KFYI – “The Valley’s Talk Station” — the Mexican Army coming into the USA for various purposes has been reported a lot in the border states. Nobody seems to give a crap, which makes you wonder what is really going on.

Police reports show that three men arrested in a Phoenix home invasion and homicide Monday may have been active members of the Mexican Army.

While on the J.D. Hayworth show, Phoenix Law Enforcement Association President Mark Spencer said that the men involved were hired by drug cartels to perform home invasions and assassinations.

The Monday morning incident at 8329 W. Cypress St. resulted in the death of the homeowner. Between 50 and 100 rounds were fired at the house.

Spencer said a police officer told him that one of the men captured said they were completely prepared to ambush Phoenix police, but ran out of ammunition.

Make sure to read the police reports that are on the KFYI site. Personally I think that Phoenix is a take-over target for the Mexican drug cartels.

  1. Patrick says:

    #1 – So they weren’t members of the Mexican Army?

  2. UNKN says:

    #1 If you’re going to say someone is misleading, tell us what’s misleading.

  3. Thomas says:

    Yeah, Hill, how about you backup your bullshit for once.

  4. Yeah. I sure could have done better than that if I want to be misleading. A winner would be: Mexico Declares War! Then reference something from the 1800’s and say it could happen a again. Hmmm, I’ll save the idea for later. Thanks James Hill!

  5. KwadGuy says:

    The thing is, they may be employed as members of the Mexican army back home, but they were not working for that employer when they entered the US and stormed the home. Sounds like they were making some extra bucks working for the drug cartel.

    Given that understanding, the story is not as unbelievable.

  6. Dave W says:

    #6 “Sounds like they were making some extra bucks working for the drug cartel.”

    Funny. The regular US Army is working for the oil cartel.

  7. Awake says:

    Thanks to the glorious leadership of our Republican presidency, this should not be a ‘problem’ for much longer. Mexican citizens are buying much of the southwest crashed real estate, at firesale prices. While the US economy and dollar has been tanking, the Mexican economy has been booming (twice our GDP growth) and their money has gained substantially against the dollar.
    Mexico is going to slowly buy back the land they lost 150 years ago in a war… this should make Republicans VERY happy, because it brings money into the USA (sustains our economy) and is ‘free market’ at it’s best.
    Oh the irony at so many levels!

    Drug cartels exist in northern Mexico for one reason: to supply the US demand for drugs. If we were to clean up our own house then the cartels would dissolve.

  8. UNKN says:

    #7 I can bet most the people over in Iraq don’t want to be there and the money they are making isn’t worth taking chances getting their asses blown up. Get your crap straight and pull your head out of your ass, only the organizations seem similar, don’t say the army is working FOR them in the same way.

  9. Ian says:

    Touche #7.

    It is well known that the black budget in this country is funded by the drug trade. The CIA runs the show. Don’t expect this sort of thing to stop. Someone just got caught not playing by the rules, most likely.

    With that in mind, do you REALLY expect anything to come of this?

  10. ArianeB says:

    Thats all we need is for Phoenix to turn into another Ciudad Juarez (murder capital of North America).

    Opposing human and drug smuggling cartels (they deal in both usually) have been in operation in the Phoenix area for at least a decade. Shootouts like this are becoming a common occurence (every few months)as are raids of safehouses (almost daily).

    Meanwhile, our world famous media whore sheriff Joe Arpaio has decided to fight the problem by raiding day labor places, rounding up everyone including citizens and legal immigrants. He does not seem to care that he is doing the Cartels a favor.

  11. lou says:

    It’s not like they were working for the Mexican Army.

  12. Patrick says:

    #13 – Cite your source please.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    Very misleading headline.

    “Mexican army personnel are moonlighting as armed thugs for drug cartels” is more accurate. I doubt the Mexican military or government condones this activity.

  14. chuck says:

    On the one hand, the headline could be misleading – after all it wasn’t an actual invasion by the Mexican Army, it was just a few guys who happen to be in the army.

    On the other hand, it’s not just a few grunts in the army who are involved with drug cartels. Many higher-ups, officers, politicians are also involved with drugs. So maybe the headline is more accurate than we want to think.

  15. bobbo says:

    Legalize drugs. How many times do we need to see corruption and greater harm flourish under prohibition schemes?


  16. bobbo says:

    #18–pedro==legalizing drugs stops all the harm that making them illegal causes. Will you be able to play the piano? Not unless you take lessons.

