Who knew that becoming a mindless drone could be so easy. While watching this a certain actor from the movie ‘Top Gun‘ comes to mind…

  1. John Paradox says:

    “We’re a political party”


  2. Dallas says:

    Cults are not bad when they are small and innocuous – and of course when they are law abiding.

    It is when they become large, influential and assert their beliefs on the general population that they are a problem.

    I will not name any names, but, we have a couple of those.

  3. Sinn Fein says:


    WTF?!? What just happened? That video is very compelling!

  4. Rick says:

    I’m not sure confusing a large scale reaction to years of something bad is the same as a cult Sinn Fein. Sure, there are nutjobs who support Obama, but there are nutjobs everywhere. It doesn’t look to me like the majority of the back-lash against the last few years is purely people being manipulated into a cult or cult-like organization or movement. Many Obama supporters I know want him to win specifically to allow questioning and diversity of thought BACK into our society and government. If he can do it is a question, that he would at least be more inclined to try is certain.

  5. Thinker says:

    The ending was a bit of a kicker! eeeesssshhh.

  6. joaoPT says:

    Ahahahah… sorry guys. I was listening to this and all I could hear in my head:


  7. Rich says:

    I detected elements here of my experiences at church, in Navy bootcamp, and even where I work. We’re even required to wear blue shirts! (At work and in the Navy; not at church.)

  8. iCult says:

    There’s always room for KoolAid

  9. chuck says:

    The video was compelling and answered all my questions. Where do I send my cheque?

    OBAMA ’08
    Hoping for spare change…

  10. MotaMan says:

    na na na nanana na naa Leader – Leader!
    na na na nanana na naa LEADER – LEADER!

  11. David says:

    Reminds me of the some of the 12-step programs I sat in on with a family member.

  12. peter_m says:

    Spooky, looks like they have it down to a science!

  13. joaoPT says:

    This is OLD man. they’ve evolved since then…

  14. Ron Larson says:

    If you get time, Read the book “Let Our Children Go” by Ted Patrick (1979). He is a cult de-programmer who specialized in getting kids recruited into the Sung Myung Moon Church (aka Moonies) back to reality. A very good read.

    The techniques in the above video are taken straight from the Moonie recruitment manual. And it is not that different from the Hari Krishna either. The protein poor diet, rituals, chanting, and lack of sleep are instrumental in getting the mind to warp.

    If you don’t want to read a book, then rent the film “Ticket To Heaven” (1981). It is about a troubled young man who gets sucked into a cult while looking for answers to life, then gets pulled out by his family.

    Back in the 1980’s there was BBC documentary that examined military boot camp techniques as developed over thousands of years of human conflict. I can’t remember the name, but it was an amazing analysis of how nations are able to craft disciplined soldiers dedicated to their brother soldiers above all else out of normal teenage boys. Has anyone else seen it and remember the name?

  15. Rick Cain says:

    They forgot:

    1) Use repetitive music to program the brain, like that annoying PBS style music in the video.

    Cults are everywhere, they’re called churches, social cliques, militaries, masonic organizations and so on.

    McCain might want to review this video, he’s doing so badly he probably should start a cult as soon as possible. Even the Fox News cult and the Freeper cult are abandoning him, oh noooo.


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