The young man responsible for “The Torture Game 2” doesn’t think you should take his little creation too seriously. Sure, it’s a computer game in which you, the player, are asked to do horrible, unspeakable, and totally sick, sick, sick things to a defenseless man-like person tied up in some dark room from which he has absolutely no hope of escape. And, sure, one of the horrible, unspeakable, and totally sick, sick, sick things you might, perhaps, do to this man is put a chainsaw to his neck until his head falls off.

But it is, after all: Just. A. Game. As in, nobody really gets hurt. Here, a pale, androgynous human hangs from ropes on the computer screen before you. Among the devices at your disposal — a chainsaw, a razor blade, spikes, a pistol … and a paintbrush (take that!)

There’s little in the way of instructions and no points to be earned. Instead, this dangling ragdoll offers you a canvas to do with what you will — stab him with spikes, flay the skin from his body with a razor, pull his limbs off with your bare hands, paint him every color of the rainbow. No matter what you do to him, he never screams and his expression never changes. He only utters a vague “uuungh” when you’ve inflicted enough damage to kill him.

And that’s pretty much it.

I admit I have never been much of a gamer…short attention span, maybe. The few games I have played all had an addictive quality to them, but there was some skill, some involvement to them that kept you coming back for more. But I see no redeeming value to this piece of crap whatsoever. It doesn’t even qualify as a game.

  1. Freyar says:

    It’s still a creation though isn’t it?

    I personally don’t like the idea (or the mental images) the description conveyed. However, while I understand the point, there is a small artistic merit (just tiny… the same kind of size that Jack Thompson gives GTA) in what was made.

    Shouldn’t be banned of course, just ignored. Pretty much at some point people will get bored after they realize it’s in effect just another doll game.

  2. Rick says:

    Went to the game site..typed in “torture” for a search…

    This “game” is hardly the worst thing on there. In fact, this one was a little more developed than most of them. They were all lame, but this one had a mild challenge of torturing the poor sod as much as you can without killing him. Sick, sure. Lame, certainly. But, it really isn’t the far from the Road Runner cartoons…just less smart.

    I’d feel hopeless about the “kids” and the future…but only the really stupid ones that have always been there are spending more than a moment on this site.

  3. SJP says:

    They said the same thing about MANHUNT!

    It’s funny, the editorial says…”Here, a pale, androgynous HUMAN hangs….” Now I agree, we really shouldn’t be doing these things to HUMANS (and I’m thinking the androgynous part could be referring to David Bowie).

    So, to prevent cruelty to these computer generated pixels, I’m starting an organization to represent video game victims. I’m thinking of calling it DIPSHITS: During Internet Play, Save Humans In Tortuous Situations!!!

  4. John Paradox says:

    Isn’t this the GITMO add-on for America’s Army?



  5. JPV says:

    Well, since torturing REAL Muslims is acceptable by Americans these days, I’m not seeing what’s so unacceptable about torturing fake people in a video game.

    Such a strange little planet that we live on…

  6. Likes2LOL says:

    Nothing to laugh about here.

  7. Noel says:

    I don’t have any objection to this game. That certainly isn’t to say that I approve of real life torture, but a little simulation like this does not infringe on the rights of anyone, there is an age restriction to play it, and it really isn’t very gruesome. I did not enjoy this game, but I certainly think that it should exist, and would defend this fellows right to create it.

    I am a fan of the Saw movies, and whilst I know that they are not real either, they certainly are more graphic. It is just a simple flash game. I am not sure why people would like it, but I would not judge anyone harshly if they did

    I frequent newgrounds dot com, and this is not representative of the majority of animations and games on the site. There are man very very good and creative things on there. I am not sure why the game has such a high score.

  8. Nimby says:

    # 6 Likes2LOL said: “Nothing to laugh about here.”

    Of course there is. In fact you have very few alternatives. NOT to laugh takes it too seriously. If you begin to take shit like this seriously, then you have to start taking a lot of books and movies and music seriously, too. Then you start talking about banning and then you end up with a country that is daily losing more and more of it’s civil rights.

    Oh, wait…

  9. GogglesNTeeth says:

    You know, there are millions of silly/stupid/sick flash or java based games out there on the interwebtubies…. I wonder how the reporter found it and decided to do the huge “oh the horror” story about it. Probably someone playing it in his/her office and the reporter needed a story. Big deal…. doesn’t mean that if you play it you are going to go out and do it for real. SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

  10. Dauragon says:

    Oh for the love of fucking god.

    I do believe this is called “making something out of nothing”.

    I’ve played this game several times. It’s just a silly little ragdoll physics test. I mean COME ON its not even remotely realistic in the slightest.


  11. Shin says:

    I suppose that at some point in the next hundred years or so the point will be reached where the number of people who can tell the difference between “virtual” and “real” will reach a majority. Here’s a quick hint. “Virtual” people live inside your computer and show up on your monitor. They cannot be killed, raped, tortured, maimed, made to listen to political rhetoric (oh wait, I covered tortured), or in any way whatsoever injured either physically or mentally. They are not real. Why this seems so hard for some to understand is probably fodder for any number of doctoral theses…but it does not change the fact. And no, it does not matter how “real” you make them look. “Virtual” is..not “real”..sort of the definition of the word really…^_^

  12. Stephanie says:

    Where are the games where we build houses for Katrina and tsunami victims? Where are the games where stuff food into the mouths of the starving to watch them fatten up on screen?

    Why is violence, death and torture so nonchalant and fascinating to some of you on this blog?

    Just because you like Saw movies doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong with all of this!

  13. igor says:

    that game is fun. thats all a game needs
    well its fun for 10-15 min but still

  14. zybch says:

    So, would these stupid freaking losers who have gotten themselves all twisted up over this (think of the children!! etc) feel the same if instead of a pale white dude you were ripping the arms off and driving huge spikes through Bin Laden?
    I thought not!

  15. OvenMaster says:

    If they really want to make that game popular, they should put a certain leader-of-the-free-world’s face on that…

    Hey, don’t kill the messenger!

  16. Stephanie says:

    Sorry but I wouldn’t be partaking if it was a pasty white guy or a dark dude that resembles Osama. So is this a race thing now?

    Having the urge to do harm to others (whether virtual or not) is a bit twisted… unless it is Bush… 😉

    Just joking.

    Oh and so you know, I am not stupid (college educated here) nor am I a loser (I read Dvorak’s blog).

  17. it's just an expression says:

    If they ban this game of torture then they need to ban playing hangman which also then cannot qualify as a game.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    They are angry because you can’t darken the skin tone.

  19. David says:

    As with all art, if you don’t like it, don’t look at it. There’s plenty of torture porn out there on the internet and no one is complaining. I don’t know why people have such a difficult time understanding this simple notion.

  20. goober says:

    I think this is a great game.

    It allows one to practice torturing someone.

    Someone like people who are guilty of genocide, child rape, and other heinous crimes.

    The death penalty is too good for some of these scum that commit such blasphemy.

  21. SJP says:

    Better not include child rapists in your list, goober. Supreme Court says death penalty too harsh for child rapists.

  22. Remember a few years ago, the game that put you in Oswalds snipers nest in the Texas School Book Depository, and you tried to see how close you could come to matching his shots… No THAT was a game! –I cant tell you how many times I “accidently” took out Jackie instead! Ha! Good times!

  23. JAydeenel says:

    Like offensive radio or television shows or performance art, if you don’t like don’t play it.


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