  17. bobbo says:

    #21–Pedro==legalize ALL drugs. If you don’t want LSD and steroids for breakfast, don’t take them. But if you do, no reason not to get the correct dose without contamination without the local dealer trying to get you hooked.

    When you tire of the drug life style, you can quit.

    Look at Robert Downey. Had is experience, now he’s back. No reason for him to be in jail for life with his life ruined. Same for the rest of us/those choosing to do so.

    I have never taken illegal drugs but I have been robbed by others getting their drug money. My country has been invaded by the Mexican Army for the profit illegal drugs/workers bring them. I would like to be free from the harm this causes as well as from the harm from the drugs themselves.

    This can only be achieved if drugs are legal. Let the harm fall on those wishing it.

  18. Peter iNova says:

    To #1: Notice how many people didn’t get it that these were hired thugs, employed by a drug cartel, and recruited -from- the Mexican Army, not operatives OF the Mexican Army on some sort of official action.

    Your point is extremely apt. If people who comment on the story can presumably read it and still miss that point, the lesson is this:

    The Headline IS The Story. Its weight often supersedes the facts that it pretends to summarize.

    To be fair, most of the headlines around here are good. Then there are the minority that seem so fracking dumb. Another recent:

    “Army recruiting centers to provide immersive killing simulation. Based on Apple concepts.”

  19. eyeofthetiger says:

    There is a drug war going on. South American cartels are fighting for restate against shadowy figures making money from Islamic Terrorist to fight Islamic Terrorist. The most popular brand of marijuana is shipped to the US from Afghanistan. These clowns playing twat team and DEA agents tracking down wiskey labels is just icing on a shittastic cake. Want to stop this audit the big stig banks. Oh, and make Ollie North strip tease on Fox news – that would be hot.

  20. Jack Flanders says:

    #21 – Nonsense. There aren’t THAT many types of drugs. Sure there’s always a few experimental new ‘hip’ designer drugs, but that’s trivial nonsense. The billion dollar Mexican cartels aren’t selling rave party drugs. 98% of the market is pot & cocaine. When was the last time you heard of a $100 million dollar bust of anything else?

    Fact 1 – Making alcohol illegal (prohibition) is what CREATED the illegal black market and mob/criminal organizations who ran the market. When alcohol was made legal again, 99.9% of the public switched back to the legal product and got their beer from Budweiser at a store, rather than risk fines/jail/harm to buy some unknown untested ‘illegal’ street beer from a dealer.

    Fact 2 – The ‘war on drugs’ not only creates the same illegal organizations (see #1) but doesn’t work regardless. Cocaine and marijuana use hasn’t changed significantly in half a century. Drug use goes up and down, region by region, over decades, but NEVER has it trended toward, or actually gone out of use.

  21. Carcarius says:

    If this is true, how is Mexico not considered a terrorist state?

  22. Jack Flanders says:

    Here’s what we have after BILLIONS spent on our ‘war on drugs’…nothing…no statistical change at all….



  23. Jägermeister says:

    John’s mental image when he hears the word Mexican

  24. Jägermeister says:

    #28 – Jack Flanders

    Interesting to see a trend of increased drug abuse after 2000… Hmm… what happened?

  25. McCullough says:

    You’re wrong pedro. Drugs can be made and sold cheaply. Moonshine still exists, but it is not a problem any more… too risky and too easy just to go to the store for it. People are basically lazy. I speak from experience.

  26. eyeofthetiger says:

    #31 Go ahead and spill those beans. Fiber is good for the stool.

  27. cjohnson says:

    How can this be *guarenteed* under reported news when it has been on the drudgereport since this morning? I haven’t listened to the radio for much of the day, but let’s see if it is on the nightly newscasts this evening.

  28. McCullough says:

    #34. Since this happened on Monday, and we posted this today, THURSDAY, its gotta make you wonder where the hell is Katie Couric?

  29. James Hill says:

    #34 and #35 – See #23

  30. bobbo says:

    #37–Pedro==what are you arguing for?

    Legalize all drugs.

    Let consumers buy from the cheapest sources.

    Let entrepeneurs compete for producing the cheapest product.

    Many people would grow their own maurijuana–its a very pretty plant. Many people would grow their own opium–its a very pretty plants.

    Most of the current profit/cost goes to the middle man not to the growers.

    Whatever problems you think are out there and that will remain pale in comparison to the problems we see that PROHIBITION has brought us.

    Solutions don’t need to be “perfect” when the status quo is ruining people and entire societies to begin with.



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