrorists have won win you get put in jail for plotting against them.

  2. Dallas says:

    OK. I’m with the wingnuts on this one.

    (a) Set him on fire, save him, let him heal, set on fire again.

    (b) While alive, have wild pigs eat his feet (like the movie Red Dragon)

    (c) Do something else that hurts and let the family watch.

    (d) Put him on the O’Reilley Factor to defind himself from insults

  3. keaneo says:

    #1, uh, RTFA. He’s in the UK.

  4. bobbo says:

    #3–keaneo==educate me on the subtle use of language. How is anything I posted affected by the fact that this guy is in the UK?

    2 plus 2 is still 4, even in the UK==even on Thursday?

    Go ahead, connect the dots.

  5. Badcowboy says:

    Interesting — being a terrorist isn’t enough anymore — had to add the child pornography to make him a real evil person. I guess that was just in case someone found one or the other unoffensive.

  6. Noel says:


    I think that the “simple possession of black powder” is a crime. I don’t know where you are living that it is legal to make explosives in our home.

    I have mixed feelings about this. While it seems that he hasn’t actually terrorized anyone, there does seem to be a strong case against him. Plotting terrorism should of course be illegal, but there should be fair trials with full disclosure to the media. People should not just disapear to Abu Graib and be sentenced to death (secretly of course) while their lawyer still has not gotten security clearance to defend them. That is not right.

  7. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Cripes! He did everything except eat neighborhood cats.

    How the hell did the cops miss that one ???

  8. James Hill says:

    At least he doesn’t look like the Broadcom guy.

  9. bobbo says:

    #7–Noel==I just assumed mere possession was legal as in people who re-load bullets and makers of fireworks and such?

    As a kid, I made fireworks by scraping match heads into a pile==poor man’s powder. Now if my diaries of the rapture are ever discovered along with my early love letters to Brooke Shields, I could get in real trouble I suppose?

    Maybe my only saving grace is I’m not interested in violence against anyone–even Bush. Thats why I pay taxes and I want my government to commit violence when such is needed.

  10. deowll says:

    Arresting him and taking him away I understand.

    I also understand that if he had used his supplies in the correct manner he could have made a bomb. Point is he didn’t make a bomb or even try to make a bomb based on what this said so why did they make people move out of their homes? The man offered no resistance. It was a nice simple no problems arrest.

    Yeah, I know, Momie state. You aren’t allowed to have big knives in that country much less this kind of junk and the cops are bigger heroes if they make everybody run and hide or something.

    Kiddie porn will get you every time. That part is clearly on the up and up.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Now we know why he’s a forklift operator. Considering his “stash” one has to wonder if he’s way too busy collecting porn and gun magazines to actually have any free time to commit acts of terrorism.


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