Male Version of Unacceptable Behavior.

College girls banned from whistling at builders – Telegraph

A further education college is having to protect builders from wolf-whistling girls, in a reversal of traditional gender stereotypes.

Officials at West Kent College in Tonbridge, Kent, sent an email to all pupils warning that the behaviour was “totally unacceptable”, and saying any students caught harassing contractors would face disciplinary action.

“Although we are sure no offence is meant, this constitutes harassment and is wholly unacceptable.

“We have asked the contractors’ representative to pass on all instances of harassment to the college and we will take appropriate action which may include disciplinary action.”

A spokeswoman for the contractors, Galliford Try, said: “We have no registered complaints on this issue. However we do not condone inappropriate behaviour from any parties on our sites.”

Meanwhile new laws could see wolf-whistling builders placed on the sex offenders register. The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Bill will create a new offence of “communicating indecently”, punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

Let me get this straight. None of the men are complaining about this, right? Meanwhile the Scots want to make this sort of behavior a “sex offense” with jail time? Cripes!

  1. Personality says:

    Maybe the gay guys are complaining…

  2. Bobo says:

    To the contractor’s defense, a British woman’s whistle is rather discordant due to their crooked, rotten teeth.

  3. srg says:

    John, you seem to love the term “Fascist State” for pretty much everything. Now I don’t agree with what my country does at lot of the time but I think saying “Hitler would be proud” is a bit much. Though I share your opinion of the EU.

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    I had a strange occurrence today at work. A coworker who is a 30 yr old black female was gossiping at the water cooler. Apparently she met some “fags” over the weekend. Over the course of her diatribe on how faggots really like their women friends. I kept thinking to myself should I explain to this grown woman how uninsightful her view into human nature is and that these derogatory comments are really making her look unprofessional. Then I remembered this lady has a JESUS license plate. Not JESUS Saves or JESUS LIKES COOKIES. I guess I could of offered some food for thought – you know they freeze chicken wings and put them in their bums. Instead I went back to my desk and worked on my paperclip arsenal. Some people need be educated on when they are out of line. The UK is a fairyland of handcuffs and candy cane crosswalks; bring your terrorists just don’t spit on the sidewalks.

  5. Jughead says:

    I had a three way with Veronica and Betty.
    Archie needs to come out of the closet and quit using Betty as a beard.
    It’s true, Moose is a dumb-ass.

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

  6. soundwash says:

    what the heck is going on..? this planet is turning into friggin Bazarro world.

    who the heck thinks up this stuff? better still,
    who the heck voted these people into office?

    every day i read about another arcane law that seems to serve no one except lawyers and those who have empty prison beds to fill.

    truly absurd.

  7. deowll says:

    The law makers need to go run laps or get an honest job and do some work. They clearly have to much time on their hands. Everybody is under observation more or less 24/7 and everything is against the law. Nobody is allowed to have a desenting opinion about anything. The nation is turning into the model of a police stare. Where we talking about Britain or the U.S.? Scottland? Well they may be in the lead but we will catch up.

  8. Canucklehead says:

    And look what these A-hole Yankee bureaucrats are doing now

  9. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    I’m sorry, 10 years in prison for whistling at someone seems like a mere slap on the wrist. Nothing less than the death penalty will do, and once we get these pesky prohibitions out of the way, a lengthy torture beforehand would also be appropriate.

  10. PeterR says:

    Nobody has ever whistled at me and if they did, they’d probably deserve the 10 years for exhibiting extreme bad taste.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    That’s because the skirt wearing scots don’t like women with pants.


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