Father’s Day cards banned in Scottish schools – Telegraph — This is getting out of control. But where are these idiots getting their cues?

The politically correct policy was quietly adopted at schools “in the interests of sensitivity” over the growing number of lone-parent and same-sex households.

It only emerged after a large number of fathers failed to receive their traditional cards and handmade gifts.

Family rights campaigners last night condemned the policy as “absurd” and argued that it is marginalising fathers, but local authorities said teachers need to react to “the changing pattern of family life”. An Office for National Statistics report in April found that one in four British children now lives with a lone parent – double the figure 20 years ago.

The Father’s Day card ban has been introduced by schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway and Clackmannshire.

Tina Woolnough, 45, whose son Felix attends Edinburgh’s Blackhall primary school, said several teachers there had not allowed children to make Father’s Day cards this year.

The making of Mother’s Day cards and crafts, in the run-up to Mothering Sunday, remains generally permitted. But the Father’s Day edict follows a series of other politically correct measures introduced in primary schools, including the removal of Christian references from festive greetings cards.

Found by Mad Dog Mike.

  1. Freyar says:

    After reading that, and re-reading that I still can’t make heads or tails as to why the ban was put in place. Can someone else make this stuff make sense?

  2. Freyar says:

    Dur me, after RTFAing, it makes sense. So if it’s an effort to not embarrass those who are in a single-parent household with just their mother, or lesbians, what about the other way around? I detect sexism here regardless of the case.

  3. Peter iNova says:

    Psst, Dad! Over here. Behind the rock. It’s me—your son. I got something for you. Shhh! Don’t look. Act natural. Back up slowly and I’ll put it in your hand. There. Tuck it into your pocket. Throw your shirt over it. Now walk away like nothing happened. Read it later when nobody’s looking. And for God’s sake, mention it to nobody.

  4. MotaMan says:

    I got two boys, every day is fathers day. bunch of hallmark bullshit anyway.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    I didn’t know Scotland had the ACLU also!

  6. FrostBite says:

    This is stupid… It strange to have a father in Scotland.

  7. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    It would obviously be completely absurd to simply adapt Father’s Day and Mother’s Day to something like “Mentor’s Day” and “Nurturer’s Day”, eh?

  8. Sea Lawyer says:

    #9, yes, completely.

    Even if you are being raised by two women, you still have a father, that is a fact of nature.

  9. Gregg says:

    As far as the ACLU, let Bush go throw you in jail as a terrorist on trumped up charges, and see if you complain when the ACLU helps to try to bail your ass out of Gitmo. Or if your local police department does the same, and no local lawyer will dare to step up. Or if your school decides it’s going to push some religion down your kids throat (not Xtianity of course, that’s the exception, right? I mean all those other “bad” religions.)

    The courts in USA already discriminate against fathers rights and diminish their role in the raising of children, why not spread that feeling around the world?

    Gosh, do I sound bitter, or what?

  10. #11 – Gregg

    Dvorak’s Law! Excellent!

  11. Shin says:


    Apply that same stat to the number of stupid posts you make in a day.

    #10, 11

    I had a father. He took his lame ass off after creating 3 kids so he wouldn’t have to actually work for a living, and the courts did diddlysquat. 1/4 of those fathers have minimized their own roles in the raising of their children, and likely another quarter spend more time in their local pub than with their children. Do I sound bitter?

    When did it become the schools job to sponsor made up holidays for the benefit of the greeting card industry and razor manufacturers everywhere? Making all the kiddies sit down to make cards (for any holiday) is nothing but a chance to give the teacher a break from having to do any educating. They may well need a break, but I’m not sure (either way) that said breaks need to be codified as part of the curriculum. If little Johnny really wants to give you a card..well..he has more time out of school than in it.

  12. chuck says:

    If your a kid in Scotland and your mother is an Edinburgh crack-whore and your father is a drunk who sleeps in a ditch – do you really want to make them a card for nurturer’s day?

  13. mom0552 says:

    With so many fathers not stepping up to their responsibilities, let’s PLEASE affirm and reward those who do. Father’s day should be a big deal. Let the kids with dads they can find take a nice card home to him, or mail him one and let those without dads make a “Dads, do you know that you have kids?” poster to post in local watering holes.

  14. dmstrat says:

    If they are going to get rid of Father’s Day just be sure they remove Mother’s Day.

  15. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    So if you don’t have a dad then you are ok because they banished father’s day. What if you don’t have a mom? Then I guess you are screwed…

  16. Jeff says:

    The truth. Men simply are not as important as women in child raising. They don’t carry the child, they don’t give birth to it and many don’t do much in the early days of child raising (i.e. direct interactions).

    From a financial perspective they are essential or at least two individuals raising a child show benefits. Recent research has also shown that both boys and girls do benefit significantly from a male role model… and a father is the most ideal candidate.

    If you are making a difference… good for you. Seriously. Continue to do so. Your child is more likely to grow up balanced and have better self esteem and drive.

    I so far have taken the easy way out. I’ve decided not to have kids… though as a guy I do realize that at times this is not entirely under my control. There are, however, options to change this in a more permanent measure.

  17. GregAllen says:

    … and the right wing is still claiming global warming doesn’t exist.

    What idiots.

  18. GregAllen says:

    Oops! Posted in the wrong forum!

    (Global warming deniers are still idiots in any forum!)

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    So 1/4 don’t have a father at home. How many of those kids see their father every Tuesday and every second weekend?

    How many of the children with NO father in the picture, have a surrogate. A Grandfather, mother’s boyfriend, uncle, or older brother?

  20. rectagon says:

    Marry Christmas everybody! You reap what you sow. (where did that come from?).

  21. rectagon says:

    If only I could spell….


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