KFYI – “The Valley’s Talk Station” — the Mexican Army coming into the USA for various purposes has been reported a lot in the border states. Nobody seems to give a crap, which makes you wonder what is really going on.

Police reports show that three men arrested in a Phoenix home invasion and homicide Monday may have been active members of the Mexican Army.

While on the J.D. Hayworth show, Phoenix Law Enforcement Association President Mark Spencer said that the men involved were hired by drug cartels to perform home invasions and assassinations.

The Monday morning incident at 8329 W. Cypress St. resulted in the death of the homeowner. Between 50 and 100 rounds were fired at the house.

Spencer said a police officer told him that one of the men captured said they were completely prepared to ambush Phoenix police, but ran out of ammunition.

Make sure to read the police reports that are on the KFYI site. Personally I think that Phoenix is a take-over target for the Mexican drug cartels.

  1. McCullough says:

    #38. I’ll go one further. Give the drugs away, in a clinical setting for the addicts who are going to steal and murder for them. Offer treatment as an alternative. All they have to do is sign up for the program. Then they can go on their merry way. Those that have the money to pay, dont need to register. The truly addicted hopeless can get theirs, and the recreational users can pay for theirs. The dealers will not be able to compete. I have had friends murdered by drug addicts, and I dont give a fuck about them anymore.

  2. bobbo says:

    #40–Pedro==going to church is not absolutely free of problems?

    Is the current drugs are illegal problem free?

    One more time–make drugs legal and the problems related to illegal drug activity will “mostly” go away just as they have with booze and cigarettes and for exactly the same reasons.

    #39==McCullough–I’d give drugs, food, housing, medical care away for free when the good folks are part of a treatment program.

    Fine line between managing people’s poor decisions versus encouraging the same versus avoiding the evils of trying to control other people.

  3. GregAllen says:

    We Americans, of all people, should have no problem with foreign troops on our soil.

    Fair is fair.

  4. Shin says:

    I’m too tired to even read whatever is above. I just call BS on the headline. Not the Mexican army at all…but possibly some members of same picking up some extra cash from those who have it. Bet there are members of the US army taking money from much the same people for much the same purpose. That’s what happens during prohibition..the bad guys have all the money.

    All besides the point though. John, did you get your start writing headlines for the Enquirer?

  5. Rick Cain says:

    Question: Why are there mexican drug cartels?

    Answer: Because there are many many American consumers of illegal narcotics.

    Follow-Up: So why are Mexicans to blame for our bad habits?

  6. GRtak says:

    Another fine example of how the “Drug War” is failing.

    It is the illegality that makes the problems peeps. Prohibiton didn’t work the first time around. Why are we trying it again?

  7. Patrick says:

    #44 – “Follow-Up: So why are Mexicans to blame for our bad habits?”

    So, by your logic I can blow your ass away and it’s the fault of an American who does drugs and I
    wouldn’t be to blame? Cool. What’s your address?


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